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GBB AK question


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Old January 9th, 2014, 14:39   #16
cookedham's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Toronto
Go for GHK only, best quality system hard kick and many after market parts

Toronto airsoft for ak74un (but they are always out, duno why they are no ordering)

Imperial airsoft for ak105

Or special order in local retailer
Primary: VFC MP5SD5,A2,UMP,416c,416D

Secondary: StarkArms G19,PPQ,M&P9
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Old March 12th, 2015, 21:47   #17
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Montreal
Hi Egos,

first of, just my opinion, for gaming I would rather use AEG, instead of carrying those heavy AK gbbr mags. If you want to milsim it, you can use lowcap mags on AEG and just put 30 BBs in it Thats what I used to do when I was still airsofting.

Now, to your question, I own 6 GHKs( AKMs, AK74s and 105,) KWA AK74M, and WE AK PMC, so I can try to give you the most common Pros and Cons on those 3 brands.

To your problem with WE AK gas relase, I have same problem with mine. I do agree with practice you can control it more, but, the main problem is WE's gas release button is protruding out, so it VERY easy to accidentally hit it with the magazine release button.

CHeck this picture comparison:

For the pros and cons, I dont list the fps and accurate rof since I dont use my AK gbbrs for gaming, they are too precious to me!

GHK Pros:
-Great aftermarket choices
-Excellent customer service, you can contact their Taiwanese store directly and they are incredibly helpful
-Easy to customize with real steel parts
-TONS of steel in the build, you can purchase steel trigger, steel barrel, steel buffer recoil and steel gas piston separately
-Heavy blowback with the blowback upgrade( steel gas piston.)
-ALmost no wobble parts! Solid built

GHK Cons:
- Very pricy, with upgrades, you are looking for atleast $800 ++. I spent around $1K with real steel parts.
-Not many stores carries it, I had to get some of mine from Taiwan, and you had to deal with CBSA. So far they havent confiscated any of my AK, but they confiscated my Mac 11 and Tec 9 Gbbrs. If the item passed customs, it can take weeks to get your gun. The longest I had to wait was 3 months to get my GHK.
-Bolt doesnt do full travel, it stops 1/2 way.
-Replacing the steel barrel is a little tricky and lots of hammering, atleast for me

-Cheaper stock model
-More tacticool with the crane stock and has built in rails in the handguard.
-Mags are easier to find.
-Mediocre after market parts, mostly jsut RA Tech stuff.
-Full travel bolt!!
-Heavy recoil
-Steel receiver
-Steel magazine

-Wobbly mags, I had to put duct tape inside receiver to keep the mags steady.
-Comes with crappy pot metal trigger, has to replaced with steel triggers.
-Can upgrade the rof with RA Tech parts, which cuts the travel length, which means you cant use the hephaestus selector lever to hold the bolt back.
-With RA Tech upgrades, it becomes almost as pricy as GHK.

KWA pros:
-To me, it looks the closest to the real steel AK74m to naked eye.
-Crazy rof
-The magazine is rock solid and very heavy.
-Magazine looks like AK mags chambered in 5.45 x 39, where GHK AK 74 looks more like its chambered with 5.56
-Magazine holds a ton of gas.

-Pot metals everywhere!! Even the receiver is not steel.
-Very hard to find anymore in Canada.

I hope those helps a little for you.

Here are blurry pics of part of my AK collection, notice how the light reacts to the steel:

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