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Old September 18th, 2012, 15:27   #16
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Yeah, Brian nailed it. Tone it down when you're referring to ASC members. There is a good portion that are active CF (such as Gato, Viperfish and others).

Having that said, it's just a video - lets calm down and get back on topic. Mistakes were made and the message has made its way to Wolf already.

Wolf: Is this an actual game in progress or a scripted one for the purpose of making a video? What I'm trying to ask is how did you get that many camera angles going concurrently without getting other cameramen in the footage? How many cameras were involved and what were you using?
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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Old September 18th, 2012, 15:46   #17
Matt 'Maverick' Watts
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Having been involved with this shoot from its conception, through filming and post, here's what I would like to input:
1) ALL airsoft guns were transported into the facility in appropriate gun bags by both Spectre and myself prior to the shoot starting.
2) The vehicle segments where airsoft pistols were visible were filmed in a deserted area with no public access.
3) The police were informed well in advance of the shoot of what we were doing and gave their approval. They were very appreciative of the call.
4) Most importantly.. this was SUPPOSED to be a unique, fun way to promote the sport. The video was Wolf's take on a specific format a current TV show uses (and even states that at the beginning of the video).

I honestly thought this community would appreciate positive promotion of the sport and of a unique airsoft-only facility instead of tearing the video apart.

We will endeavor to create more 'realistic' videos in the future.
On a side note, maybe next time you all should be involved in the next shoot to ensure we get it right.

I enjoyed being a part of this shoot, and based on the feedback from the people actually there that evening, they thoroughly enjoyed being a part of it themselves.
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Old September 18th, 2012, 15:52   #18
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Look Wolf.. you're a good guy .. you work hard.. you do good for both the PB and AS community..

But lets not go overboard on making statements regarding experience and who knows what.. you really don't have any idea regarding who you are talking to or what experience they have.. you just don't know.. It was nice video.. for what it was.. and would look impressive to the layman.. which is all it needs to do.

But let me just say.. If your SOP is to shoot your friends .. you guys had it nailed.
I hear what your saying, and appreciate it,
and the SOP was in regards to dealing with the public, Not tactics,

Forgive me if I seem defensive, I have more Airsofters whinning than Paintballers, which is something i didn't expect LOL,

One day we'll actually get to play together, and you can see how I do in an actual game, without the camera, lights, and action i have to keep in my head...
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Old September 18th, 2012, 15:54   #19
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Originally Posted by mmmken View Post
Yeah, Brian nailed it. Tone it down when you're referring to ASC members. There is a good portion that are active CF (such as Gato, Viperfish and others).

Having that said, it's just a video - lets calm down and get back on topic. Mistakes were made and the message has made its way to Wolf already.

Wolf: Is this an actual game in progress or a scripted one for the purpose of making a video? What I'm trying to ask is how did you get that many camera angles going concurrently without getting other cameramen in the footage? How many cameras were involved and what were you using?
Good question mate,
we only used One camera, with stairs and Ladders for the crane shots, one shoot was staged, then we shot and actual game to get the attackers perspective
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Old September 18th, 2012, 16:35   #20
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
Police contact or not, implying that it is good etiquette to turn up to an event in full kit with guns on and loaded is just giving the wrong picture to the public.
Yeesh give the viewers a bit of credit. I'm not the most advanced player in the community but I can understand what is reality and what is entertainment. How did a fun little video get so out of hand?

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Old September 18th, 2012, 16:39   #21
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Originally Posted by Mallard View Post
Yeesh give the viewers a bit of credit. I'm not the most advanced player in the community but I can understand what is reality and what is entertainment. How did a fun little video get so out of hand?
As a host and regular at TTAC3, I have seen a number of people attempt to show up with full kit and an exposed gun, to be promptly asked to leave.

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Old September 18th, 2012, 16:46   #22
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
As a host and regular at TTAC3, I have seen a number of people attempt to show up with full kit and an exposed gun, to be promptly asked to leave.
Yet again I have given the human race too much credit....

Ducks fly together.
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Old September 18th, 2012, 17:14   #23
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Haha, great video! Goodjob guys! The field is a great place and it's good to see some cool advertisement for it. For anyone who hasn't been there, for the sake of leaving the car fully geared, this is a warehouse deep in some streets with pretty much no one around. You wouldn't even be able to see them from the main road it self unless you pulled into the place.
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Old September 18th, 2012, 18:19   #24
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Been reading these boards for the last 5 months, don't comment much, but would like to chime in.

