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Shots per Clip on average, Greengas VS Co2, and need help selecting


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old November 6th, 2005, 02:46   #1
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Shots per Clip on average, Greengas VS Co2, and need help selecting

ok, so I'm not new to replica guns, bu not extremly familiar with Airsoft

i mostly use Airguns and pellet guns, for targe practice and small game hunting, cept indoors, yah, using a 600fps+ weapon indoors with .22 cal bullets, rifled barrel and needle nose bullets. yah,well it leaves a nice hole in pretty much anything.

I usually order my guns from aigther Crosman, Beeman and Walther.

now all 3 makes kickass airgun and pellet guns, but the airsoft of crosman is greatly disapointing. cheap flimsy plastic. I did try a few out, there actually not half ass bad, but brake if not handled with care. something I dun have.

So what I'm looking for is a indoor/outdoor GBB airsoft pistol.

now for all my airguns, I used CO2, so I buy my boxes in packs of 50 cartriges at a shot, going at .25 cents a cartrige. (and I have also acumulated alot of canadian tire cash at the same time XD)

I was reading a bunch or reviews for the KWC Sigma 40 and KWC Desert Eagle CO2 version. they both seem like nice picks, but upon rreading you get 40-50 shots per CO2 cartrige taht seems kinda low, like 1 clip a catrige O.o. seems a bit excesive, mind you my Pellet guns arn't blow back, (cept for the PPK) but they can last 200+ shots per catrige at 500fps-600fps (the ppk gives out about 90 shots sicne it's a GBB BB gun) I would liek to keep the ability to stick to CO2 catriges to preventbuying a hole bunch of diferent types of gas. since the more i buy the cheaoper they get, for aexample a pack of 100 co2 powerlets comes to 9 cents a powerlet.

now, I also read about the fact you can use propane tanks to fill up your gun, whcih seems like a nice alternative to the hard to get green gas. but can you use propane with HFC134a build gun. some places said yes, some others say no, some others say your own risk.

has any one tried it and saw it work with succes?

now, gun seletion wise, I wnjoy the ones that come with th accessories, so I ofthen shop at the ones who come with a rail moun on top and buttom. I used to scopes on pistols, so I would enjoy a pistol which could mount a stock and scope. but the stock really isn't all that important.

For a pistol, I mostly look at high customization levels, as it can take a scope, mount, laser and such, but mostly a scope/dot sight.

im also a Walther Lover, duno if it's a james bond thing, (I never really watched them), but I just love the walter guns, especally the grip on the P99, I also like the Colt 1911, Colt Anaconda, as for rifles, my hearth is for the MP7 and G36C.

now thsi is one taht has cought my eye

the review states it uses HFC134a gas, so could I grab a propane adapter and easily make it work with this? and has anyone trie it and can you tell me how solid is this weapon?

next is the KWC sigma

as I mentoned the 40-50 shot per powerlet is a real turn off, and it doesn't metion is you can adjust it so it doesn't blow back to save gas. and at 450fps will it be as destructive as my pellet pistol which is a similar power of 490fps. cause thi gun can blow a hoel trough the dry wall, into a room, across the room, and lodg itself in the drywal in teh next room. in other words, wha ever I shoot at, it's gona have a nice hole or chip, causeI was easily able to chip the bricks on the house at 20 feet. so is it just the fact is uses plastic BB's make i all taht much safer and less lethal?

also I knwo you can order from Airsoft Canada, and about how long is the wait time, to orde and the wait time to ship? and how big is the price inflation when importing precentage wise?

and I guess taht's about it, I don't really plan to go to meetings or airsoft recration events, bu just for back yard indoor use to keep up pracicing.
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Old November 6th, 2005, 03:07   #2
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First of all

Secondly, you will NOT get more than 50 shots with an airsoft pistol (or if you do, it's rare)

The pistols you are thinking of are PELLET GUNS, not airsoft, please do not confuse the two.

