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Old May 21st, 2009, 17:29   #61
Likes it BOLD attention whore MAXIMUS!
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Order in...EMT Sent, ..cannot wait to view this...
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Old May 26th, 2009, 10:47   #62
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Just a reminder. If you have purchased a DVD, please provide constructive feedback so I can improve the product. Thanks again.
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Old May 26th, 2009, 10:48   #63
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Originally Posted by whisper_kill View Post
Just a reminder. If you have purchased a DVD, please provide constructive feedback so I can improve the product. Thanks again.
I will do once I get mine.


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Old May 27th, 2009, 11:34   #64
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Hey everyone,

If you have watched Issue 1 and enjoyed it, could you please provide me a one or two sentence testimonial? Thanks in advance.
Whisper Kill
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Old May 27th, 2009, 11:40   #65
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Originally Posted by whisper_kill View Post
Hey everyone,

If you have watched Issue 1 and enjoyed it, could you please provide me a one or two sentence testimonial? Thanks in advance.
I got my DVD yesterday.

I enjoy it so much but there are a few thing that I would to see like more footage in the episode than just a few short clip plus if you could extend the time for each operation then that would be good. It's somehow too short. I finish watching it and my pop corn still not done yet plus if can add some uncut video as well then it would be fun to watch.


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Old May 27th, 2009, 12:36   #66
Likes it BOLD attention whore MAXIMUS!
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great first issue!

loved the variety of different aspects of airsoft, gave a good pulse on whats out there

Recommendation: MORE HITS AND I MEAN MORE AIRSOFT COMBAT FOOTAGE HITS....!!! If you could get a whole 15 minutes of spliced footage of some awesome hits/ serious misses whatever you can find i suppose ...that would rock hard!

Loved the TTAC3 & CAPS segaments, didn't fully realize the extent of how awesome that concept is and how well its doing, until i actually saw your footage.........I NEED TO DO THAT ASAP...

The mill segment was awesome but tooo short!!

we need some more solid action shots of MORE PEOPLE that were got me and one of my guys..but the rest of my team wasnt there...although i know you cant be everywhere at once..hahaa

Loved the music ....some great edits...fadeouts....really well done and $$ well spent IMO.

Overall Kudos on a fine attempt at such a unique video proud to be part of the first

Last edited by Invasian; May 27th, 2009 at 14:10..
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Old May 27th, 2009, 12:55   #67
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Awesome video....Gives you a buffet of the airsoft menu. It showed the full spectrum of what is being done in airsoft in Canada. Interviews were professionally done and informative. Great video for the first run. Kudos Chris.

Somethings I'd like to see:
A section on techniques, tactical stuff, maybe practical shooting or gun smithing. That'd be helpful for the community.

I would definately be looking to get the next video...Reserve me a copy!
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Old May 27th, 2009, 13:48   #68
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Yes, some of the things mentioned are in the works for Issue #2.

Tactical concepts are a big one. The practical shooting coverage is a good idea as well. I think it would be good to do a demonstration/teaching segment on a practical shooting concept... we can talk about that Chef.

Invasian... that is the exact thing I was hoping would happen!!! That others would see the great things players from across the province and Canada are up to and hopefully urge them onto bigger and better things all around!

I do plan on adding a "Bloopers" section... but you guys are all so damn tight, very few bloopers happen!

I also plan on expanding on the combat footage as this is where the players really look awesome... doing their thing, being all tactical and so forth.

Watch for a longer, better produced more intense Issue #2, and thanks for the constructive feed back... with your help, we will grow this DVD magazine into something Canadian airsofters are truly proud of.
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Old May 27th, 2009, 13:54   #69
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This DVD is the key for me to introduce airsoft to my friend and co-worker. They would understand more than I told them how the gun look and what it shot and how we play as well. It's really help a lots and convinced a lots of want to show up at the next game with me plus give me a ride there but too sad for me, I have keep at least a loaner gun for them, just in case they want to play with me.

None of them never know airsoft and the only word come to their is paintball.

I can't wait for the second DVD coming out. I will get the next one for sure.


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Old May 27th, 2009, 15:07   #70
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Suggestion from a non-buyer :

Maybe post a sneak preview on youtube to cover the content and show-off it's quality.

I'll be honest and blunt with you (all in the mood of constructive criticism) : I never saw any airsoft videos come out nicely (gotta admit that viewing an airsoft game is pretty boring : long range, there isn't much action, you don't see BB, etc... Keeping in this rational people wouldn't be tempted in buying it. You know, seeing on DVD games elsewhere in the country with people you don't know (and will never meet) doesn't seem all that attractive.

A sneak preview could/would convince people that it's quality product and worth the price (even tho it's not such a high price).

Good luck with the sales, really hope it works out good for you and generates enough interest for more issues!
Team N.A.P.K.I.N.S (Ninjas And Pirates Kommando Infiltration Night-ops Specialists)

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Old May 27th, 2009, 15:10   #71
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We did provide a sample video some time ago. We are also 'still' in the development of our website, which will have a sample to view.
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Old May 27th, 2009, 15:14   #72
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Piper was blooper enough in the first one, My GF kept rewinding and laughing so hard.
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Old May 27th, 2009, 15:31   #73
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Originally Posted by whisper_kill View Post
We did provide a sample video some time ago. We are also 'still' in the development of our website, which will have a sample to view.

Cool. Went to the website and saw that it was just a logo so I tought it should have been there.
Team N.A.P.K.I.N.S (Ninjas And Pirates Kommando Infiltration Night-ops Specialists)

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Old June 1st, 2009, 20:05   #74
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Got my copy today and watched it all. Thought it was very well done. I agree there could be some more action shots, like people actually getting hit, try and get more intense (I know this can be difficult at games though). I think a noob section could be good too. Some tips for getting started, advantages and disadvantages of different guns, just utilize all the great knowledge from this group to encourage more people to get into the sport. Overall though loved it and can't wait for episode 2.

EDIT: After watching again I think the action was fine. Totally understand that it is up to the players to make the action more intense, so players need to step it up when they see the camera on them, hahaha.
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Old June 3rd, 2009, 12:47   #75
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Currently, I shoot games with one camera, and that is VERY difficult to do effectively. However, understand that the amount of 'action' in a game is not solely dependent on the camera man, but on the players. If the players are aggressive, yelling, moving etc... it will be reflected on camera (assuming I am there to catch it). Saying that, I am working on creating at minimum, 15 minute segments for games, ideally 20 minutes. But 20 minutes of heavily edited footage takes time... and I am always hoping for bloopers... but I always seem to be on the other end of the field when they happen!

Bottom line is, with each Issue you will see a marked improvement in the production values and coverage. So far it appears as though most people like the format and overall quality, so I am aimed in the right direction.

Stay tuned for some great tactics segments, coverage of ShaDo's sniper course, a visit to C-Q-B and of course, plenty of action footage this time around!
Whisper Kill
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