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Retailers supporting the +18 rule



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Old March 29th, 2006, 19:24   #46
nizfiz's Avatar
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I never argued that airsoft should be made legal for minors to buy, I believe the current system is effective (if it works the way it's supposed to). It gives minors who are responsible enough a chance to play anyway. I was simply arguing against the full outlawing of airsoft for minors.

To greylocks (and others):

I don't want to play illegally, I don't do or want to do drugs, I am not promoting illegal behaviour in teens. I realise some of you may have understood that since this argument has gotten so long. I am simply arguing what I stated above in this post. Earlier in this thread people said airsoft should be outlawed for all minors, all my arguments were simply disagreeing with that. What happened in the later posts is I was defending everything I said so the initial message was taken out of context.

I realize that I will have to wait 2 years to be fully accepted in this community but in the mean time, I'm trying to disuade people from this idea of banning airsoft for minors. Some people said that minors shouldn't be allowed to play, I simply think that is unfair.
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Old March 29th, 2006, 19:31   #47
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Originally Posted by nizfiz
I never argued that airsoft should be made legal for minors to buy, I believe the current system is effective (if it works the way it's supposed to). It gives minors who are responsible enough a chance to play anyway. I was simply arguing against the full outlawing of airsoft for minors.
Stick to one argument, and not flip-flop. You go from stating that minors should be allowed to play, which they are, then you start talking about how its not illegal for minors to own airsoft, and to own, one must somehow aquire. You then argue that minors should be allowed to play.

Pick one argument and stick with it, don't try to reverse yourself when you've lost. Accepting defeat is a mark of maturity, which you claim to have.

Technically speaking, a minor cannot own an BB.Airsoft gun, because IINM, it is illegal for them to either purchase one, or to have one transfered to them.

I can understand asking for age verification on this forum and msot retailers. However, if some kids under 18 have AEGs that's none of your business as long as they didn't do it by lying. You can try to make it difficult but you can't take the law into your own hands and prevent kids from owning AEGs. What are the laws on ownership? I know in some parts of the US you have to be atleast 14 or 16 in other places but you can't stop me or some other teen from owning an airsoft gun.
That was your first post. There you stated that, "you can't stop me or some other teen from owning an airsoft gun". Given the title of the thread it would imply that you were initially arguing that minors can and should be able to purchase AS.

PS - Stop editing your msgs immediatly after you post tthem, makes it much harder to reply to the post.
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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Old March 29th, 2006, 19:34   #48
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Personally I think minors should stick to paintball, it's less likely to get them shot. can't say that it's less likely for them to do something stupid though, I know when I was a minor i knew too many kids who thought they were invincible and untouchable until they turned 18.

Go out be a kid, you'll have plenty of time to play adult games when you're older.
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Old March 29th, 2006, 19:36   #49
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You're slow... It already IS illegal for a minor to own a Replica, or use one, without the legal owner present.

What you are also extremely slow to understand is the concept of Legal Responsibility. The is the entire set of Laws that allow you to take upon yourself the results of your actions, good or bad.
Until you are 18, like it or not, you are shoving the consequences of ALL your actions onto someone else. Think that's fair?

So get your parents involved, really involved, in person. That is the only way you'll do anything for now.

Another clue, hopefully the last one... when about FOUR pages of replies tell you the same thing, maybe there's something to get from it? Like a hint that you are wrong and should learn?

Right now my best suggestion for you, if you want to play anywhere, is to step back, stop typing, read the rules, and follow them.
Those like you who have read and followed those rules play today. The others are gone.
It's your choice, so show some of that wonderful maturity you claim to have and do what's right.
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Old March 29th, 2006, 19:41   #50
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Originally Posted by nizfiz
I realize that I will have to wait 2 years to be fully accepted in this community but in the mean time, I'm trying to disuade people from this idea of banning airsoft for minors. Some people said that minors shouldn't be allowed to play, I simply think that is unfair.

I know that bugle call... it sounds like... retreat.

Welcome to life outside of the Parental Protective Bubble.

Many things are unfair. Boohoo. If you're going to campaign against everything that is unfair, you better be prepared for a lifetime of disappointment.

But you probably wouldn't do that. It seems you are only interested in arguing for what will ultimately be a personal gain.
Contras A-06: F**k it, we'll do it live.

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Old March 29th, 2006, 19:45   #51
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Vipamave wrote:
Why? I know several losers (Mostly chinese and brown) that bought them and pretend they are real:
What does the color of skin have to do with anything? Sorry if it's off topic, but just had to bring this up.
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Old March 29th, 2006, 19:47   #52
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
You're slow... It already IS illegal for a minor to own a Replica, or use one, without the legal owner present.

What you are also extremely slow to understand is the concept of Legal Responsibility. The is the entire set of Laws that allow you to take upon yourself the results of your actions, good or bad.
Until you are 18, like it or not, you are shoving the consequences of ALL your actions onto someone else. Think that's fair?

So get your parents involved, really involved, in person. That is the only way you'll do anything for now.

Another clue, hopefully the last one... when about FOUR pages of replies tell you the same thing, maybe there's something to get from it? Like a hint that you are wrong and should learn?

^I therefore retire from this argument. I'm not against the rules, I just don't want them to get any harsher. Also, I'll probably meet greylocks and don't want to make a complete ass of myself. I've read the rules, I'm just an argumentative person and a sensitive one. I feel that people here don't think teens and airsoft should mix, I'm arguing they should.
Just to finish this up, what is it I'm wrong about? I promise to post nothing about it afterwards, I just want to read it.

