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Editing in the classifieds...



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Old March 30th, 2006, 21:29   #1
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Exclamation Editing in the classifieds...

I'm just curious about this, as I try to not do it. But what is everyone's opinions on editing posts in the classifieds section? I try to not do it, and post when there is an update, to ensure the integrity of the initial post. This however is not possible, since posting updates is now appearently considerd "bumping" a thread.

While removing the edit option in those forums would cause more "bumping", would it not also make buyers more comfortable in their transactions? That way you know there is no way for a seller to alter what is listed on the sale. Or change the described conditions of an item? This would also prevent a seller from emptying the post in case things go wrong.

Just my $0.02
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Old March 30th, 2006, 21:36   #2
The Saint
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I thought the general convention is to edit rather than repost (to prevent clutter, mostly), and rely on good faith that no one would mess with their own post after an agreement has been made. I assume the forum software keeps track of post changes, so old pre-edits can be looked up. If I'm really concerned, I also make sure to repeat the pricing and condition in my PMs to the buyer/seller and keep records thata way. Considering the few trouble we've had with the buy and sell section, IIRC, none of them seem to involve a poorly timed post edit.

Back when I was trying to sell my CA36's stock, I'd have felt a little silly making a new post everytime I went to a game with it. :lol:
"Item has been to one game."

"Item has been to two games."

"Item has been to three games."
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Old March 30th, 2006, 21:43   #3
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Originally Posted by The Saint
I thought the general convention is to edit rather than repost (to prevent clutter, mostly), and rely on good faith that no one would mess with their own post after an agreement has been made. I assume the forum software keeps track of post changes, so old pre-edits can be looked up. If I'm really concerned, I also make sure to repeat the pricing and condition in my PMs to the buyer/seller and keep records thata way. Considering the few trouble we've had with the buy and sell section, IIRC, none of them seem to involve a poorly timed post edit.

Back when I was trying to sell my CA36's stock, I'd have felt a little silly making a new post everytime I went to a game with it. :lol:
"Item has been to one game."

"Item has been to two games."

"Item has been to three games."
That is because you would be updating with useless information. I'm talking about changes to a package, price drops etc.

I would argue that one cannot rely on others "good will" to not edit posts, or change things given the higher volume of scamming that has gone on in the past 6 months.

Also if I'm not mistaken the site does not, nor does it have a way to log post edits, other than stating "This post has been edited X times. It was last edited on XXX XX XXX XXXX".
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Old March 30th, 2006, 21:50   #4
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Originally Posted by Yuxi
I edit my ad many times, sometimes a few times a day, but I do not bump it until the time to bump has come.

Posting just to say 'update' is a bump. The entire concept of the bump is to bring your post to the top of the page, any time a post is made it will bring the entire thread to the top, hence, any new post is a bump.

While it is accetable to all for someone else to post while bringing your ad to the top (as long as it is not scam and they are a actually interested party in the item your selling), it certainly is bumping if you do it yourself.
When I say update, I dont mean a post like this:


And an edited post. I mean something more like this:


At a game this weekend, two high-caps wer eborken, and as such they have been removed from the package. The price has been lowered to$XXX"
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Old March 30th, 2006, 22:01   #5
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Originally Posted by Yuxi
Originally Posted by Goldman
Originally Posted by Yuxi
I edit my ad many times, sometimes a few times a day, but I do not bump it until the time to bump has come.

Posting just to say 'update' is a bump. The entire concept of the bump is to bring your post to the top of the page, any time a post is made it will bring the entire thread to the top, hence, any new post is a bump.

While it is accetable to all for someone else to post while bringing your ad to the top (as long as it is not scam and they are a actually interested party in the item your selling), it certainly is bumping if you do it yourself.
When I say update, I dont mean a post like this:


And an edited post. I mean something more like this:


At a game this weekend, two high-caps wer eborken, and as such they have been removed from the package. The price has been lowered to$XXX"
If a new post was made then it was bumped.

This information can be added to the bottom of the first post, hence, a non bumping update.
Yes, but you lose the initial integrity of the post, as no one knows what changes are made during the edit. It relies solely one the honesty of the seller.
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Old March 30th, 2006, 22:25   #6
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Yuxi, are you saying that since people with intent can scam us anyway, we shouldn't at least make it harder for them to do so?

The fact that after a transaction gone wrong, buyers need to alert mods to lock the thread in question screams that this action needs to be taken. If it wasn't would people be asking this of mods?
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Old March 30th, 2006, 22:34   #7
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I would say many of the conflicts are resolved due to locks or non-editability, since most every disput begins with a mod locking the thread. Keeping things clean would not be as hard as one would imagine. Selling multiple items in one thread would not be anymore difficult, as an updating post would state the item is sold. Any confusion would only result from users not reading the whole post. By the same token, the majority of sales posts are single item issues, such as AEGs, these posts would not be adversly effected by such a policy.
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Old March 30th, 2006, 22:40   #8
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Goldman
I would say many of the conflicts are resolved due to locks or non-editability, since most every disput begins with a mod locking the thread.
Going back to back Yuxi said, every dispute begins with one person carrying out a plan to shaft someone else. When a mod locks a thread, it is in response to a dispute already underway, not the point of initiation.

Personally, if someone wanted to scam, I'd imagine they'd be better off simply going AWOL with the money than engage in a battle of he-says-she-says, especially since doing so more than once under the same account probably wouldn't work (that's why we have our rating system).

Not that I'm saying what you're suggesting can't happen, Goldman. Locking the thread as the routine precedure is obviously in part due to what you're warning people about. I'm just not sure if it's as big a problem as you suggest.
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Old March 30th, 2006, 22:47   #9
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Originally Posted by The Saint
Originally Posted by Goldman
I would say many of the conflicts are resolved due to locks or non-editability, since most every disput begins with a mod locking the thread.
Going back to back Yuxi said, every dispute begins with one person carrying out a plan to shaft someone else. When a mod locks a thread, it is in response to a dispute already underway, not the point of initiation.

Personally, if someone wanted to scam, I'd imagine they'd be better off simply going AWOL with the money than engage in a battle of he-says-she-says, especially since doing so more than once under the same account probably wouldn't work (that's why we have our rating system).

Not that I'm saying what you're suggesting can't happen, Goldman. Locking the thread as the routine precedure is obviously in part due to what you're warning people about. I'm just not sure if it's as big a problem as you suggest.
It's not only an issue of scamming, but of buyers being comfortable. If a buyer knows that what they see on the page, cannot be changed and is what they will get, then they will feel safer when making a transaction with a stranger half a country away. While I do have a more personal view of this, I think its an issue that should be discussed seriously by both the community and the admin staff of the site, or perhaps even tested. Not to mention it would encourage people to be more upfront in their initial post, as they know that there will be an unchangeable record of what was stated, much like the Trash Can section right now.
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Old March 30th, 2006, 23:58   #10
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print screen.

wow, problem solved, and with only 2 words, no less.....
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Give your head a shake, man. You don't jump out of a shaky car so you can ride in one that's on fire.
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I also noticed for the first time that Bod sounds a lot like Jango Fett.
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I like the part where he got banned.
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Old March 30th, 2006, 23:59   #11
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Photo shop is also two words
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Old April 1st, 2006, 15:47   #12
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I see your concern Goldman, it's been something I've been thinking of lately too, we may have a solution acceptable to most at some point. I do recommend taking a screen shot like ToRN suggested, I know it's not perfect but it's better then nothing.
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