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JG HK 416 Review



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Old August 14th, 2008, 19:48   #256
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i have a CA full body, receiver buffer tube, stock, outer barrel, sights and I will do what you want me to. Just give me 1 dollar =D. Anyone want to buy it?
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Old August 15th, 2008, 08:00   #257
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Originally Posted by spartan1o5 View Post
hmm... so your saying a manufacturer defect is able to give me a partial refund? The guy was saying that some accessories dont fit on the gun... so i dont know how to respond to that
Like I said, its up to how well you are able to bullshit with them.

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Old August 18th, 2008, 06:54   #258
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Originally Posted by spartan1o5 View Post
i have a CA full body, receiver buffer tube, stock, outer barrel, sights and I will do what you want me to. Just give me 1 dollar =D. Anyone want to buy it?
I want you to ... y'know... I think I'll keep myself out of trouble this morning....

And on an on topic note:

I bought the 416 that T7 reviewed way back at the beginning of the thread, and it's still running strong. Since I bought it I've installed a tightbore innerbarrel, 393mm length I think it was, it was a couple inches too long, but I got it cut down, and have had no issues.

All in all, I've had no issues, save those I caused, then fixed myself (thought I killed the hop up, turned out to be a 3 second fix, and knocked the dust cover off, but got it back in). Shoots straight, never quits (except that one time in the drug lab when the battery died... "SHI-.... hit....") feels awesome, and yeah... over six months of use (I've fielded it at least a half dozen times this spring/summer) and no issues.

You buy now!
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Old August 18th, 2008, 10:36   #259
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You two are kidding of coarse about selling here?,right.
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Old August 18th, 2008, 11:30   #260
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Originally Posted by Gunk View Post

All in all, I've had no issues, save those I caused
Did you ever fix that cellphone attena that you vaporized?

and with that comment ladies and gentle, you can assume how fun the JG made 416 can be.

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Old August 18th, 2008, 23:35   #261
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i just got one for my birthday today. it came from ehobby, one with a fixed stock like crunchmeisters.
not sure if the plastic flash hider comes off cuz it simply wont budge yet it has threading on the inside and it came with a metal flash hider in the packaging.
got an rds for it too but was disapointed to find out that all the theading on the mounting screw came flat and wouldnt screw in
Originally Posted by MillerBRo View Post
dont let the elitist gun snobs who only clicked on your post to thread shit tell you other wise (they are OHHHH so helpful here- they wont offer you any help but will be self rightous pricks cause they are CLEARLY 'pros' who overpaid for their guns roflmao)
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Old February 13th, 2009, 09:56   #262
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does anyone know if the JG bodies got updated? i just recieved a replacement body(plastic) and it has a tab at the top of the upper reciever for the RIS rail to slide over so it doesnt wobble :S

anyone else got this tab, dont want to break it when i swap the body over so any tips are welcome

edited with pics

also noticed the numbers on top are coloured, my current bodies aren't


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Last edited by ru7hl355; February 13th, 2009 at 11:41..
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Old February 14th, 2009, 06:35   #263
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Since I've seen all the reliability issues with the real M4A1(including the dest dome by HK on youtube) I've really become a fan of the 416. one question on my mind though, where do you pick those bad boys up at?

(not asking to bend the rules, just wanting to know where to go when i'm verified.)
Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Did he not pay his ASC bill this month?
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Old February 14th, 2009, 10:46   #264
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Originally Posted by ru7hl355 View Post

does anyone know if the JG bodies got updated? i just recieved a replacement body(plastic) and it has a tab at the top of the upper reciever for the RIS rail to slide over so it doesnt wobble :S

anyone else got this tab, dont want to break it when i swap the body over so any tips are welcome

edited with pics

also noticed the numbers on top are coloured, my current bodies aren't

Personally I dont recall their being a tab on my upper, although there could may have very well been one and I just didnt notice. Installation shouldnt be that difficult. Transfer your mechbox to the new lower, and remove your front end and transfer it to the new upper. It should be fairly straight forward installation.

Originally Posted by PaddMadd View Post
Since I've seen all the reliability issues with the real M4A1(including the dest dome by HK on youtube) I've really become a fan of the 416. one question on my mind though, where do you pick those bad boys up at?

(not asking to bend the rules, just wanting to know where to go when i'm verified.)
The original 416s brought into Canada last year were done by that of an user and not a retailer. Unfortunetly at this time I am not farmiliar if any current retailers on ASC have them instock, that will be something you can look into once you are verified. I do recall one being sold in the classifieds just recently, with luck maybe there will be another for sale.

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Last edited by TokyoSeven; February 14th, 2009 at 10:50..
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Old March 28th, 2009, 17:35   #265
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I own both the plastic JG HK416 V1 (the first gen that came out late 2007) and the Second Gen (which came out 3rd quarter last year), thought I might do a quick review since I referred to this review when I first decided to get that JG. Conceivably someone out there who decide to get a JG HK416 will get here via google will find this useful.