Coming from a new players point of view I thought the video was well done, makes me want to play. I did question the vehicle with the visible airsoft guns, but also had to realize I don't know if this was a closed set or if Wolf had gotten some type of permission to shoot this. So before people start to bash, as seems to happen often on here, maybe give the guy the benefit of the doubt. Freddie Wong videos feature airsoft guns all the time, with sounds even, and they are highly entertaining, don't know what I'm talking about, look him up on YouTube.

Whether your a Canadian Forces member or part of some super special elite unit, I don't think gives you the right to question every tactic, shooting position, room clear, color of the camo, spelling mistakes, I mean my God some of you out there should give your head a shake. It's not real guys! It's a past time, a hobby something most of us do for fun.

Although, the same people who criticize everything on here probably sit in their "parents basement" and comment how wrong every military movie or show is, guess what, it's entertainment.

So try to enjoy it a little and stop being killjoys because others have fun with it, just not the way you want it.

Oh and by the way, I play Airsoft and Paintball, and happen to enjoy both. I see both sides of the fence, and generally the biggest nay Sayers are those that are misinformed or just like to complain about everything. To each his own, as long as your having fun and being responsible. There are idiots on both sides, and there are also a lot of good people, they generally stay silent. Don't let the complainers bring you down.

Good video Wolf, I also enjoy Strike Back, even though it's not "real".
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Old September 18th, 2012, 18:25   #25
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Originally Posted by BLACK WOLF View Post
Hey All its Been a While, but I'm trying to make it up to You!
I just Posted another AIRSOFT Action Episode!!!! its Based off the TV Show "STRIKE BACK", an Awesome series on The Movie Network, this is done in a Way you have not seen BEFORE,
If you like PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Click on the thumb and leave a comment, dont let my paintball Fans make it look bad due to Hate LOL!:banghead:

Sit back, Enjoy, and SHARE where you can, if you guys like it, i'll have more done, and with More of YOU!!!
.....Damn! She has nice legs!!!!
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Old September 18th, 2012, 18:56   #26
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Originally Posted by Enjoi View Post
.....Damn! She has nice legs!!!!
LOL Thank you for being the first Man to Notice mate!
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Old September 18th, 2012, 19:34   #27
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Killer way to promo a new field! Looks like alot of fun and worth the drive! Great video Wolf, keep em coming man!
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Old September 18th, 2012, 22:59   #28
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I actually thought that was pretty neat-o

At least a lot of us know what the field looks like now, which I assume is the exact reason for the video.
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Old September 18th, 2012, 23:13   #29
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Just another example why people shouldnt make assumptions and jump to conclusions. If u suspect foul play, do some detective work and get to the bottom of it before making accusations. If u see someone make a mistake or lots of them, kindly point them out. In a situation like this, one is more likely to consider criticism if treated in a calm manner than with a hostile manner which like more likely to trigger a defensive response.
Lesson of the day: Its always a good idea to keep a calm head.
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Old September 19th, 2012, 12:16   #30
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Its a promo bit, not a Hollywood big budget feature or even a Film student's project. It'd be nice if there was a wad of cash for Make up Choreography and Stunt men, but for what WOLF has to work with its pretty good. He found a nice set of legs in some OK heels to wrap around him, someones kitchen to get tossed around in, which is why he had to rush the rest of the production(oYo).
Next time I'd recommend 4 dynamic entry guys,( I know you don't come from this Airsoft Tactical stuff) and more time on the blocking and angles. An "Over the Shoulder" shot of the layout/field map on a table while you plan and plot your course and get a good idea of the place from above. Extract the VIP kill bad guys and roll in TJ Hooker style and Bang Tangos on the way, drop them like a 80's action hero.
Cut down minutes static trigger pulling as the target audience for this promo is largely ADHD, and take WonderWoman style Cameo's of the guys in the cool gear so the kids can see what the stars are wearing. That ragtag of " badguys in winter camo" kind dropped the bottom out of the production values.
I know good help is hard to find and free help is free, that's what you have, but as long as your friends are calling you a dick, a**hole and everything else under the google you might as well push and get it your way. It is your ass that takes the beating on the internet if it's not epic. Not the third guy in scene 4.
While I was at WolfDen on YouTube, I went back and saw a couple people I know that posted in this thread. I saw a dude blathering about some stuff in a one room shot, really could of used some hooters in that frame dude.
Dogtags, Nice touch.
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