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So all my guns were stolen today...



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Old May 28th, 2008, 22:45   #76
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Originally Posted by WarHawk109 View Post
definetly getting a gun locker when I scrape some money together, something I can bolt to the wall.

once i get that, get a PAL and a handgun so I can REALLY defend my home from intruders.
So far you've only had intruders come when you weren't home. You think having a PAL and a hand gun will help when you aren't home? With the restrictions required for a hand gun you wouldn't have time to grab it, unlock it, load it (and i forget if the ammo has to be locked up or just kept seperate and i'm too lazy to double check). by the time you knew you were being intruded you would either be subdued (ie some one came to the door and you answered) or you would be having your gun used against you. And if you used said gun against a burglar our laws would be against you. having a gun wouldn't be a deterent since most people don't have them, particularly in cities, and if you advertised that you had a gun it might actually make you a target. plus with the required club fees to own a pistol (what? did you think you could just buy one with a pal? you need an RPal and membership in a gun club to own one), it would be cheaper to own a big dog and have an alarm system. gun ownership isn't cheap.

Do get a gun locker for your airsoft, it won't stop a thief but it will slow them down and make them move onto easier targets like your iPod and laptop. Locks don't stop thieves but they slow them down.

Also rereading your original post, if it was just your airsoft that was gone you were robbed by some one you know.
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Last edited by Lisa; May 28th, 2008 at 22:49..
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Old May 28th, 2008, 22:46   #77
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Yeah I got half my appartment stolen 6 months ago -- Lost about 3k worth of stuff. Then one day at around 1pm while I was sleeping, the guy broke in AGAIN. Woke up, grabbed my hunting knife and caught the guy with my brand new PS3 in his hands. He was real careful with it with 8 inches of steel at his throat. Then I kicked him out. I was so hyped up on adrenaline it took me 40 minutes to calm down enough to call the cops. God knows what would have happened if he's tried to make a move...any move other than the peaceful way he left the house that day.

Lisa -- You're right about the laws being against us in Canada. In the States they have a 'Castle' clause that states that you can get away with murder in your own home if you're invaded and it's in self-defense. In Canada if a guy breaks in your house and falls down your stairs through his own bad luck, he can sue you (civil courts) for the medical bills.

Last edited by Lorden; May 28th, 2008 at 22:49..
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Old May 28th, 2008, 23:08   #78
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Originally Posted by Lorden View Post
Yeah I got half my appartment stolen 6 months ago -- Lost about 3k worth of stuff. Then one day at around 1pm while I was sleeping, the guy broke in AGAIN. Woke up, grabbed my hunting knife and caught the guy with my brand new PS3 in his hands. He was real careful with it with 8 inches of steel at his throat. Then I kicked him out. I was so hyped up on adrenaline it took me 40 minutes to calm down enough to call the cops. God knows what would have happened if he's tried to make a move...any move other than the peaceful way he left the house that day.

Lisa -- You're right about the laws being against us in Canada. In the States they have a 'Castle' clause that states that you can get away with murder in your own home if you're invaded and it's in self-defense. In Canada if a guy breaks in your house and falls down your stairs through his own bad luck, he can sue you (civil courts) for the medical bills.
The Castle law doesn't actually apply in every state. IIRC, it actually only applies in a minority of them.

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Old May 28th, 2008, 23:30   #79
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Originally Posted by Lisa View Post
plus with the required club fees to own a pistol (what? did you think you could just buy one with a pal? you need an RPal and membership in a gun club to own one), it would be cheaper to own a big dog and have an alarm system. gun ownership isn't cheap.


Not that this trying to take anything away from your point cause I agree that his post is not the answer infact I think here was more talking out of bitterness to the situation cause knowing Warhawk109 I don't think he meant that seriously. Anyways our airsoft field here in Victoria is on a gun range with a membership to the gun club included in our annaul fee's infact our field fee's for a year are $90, for us that part isn't expensive. I consider us lucky
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Old May 29th, 2008, 08:01   #80
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Originally Posted by Lisa View Post
... it would be cheaper to own a big dog ...
Dogs are actually the most effective way to deter breakins. At least in Canada.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old May 29th, 2008, 20:31   #81
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A Siberian Husky might be a good buy, they're really good if you like outdoors and you can have lots of fun.

That being said getting a dog is also a huge responsibility, and you shouldn't get one for the sake of getting one to deter crime.
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Old June 1st, 2008, 04:15   #82
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Huskies are too friendly to be good guard dogs
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Old June 1st, 2008, 16:57   #83
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Originally Posted by JCYC5 View Post
Huskies are too friendly to be good guard dogs
Yea... I want a pitbull with a fricken laser beam on its head.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old June 1st, 2008, 22:28   #84
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Someone said that right after you move in is when you're most vulnerable because 1) the old owner is familiar with the place; more so then even you are and 2) because you've paraded all of your belongings between the back of the truck and the house.

I want to restate that because it's very important, and also add that when you buy stuff such as a brand new TV and you put the box at the curb you have just invited the world's creeps to rob you of your new LCD. I read one story of a guy who got all new toys (tv, stereo, etc) and it all got stolen- his insurance covered it and they got all new stuff AGAIN and once more they put the boxes at the road, they got broken into again. No big surprise.

Cut up your boxes or reuse them for shipping/etc.
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