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Lipo Charger Question


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Old April 9th, 2010, 17:43   #16
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May I ask how to charge a new battery using the Imax B6? How many amps, ect? It's a 11.1v 1100 mah.

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Old April 9th, 2010, 22:02   #17
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It shows you in the manual (and in english too)
for 1100mah charge at .9 amps, typically 1C, but I like to be a bit under.
(1C of 1100mah = 1.1A)
And use the balance charge. It's the same thing as charging, but it balances the cells.
And you don't need to deep cycle your LiPo's (discharge and charge), just top them up and put a storage charge on it over winter

So when you start charging in balance mode, or for anything LiPo related, it'll bring you to a screen that tells you how many cells it's detecting, and then you just confirm that it's 1S or 2S or 3S, whatever, just hit start. Then it's charging.
While it's charging you can hit "status right" And it'll show you the voltage of each individual cell.
Now because you can't put more than 4.2v INTO the cells, don't stop the charger at 4.20v, because once it reaches that point it's actually only 70% full. So it'll stay at 4.20v until it's done charging.
I'm just saying it's not like a NiMH where a 9.6v battery gets charged at 10.6v until it's full.

Last edited by ThunderCactus; April 9th, 2010 at 22:05..
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Old April 9th, 2010, 22:54   #18
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1500mah = 1.5
2200mah = 2.2


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Old April 10th, 2010, 10:11   #19
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Old April 14th, 2010, 13:40   #20
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How long should a 11.1V 1100mAh lipo last under average game conditions (say 8 hours of skirmishes, using 1-2s bursts of full auto)? Is one battery typically good for the whole day? two?

Also, if it takes about an hour to fully balance charge an 11.1V 1100mAh lipo @ .9 - 1A, if I need to charge about 4 packs (2 AEGs, 2 batteries each) prior to game day... this quickly becomes a 4 hour exercise. Is it safe to fast charge them?
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Old April 14th, 2010, 13:52   #21
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No. Don't fast charge LiPo's. Charge at 1 C or lower. (take the mAh of the pack and divide by 1000 to get the 1C rating of the pack...i.e. 1100mAh = 1C of 1.1A. Charge at 1.1A or lower.)

In practice it won't take an hour...since they're usually not completely dead and you're just topping it up.

But yes...if you're charging 4 batteries it could take 4 hours. Start earlier, the day before, rotate through your batteries...etc... (not at 2am for a 8am start time for game day )

How long it'll last in your gun with your shooting style is hard to tell....measure before using, use, measure, use, measure, use and get a sense of how long it's lasting. It'd be completely different for a different rifle.

I suppose you could measure it accurately and calculate how much power each shot is drawing...if you figure that out come figure it out for my gun too.
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Old April 14th, 2010, 15:57   #22
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I measure my battery life by # of mags, just keep shooting till you run out of juice, then you'll know how long it lasts!
But an average from one gun to another cant be established since they differ so much.
For example Danny and I had the same internals in our rifles, same battery, same wiring, same fps, but he was using a systema magnum and I was using the stock G&P M120 motor. He'd get 12 mags out of a battery and I'd get 32.
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Old July 18th, 2011, 21:23   #23
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I tried charging a 7.4v 1200mah 20c battery on my imax b6 charger but the charger kept giving me an error message "over voltage". I have two different brand battery and both are giving the same error message. I set the charger to 0.9a and 7.4v(2cell). I dont know what am I doing wrong. But i have no problem charging my 11.1v lipo batteries. Any ideas? ty

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