Please, do us all a favor, and read up on the sport more, before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Give your head a shake, man. You don't jump out of a shaky car so you can ride in one that's on fire.
Originally Posted by Duff_Man_in_CADPATs
I also noticed for the first time that Bod sounds a lot like Jango Fett.
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
I like the part where he got banned.
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Old November 6th, 2005, 03:09   #3
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the w.e. hi-capa that i have will go thru about 50-60 shots on 1 co2 powerlet if i avoid rapid fire and if it's a warm day. otherwise it's more like 1 mag (38 rounds). also "airsoft canada" is not a retailer but an idea and information forum. the retailers listed here are independent entities and it would be best to communicate with them directly about product selection, price, availability (sometimes a problem for uncommon items as you have selected) and shipping as most are in western canada. i would advise you to check with them as importing these items can be problematic at best and impossible at worst as most to all are classified by customs as "prohibited firearms" and are illegal to import. as most of this information is contained in the FAQ section of this forum it is a good idea to give it a read thru so you undersatnd how different this is from pellet guns and "airgun" shooting sports and hunting.
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Old November 6th, 2005, 10:50   #4
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Originally Posted by ral_jiktar

now for all my airguns, I used CO2, so I buy my boxes in packs of 50 cartriges at a shot, going at .25 cents a cartrige. (and I have also acumulated alot of canadian tire cash at the same time XD)...

...since the more i buy the cheaoper they get, for aexample a pack of 100 co2 powerlets comes to 9 cents a powerlet...
Now em I counting this right - 50 powerlets cost you $12.5, and 100 powerlets cost you $9??? Damn, Id love to find them at those prices for my newly aquired Daisy Powerline 400 (Desert Eagle GBB, 420fps with metal 4.5mm BBs )

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Old November 6th, 2005, 19:00   #5
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o perfectly know the diference between pellet and airsoft. pellet is designed for small game hunting an competitive shooting, I mostly use it for small game hunting when I go camping.

saly, i live in teh city, so firrign a pellet gun in the city is sadly illegal. unless you fire it indoors, sadly, it punches a hole trough pretty much anything.

im jsut thinking of getting an airsoft for indoor use rather than go to a firring range or to my parents house in the contry.

My basic question is

when you fil lyour magazine using eigther green gas, HFC134a or propane, how many shots do you get before the gas runs out?

also can you use the propane adapter on HFC134a gas guns?
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Old November 6th, 2005, 19:57   #6
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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green gas is propane.

It's the same stuff.

Next, generally: one fill = on mag worth of shooting.
Sometime more.

Check out the FAQs, it's a gold mine of informations.

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Old November 6th, 2005, 20:01   #7
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Does green gas have enough power to propel a pellet effectively? Because CO2 is alot stronger
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Old November 6th, 2005, 20:27   #8
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Originally Posted by yanhchan
Does green gas have enough power to propel a pellet effectively? Because CO2 is alot stronger

BB in an airsoft gun yes.

In a BB gun (pellet gun) probably yes but it's less powerfull.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old November 6th, 2005, 20:30   #9
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Depends on what's being fired. Don't forget, since you 177cal pellet has more mass, it takes more energy to move it.

My Glock 19 will yield about 35 shots per mag refill.
My M11 will yield just under 100 shots per mag refill.

In any case, I don't really give a damn about cost, since a tank of propane is about 5$ and will give me enough gas to last me a month of abusive firing.
Annoyingly good with numbers

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Old November 7th, 2005, 04:53   #10
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that's cool.

anyhow, I was thinking of getting the Maruzen Walther P99.

It mentions it uses HFC134a gas, from what I read, it's basicly less compressed propaneI might be wrong, but some places say green gas and propane are stronger so tehy might damage the gun.

is this the case or did I just read it wrong?

and is the Maruzen Walther P99 a good pick, most reviews I read (3 of them) says it's of great quality, but how long is the expected life of the gun?


I talked with a few other guys, and they mentioned the inacuracy of airsoft vs. pellet guns. so to be honest, That's not to incoraging for me, so I guess I will stick with pellet guns and BB guns.

thanks anyhow

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Old November 7th, 2005, 07:49   #11
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To give you an idea. At about 50 feet, a good pellet (bb) gun can put all it's shots into one hole.
At the same distance, an average airsoft gun will give you groups that are 12 inches wide to maybe 2 inches if you're lucky.

Airsoft use smoothbore barrels, no rifling. So another example is to think about real firearms; airsoft is closer to a shotgun than to a rifle.

To best answer your questions, even if it's late in the season, you should contact local gaming fields and go to the next game/meet, or wait until next Spring/Summer.

For what I think you're looking for, an airsoft may not be a good idea right now. You can spend the same cash and get a really nice and accurate pellet rifle/handgun instead. You could also go to LeBaron (in Ottawa) and buy a bullet trap for .22... that will take care of your problem with holes in the wall.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 08:41   #12
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Also hfc134a gas is computer duster not greengas/propane and takes a seperate adaptor its like 14 dollars.
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