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Review/Install PicoAB mosfet from Gatee



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Old April 5th, 2014, 18:11   #1
Join Date: Mar 2014
Review/Install PicoAB mosfet from Gatee

Hey guys, this is a quick review i made of the mosfet picoAB from Gatee.

Gatee is, i believe, a polish company, wich make electronics for airsoft, mosfets.. they are most known for the MERF mosfet, but they have other very interesting products, like this the picoAB. AB stands for Active Breaking.

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Photo of the mosfet:

As shown on the photo above, the mosfet is really small..great if you are running a lipo on the buffer tube, or you have small space for the battery.. when installed you almost don't notice it is there..

It's the second smallest mosfet on the market, the first being the picoSSR wich doesn't have the active breaking. I also have one and i recommend it.

The mosfets are very professional build, and somewhat easy to install. Not more difficult then any other mosfet. And there is a different version wich is even easier.. i will be making a review on thoose as well, the new nanoAAB.

About the mosfet, they say it handles up to 15V but i've heard reports of it damaging the mosfet with 14,8V lipos.. I run an 11.1V lipo and never had any trouble..

But if it burns, or anything, and it is still in the warranty period you just emailed them at their website, you fill up the Product Warranty Form and they will probably send you a new one.

It is small in size and in price, they go about 20-30€, may vary on different retailers, but for what you get, it's an awesome price point!

I recommend it for any gun, it's a simple, cheap and very usefull upgrade! Either this picoAB or the normal version without the AB, just for protecting your trigger contacts and improve the efficiency of the electrical system, the picoSSR.

You canget it directly from Gatee at:
Or you can find the reatailers for Canada here:

I recommend everyone to install a mosfet, even if it is just a normal mosfet, these are cheap and reliable.

If you have any questions, or any opinions feel free to ask/share.

Best Regards!


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Old December 16th, 2014, 20:14   #2
Join Date: Mar 2014
NanoAAB review/install coming soon!
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Old December 16th, 2014, 22:46   #3
Squid Porn Superstar, I love the tentacles!
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Do you know what the drive FET on it is?
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