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Old November 28th, 2007, 22:04   #16
Actually dude, don't buy ANYTHING until you've played a few games in different types of equipment. You can't go wrong with the BHI molle pouches, but the platform might not suit you. There are dozens of platforms, and all have their pros and cons for different scenarios.

As Stalker mentioned above, I have one of the Eagle universals. I liked it, but thought it could be improved on. So I built my own version.

This baby is has 4 rows of PALS webbing, and 20 channels. That's a TON of real estate, while staying "low profile". It has an integrated map pocket, pen channels, etc.

Of course, you probably don't have a full shop in your basement to build whatever pops into your mind

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Old November 28th, 2007, 22:07   #17
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well ryan we all use multicam and it works awesome at our field. i would reccommend talking to macguyver since hes close to you to find a good cammo. but if it were me, id be jumping in on huangs crye cut multicam bdus. then id follow morbs advice and get either a phantome ciras od or ct vest. im partial to coyote tan myself, but the od goes with a variety of camos. ct is more for arid camos i find. these are all replica// clone materials, but the higher end of so. i prefer real gear myself, but i would strongly suggest not investing in real gear until you know what you like. (camo, vest ect). and ONLY get a molle vest (rav, ciras, pc), it is more versatile and will serve yuou better and longer (until you want a color change).

i also dont believe in buying new, im a classifieds junkey and you save lots of money and practicly new equipment. you dont want new stuff anyways as it looks noobish lol, used and slightly worn is nice and it works better.

as for boots, i only reccommend magnums. holster, pm huang as well and get a safari replica. but a good vest and boots are crutial.
Age verifier southern Alberta

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old November 28th, 2007, 22:10   #18
Ryan Smith
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Before i moved out here to Alberta i had used a few different setups. My brother, a friend and i all bought relatively different setups. They were cheap but gave me a good idea of what i wanted.......I just wasn't sure where to buy the god stuff and make sure it all matched u welltogether. From reading reviews the blackhawk equipment seems to be of a fairly good quality and not a bank breaking price either. I love the look of the ARPAT, i just need to figure out where to buy the ARPAT uniform.

ps. Thanks for all the replies, you guys are all extrmely helpful

Last edited by Ryan Smith; November 28th, 2007 at 22:20..
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Old November 28th, 2007, 22:13   #19
Originally Posted by swatt13 View Post
i also dont believe in buying new, im a classifieds junkey and you save lots of money and practicly new equipment. you dont want new stuff anyways as looks noobish lol, used and slightly worn is nice and it works better.
The reason there's so much gear in the classifieds is exactly what I stated above. Some people buy things because they think they're great, but find it's not the right fit on them, doesn't meet their requirements, etc.

Not counting the stuff I've built, I've owned DOZENS of rigs. I still cycle them out every now and then, and often wind up going back to something I've used previously.

as for boots, i only reccommend magnums. holster, pm huang as well and get a safari replica. but a good vest and boots are crutial.

Sorry, but I dissagree. Magnums are NOT field boots. If you're going to go for high quality field boots, go for Danners, Prospectors or Bellvilles.
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Old November 28th, 2007, 22:27   #20
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And then I'll direct you to some high-speed DPM rigs
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Old November 28th, 2007, 23:23   #21
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Actually dude, don't buy ANYTHING until you've played a few games in different types of equipment. You can't go wrong with the BHI molle pouches, but the platform might not suit you. There are dozens of platforms, and all have their pros and cons for different scenarios.

As Stalker mentioned above, I have one of the Eagle universals. I liked it, but thought it could be improved on. So I built my own version.

This baby is has 4 rows of PALS webbing, and 20 channels. That's a TON of real estate, while staying "low profile". It has an integrated map pocket, pen channels, etc.

Of course, you probably don't have a full shop in your basement to build whatever pops into your mind
I totally agree: I ditched my tac vest for that kind of chest rig, very light, tons of room, and not linked to the belt.Since you can also fit a pistol holster on it, you don't need a drop leg system.
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Old November 28th, 2007, 23:55   #22
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Coyote Brown RAV from Huang

Just got this rig a month ago and I love it.
All the pouches you need with a nice Paraclete replica for $195 Canadian shipped.

Nice thing is it is all molle and I can move them to my chest rig for a lower profile platform like Morbs.

The construction is good and this is a quality product at a reduced price.
It also fits a guy my size (big) which is a plus.

This works great with MARPAT (Arid and Woodland), as well as US woodland and any green gear, as it is darker in colour than khaki and a nice earth tone. I have already modded mine up quite a bit.

Recommended buy!


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Old November 29th, 2007, 00:01   #23
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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You can get your acu uniform where I got mine, it's cheaper than any other site and it's still real acu. Buy "propper" brand acu (no really thats the name of the brand lol), and I haven't seen any one piece uniforms in acu. Remember that arpat only works well if your wearing all arpat, OD, black, coyote, and khaki really make it stand out. Foliage green compliments it best!
A few people on my team use the Camelbak Delta-5 vest in foliage green, very nice vest with the added bonus of having a built in hydrapack

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Old December 1st, 2007, 11:34   #24
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IBA for the win hahaha

I bought one some weeks ago but still waiting for it , I thought I'd never get in that digital madness and MOLLE crazyness but I miserably failed
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Old December 1st, 2007, 11:40   #25
Brit ter
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Army issue has real issue ACU,s for sale and Barre surplus in the U.S. has alot of ACU items
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Old December 1st, 2007, 11:53   #26
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Ryan, I'm only 3 hours away from Slave Lake, but the terrain fom north to Edmonton is about the same. Multi-Cam is fine for spring/fall, but in thicker summer foliage, MARPAT rules and CADPAT is OK as well. ACU is absolutely terrible, it's so different from the floiage here, that the DPM-effects are lost on the "glowing like a spotlight" syndrome associated with it. ACU is fine in early spring or late fall, when there's snow on the ground, but pretty much useless (and a disadvantage at the very least) at any other times.

Now, if you plan on playing in Edmonton or GP, we can have games that are on very hot days (30+ sometimes), or very cool days (10-15). I would not recommend you get a any form of vest, be it quality or not. Get yourself a chest rig, and you may want to get the option of a hydration carrier and a small backpack for larger games. The fields can be large, with alot of hiking. Coyote for colour is good, and so is OD. You can pick a camo scheme and get matching gear, but that leads to buying more gear when you change your camo pattern.

Now, as for Blackhawk. It's decent gear, I have a few pieces myself, but it's a little hard to come by. There is a Blackhawk dealer in Dawson Creek (about 4 hours northwest of you), but their selection gets picked over same hour it arrives, so you have to pre-order it if you really want it.

If you're in GP, let me know and you can swing by and I'll show you alot of different rigs, packs, etc.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old December 1st, 2007, 13:27   #27
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Theres an abundant supply of blackhawk gear on ebay lol
Speaking of OTV's, my teammates bought a few from "CM tactical" on ebay, if your buying from him it's very likely that he'll send you the wrong size. And be careful about your sizing. Medium is 37"-41" but if your a 37" chest you'll be better off with a small.
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Old December 2nd, 2007, 16:34   #28
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Nah I bought my IBA from Shell071 (if I remember correctly). Original Point Blank base vest, my third from him and always had great service
Who wants to dine in hell?
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