Read reviews, anything with a difference in the shell will be called a "proprietary V2"
Most often, if a gun takes a V2 mechbox, then it's a generic V2 shell.
Internally, they're all basically the same, including the proprietary shells.
What sometimes changes is if they use a microswitch instead of a normal trigger, or a dimension on the shell will be off to accommodate a unique feature in the gun, or a longer cylinder/piston/sector gear for an SR25, or the ICS split mechbox which still takes all standard V2 parts.
The guts of most AEG mechboxes are exactly the same, from v1 to v7, some internal parts are version specific, but they all basically use the same parts in the same way.
Some exotic mechboxes like G&G's new design, or the marui new gen, or systema ptw, still basically use most of the same parts as a normal V2, but can require a whole different diagnostic approach.
But if you work on one mechbox, you'll be pretty proficient with most of them. There's really not much fundamental difference between working on a V2 and a V3 or V7.