BTW: groombug, you belong to my generation, not Gen-X
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Old March 29th, 2006, 20:02   #53
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Originally Posted by Black_Orchid
his dad to go out and buy him an M3 shorty so he could shoot squirrels in the backyard.
Small animals- The other white meat.
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Old March 29th, 2006, 20:04   #54
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Originally Posted by Dozer_01
Originally Posted by Black_Orchid
his dad to go out and buy him an M3 shorty so he could shoot squirrels in the backyard.
Small animals- The other white meat.
At least he wasn't going for babies...

Baby the other other white meat...
Babies its whats for dinner...

~fat bastard
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Old March 29th, 2006, 21:28   #55
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it should be kept 18 plus, but exceptions should be made. if a 15 year old kid can act mature enough to play, then under the club's descretion he should be considered. it's hard for me to wait to play but if tose are the rules . . .
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Old March 29th, 2006, 22:20   #56
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If you cant get your parents involved, dont ask us to replace them. Those are the rules.
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Old March 29th, 2006, 22:59   #57
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Waiting is the best part!
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Old March 29th, 2006, 23:23   #58
a.k.a. Fury a.k.a. VipaMave
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Originally Posted by Jester6
Vipamave wrote:
Why? I know several losers (Mostly chinese and brown) that bought them and pretend they are real:
What does the color of skin have to do with anything? Sorry if it's off topic, but just had to bring this up.

Theres the chinese FOBs who think they are all powerful and mighty.

and then....

Theres the brown gangster-wannabes
Lots of FOB and brown gangs here (specifically chinese and east-indian, I already know of 6 within Milliken Mills High via a conversation with the principle, K. Merryweather)

Racism or not, I (nor anyone else I know) have not been threatened with "This guy wants to get shot" by a white kid (Even the spoiled ones that own an airsoft pistol). Could just be this area (Where caucasian students are a minority) but even when I lived back in the US (where caucasian students are the majority), very little gang-related violence was evident.

Originally Posted by nizfiz
How can you say that. Do you have a study? The squeeky wheel gets the grease, that's why you hear about teens doing dumb things. Can you imagine how messed up the world would be if ALL teens were doing this crap. The other thing I think you don't understand is that if you make it illegal, kids will just want it more. Someone brought up alcohol. I'm sorry but 16 year olds drink, do pot, crack and far worse things. Making airsoft illegal for kids will just attract them to it because it's 'forbidden' and then they'll do dumb things with them.
Why don't you just try giving kids a place to play, why is it you don't want kids on airsoft fields? You've made it clear that kids do dumb things in public and that might ruin the sport but how does this have anything to do with banning them from airsoft fields? Can someone please answer that question?
By your logic, outlawing Airsoft for minors = attract them to airsoft. Funny

Public indecency (Running around outside in the nude) is outlawed. I don't see anyone running around in the buff (Often...).
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Old March 30th, 2006, 00:02   #59
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Originally Posted by nizfiz
the majority of our 16-17 year olds AREN'T mature enough to handle airsoft
Why don't you just try giving kids a place to play, why is it you don't want kids on airsoft fields? You've made it clear that kids do dumb things in public and that might ruin the sport but how does this have anything to do with banning them from airsoft fields? Can someone please answer that question?
It's all about legal liability. If I shoot some 14-year-old's eye out because he took his goggles off in the middle of a firefight, as an adult I am 100% responsible, not the cockholster kid who took his goggles off. That is the reason I will not play with minors - not even my 17-year-old son. A waiver doesn't mean shit in this country - our law does not allow for someone to completely waive their personal rights away. Additionally, a minor cannot sign a legal document, so even if they signed a waiver, it doesn't mean shit.

I'm not going to be the one to get fucked by the system. Is this unfair to minors who still want to play? Yes it is - and too fucking bad for them. They can grow up, become able make adult decisions for themselves and take legal responsibility for the consequences of those decisions, and then cry at home when they get their eye shot out and I won't lose a second of sleep over them suffering for their own stupidity.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Liberals rely on emotion. Conservatives rely on evidence, and the Socialists rely on everyone else.
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Old March 30th, 2006, 01:12   #60
Rumpel Felt
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Ok this is kind of getting ridiculous. You know with all these nifty new ways to weed out a couple of minors, we end up causing ourselves more trouble just to prevent a tiny fraction of bad. You know what this all sounds like......our government with it's gun control BS. All these efforts and are they really helping....yes they do here and there where it is obvious like buying on ASC but that is really as far as you're gonna get in stopping minors from getting guns.

Another thing I don't see is, what's the big deal?? I want someone to tell me when the last time you heard a Canadian news report of a minor who took a mainstream airsoft gun into public and either shot people or caused a huge disturbance and poilice were called and full blown airsoft was announced......

I know most younger people are idiots, but being 18 isn't your key too maturity. I've heard more instances of 18-25 year olds being involved in REAL airsoft relate bullshit.

This "problem" has seemed to have done some healing on it's own thanks to all retailers though. Ever notice how pretty much every one of them has stopped selling cheap springers and most EBB's? Those would post the most threat out of any other for being so cheap.

Seriously, I think this age verification is quite good enough. It works all around for the most of people. Minors have a next to immposible time getting cheap guns off this site and retailers arn't fucked over by this system by losing sales to legit adults who don't want to bother with it.
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