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SAPI plate


Accessories Discussion

View Poll Results: Do you use SAPI plate if your can be inserted with SAPI?
No, just keep the vest flexible 19 19.79%
Yes, Replica plates, kept the SAPI plates empty to save weight 30 31.25%
Yes, Replica plates w/ stuff inside to increase weight/rigidity 36 37.50%
Yes, actual SAPI/ESAPI plates 11 11.46%
Voters: 96. You may not vote on this poll

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Old December 21st, 2010, 23:34   #1
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SAPI plate

Just wondering for those who put SAPI plates in their CIRAS, RAV, OTV, IOTV, IBA, MTV etc.

Who here actually use Replica SAPI plates and fill the plate with stuff to increase the rigidity, weight, etc?

The Replica SAPI I got from EBairsoft (Came with Side as well) were like 80g for side and 150g for medium size. They were hollow, compressable.
I decided to add play sand into it. 99% full, the side plate weight 2.3lb and medium main plate 6.3lb (same as a ESAPI for large) As a result my IOTV now eight 24lb with empty pouches. Don't really mind it to be honest, just need to get used to it. The release actually works just by pulling the cord.
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Old December 21st, 2010, 23:48   #2
aka coachster
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I use a Voodoo Tactical plate carrier and a Flyye weesatch. I don't use the plates in either. In the carrier, the material is way too thick and heavy as it is that I find inserting plates unnecessary.

For the weesatch, I made plates out of 1/8" acrylic type plastic. It's flexible enough that it isn't uncomfortable to wear but ridged enough to hold the shape and keep the back panel flat.
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Old December 21st, 2010, 23:55   #3
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Replica plates filled. Maybe real Point Blank training plates if I can find them at a decent price, but it really ain't a priority.
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Old December 22nd, 2010, 07:48   #4
Perroz Designs
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If you are running a plate carrier or armor carrier of any sort, you should be using plates - period.
The gear is designed and meant to be used in conjunction with plates.
If you don't run plates in a carrier, then use a chest rig or something that was intended not to house plates internally.

I personally use Pantac Replica SAPI Armor Plates - sized medium in my 6094A (front and back).

I drilled a hole in the top of each plate - then filled each with sand to the top.

It takes a long time to fill each plate because you don't want to drill a hole to big - otherwise you may ruin the structure of your plate.

Once each plate was full with sand, I sealed the hole at the top with shoo-goo glue (I had a bunch lying around from my last ghille suit project) and let the glue dry overnight.
Then I put a piece of 100mph tape (duct tape) over the glue filled hole for extra strength/seal.

Each plate now weighs about 7-8 pounds.

I highly recommend this mod if you have the airsoft replica SAPI plates.

Using real SAPI plates for training purposes, let alone airsoft is ridiculous and excessive in my opinion. In the military, they try to avoid if at all possible to use their SAPI plates for training because the plates are fragile and it dropped or hit extremely hard, can cause a crack of break resulting in the plate not being usable (ie. if that cracked plate was hit with an incoming object, it wouldn't provide the ballistic life-saving protection of a non-damaged plate.) There are training SAPI plates made especially just for this purpose which weigh and feel the same as a real plate, but have no ballistic abilities.

Check this stuff out:

Hope that helps

Last edited by MilanWG; December 22nd, 2010 at 08:11..
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Old December 22nd, 2010, 08:28   #5
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Old December 22nd, 2010, 08:41   #6
Perroz Designs
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Go for it - but 3.3 LBS seems a bit light...
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Old December 22nd, 2010, 13:01   #7
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hmm thanks guys, I was wondering if I was the only one with a vest weights 24lbs nearly empty. With a full loadout Im not surprise if it goes 50lbs
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Old December 22nd, 2010, 13:03   #8
Perroz Designs
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I have yet to actually weight what my rig weighs empty - but I know for a fact that WAY to many guys have a ton of pouches and crap they don't need on their rig.

People need to learn to stream-line their gear - only use what is practical and figure out your priorities. Its not a fashion show
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Old December 22nd, 2010, 13:49   #9
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I'd use real plates if I could.
I'd settle for trainning plates. I now use fake plates that I will fill up. I just want to make sure they weight the same thing as the real one and don't deform from the filling.

I also ordered a EI LVAC to wear under my RRV.

If I can't source real BALC armour at a right price, I will make my own using 1000D cordura. Not bullet proof, but same consitency and weight. I have a real Lvl IIIA BP vest to compare.

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Old December 22nd, 2010, 14:31   #10
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If wearing a PC I use the same method as Talibanmilan usually.
But with the Dragonskin "plates", I'd like to see if a company can come up with an aluminium replica or something like that.
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Old December 22nd, 2010, 14:42   #11
Perroz Designs
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Fox, if you are using real SAPI plates I really don't get it...

"Many are reluctant to conduct training while wearing their issue armor plates for fear of fracturing them. It is also impossible to determine if they are damaged without sophisticated x-ray imaging. Additionally, armor plates are expensive and not easily replaced if they are damaged, especially in a deployed environment."
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Old December 22nd, 2010, 16:36   #12
formerly Contractor 6-8, CptPinard17eRAM
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Originally Posted by TALIBANMILAN View Post
Fox, if you are using real SAPI plates I really don't get it...

"Many are reluctant to conduct training while wearing their issue armor plates for fear of fracturing them. It is also impossible to determine if they are damaged without sophisticated x-ray imaging. Additionally, armor plates are expensive and not easily replaced if they are damaged, especially in a deployed environment."
So what ? if its just for airsoft...he doesn't need ballistic protection as well.
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Old December 22nd, 2010, 18:55   #13
Perroz Designs
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Exactly - so why buy it when its not needed? I don't think anyone should have real SAPI plates unless they truly need them...

Last edited by MilanWG; December 22nd, 2010 at 19:02..
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Old December 22nd, 2010, 19:03   #14
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Been reading this topic and just had to say. Everyone should buy a set of SAPI or other decent body armor not for airsoft, but just because its legal to do so.

Still, I cant see why someone would want to carry that weight around personally in a airsoft match. But that is just me.

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Old December 22nd, 2010, 19:15   #15
formerly Contractor 6-8, CptPinard17eRAM
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Originally Posted by TALIBANMILAN View Post
Exactly - so why buy it when its not needed? I don't think anyone should have real SAPI plates unless they truly need them...
I think he already had it...he worked as security or something and he had one.

just what I think...he would need to confirm

Originally Posted by Dimitri View Post
Been reading this topic and just had to say. Everyone should buy a set of SAPI or other decent body armor not for airsoft, but just because its legal to do so.

Still, I cant see why someone would want to carry that weight around personally in a airsoft match. But that is just me.

I think the same...when I had a Ciras I put cardboard in it to make the rigit shape but fuck the weight lol
Now I wait for my Chest rig
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