Summary: JG HK416 has very drastic improvement over their gen 1:

1) RIS unit:

On the Gen 1 HK416s the RIS was secured with a pin and had serious wobble issues. The fix for this is of course using a piece of coke can metal which will decrease the wobble a lot, but it was still noticeable.. (The fix from this came from one of the experienced gunsmith on Airsoft New Zealand)

On the Gen 2 HK416s as seen above they use a new method, and now the gun is solid out of the box.

2) MOSFET unit:

GEN 2 HK416s now come with them.:

3) motor

The motor is still the same, but notice that they have now used silver wiring

The motor is highly magnetized, and power the stock M125 spring without issue or sign of strain. I can't say for sure how good it is though.

Now for the highlights which will make some people shit themselves:
1) Piston

On the Gen 1 HK416 (persumably JG System Mechbox Gen 1 as well) they use a typical Chinese TM piston clone with last teeth reinforced

On Gen 2 - fill metal teeth piston, a replica of the Systema red piston I believe.

Air-sealing is perfect out of the box - even with grease wiped off. (which is a common trait of ACM guns wanting to improve air-sealing by chucking grease near the o-ring.) Though the same can be said for the Gen 1 HK416 piston.

2) Mechbox shell

On the Gen 1 HK416 the mechbox shell is Marui Ver.2 clone with full metal.

On the Gen 2 HK416 I believe these are the Systema reinforced mechbox clone. They are definitely the same sort of mechbox the G&P stuff is based on.

Also notice the metal bushings that now come stock standard (in the past you either have to settle for nylon bushings and pray for the best, or get the modifed JG metal bushings from WGC shop

Lastly, see how clean the mechbox is? Unlike most other ACM clones, this mechbox does not suffer from over-greasing.

3) The mechbox in full

You can see
1) Their gears are completely different than what you see in any ACM guns. These gears I believe are a clone of the Systema gears.

2) Notice the silver wiring

3) Notice that the cut-off lever didn't pop out? Used to be a nightmare in the Gen 1 HK416

4) Lastly - noticed everything is good to go before you put on the mechbox shell and lock it up? Everything just sits nice and still in there.

Not included in photos
1) Drastic hop-up unit design changes: On Gen 1 HK416 they use a 2 piece hop-up unit which is a nightmare for air-sealing especially if you broke the stock hop-up unit and try a new one.

On a Gen 2, they use a 1 piece hop-up unit which "interfaces" with the cylinder head, giving very good airsealing

2) shimming - shimming was clsoe to perfect out of the box, I adjusted the spur gear shimming and also the bevel gear, but if you chose to run this mechbox without alteration you should be fine

Performance: Chorono at 405-410 FPS with a Xcortech X3200.

This is probably now the best HK416 in the market - unless you are an argumentative VFC owner, in which case you'll argue it's the second best but best bang for the buck . They are some minute casting marks on the gun body, and the body material feels like cast-iron (so a tad heavy than the aluminium stuff VFC is made of, but certainly no Dboys pot-metal crapiness) but the internals of the JG HK416 is made purely of win.

My HK416 with G&G SCAR QD silencer flashhider + Dboys NWSC Crane Stock (though modded to be extra firm) + Magpul PTS MOE grip.

Last edited by Amoki; March 28th, 2009 at 18:02..
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Old March 28th, 2009, 17:47   #266
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Thanks for the update Amoki.

From what I can see the gears are the same as the first gen, the motor gear still has a bearning. The wiring is different, and the addition of a mosfet is interesting. The new piston is promising although personal the idea of all metal teeth doesnt seem right in my head, but thats a personal thing. Piston head appears to be unchanged from first gen as well, as well as the motor. The spring guide still appears to be a hunk of metal although this one appears to be made out of different material than that of the first gens.

Im glad to see their making slight changes and improvements to it. For its price it was a quality AEG. The front end on mine did not wobble but that alot of other peoples did, the issue couldbe solved by tightening almost every screw the front end had, its nice to know they have simply just fixed the issue infactory.

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Old March 28th, 2009, 17:55   #267
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Thanks for the update Amoki.

From what I can see the gears are the same as the first gen, the motor gear still has a bearning. The wiring is different, and the addition of a mosfet is interesting. The new piston is promising although personal the idea of all metal teeth doesnt seem right in my head, but thats a personal thing. Piston head appears to be unchanged from first gen as well, as well as the motor. The spring guide still appears to be a hunk of metal although this one appears to be made out of different material than that of the first gens.

Im glad to see their making slight changes and improvements to it. For its price it was a quality AEG. The front end on mine did not wobble but that alot of other peoples did, the issue couldbe solved by tightening almost every screw the front end had, its nice to know they have simply just fixed the issue infactory.
Neg. Gears are not the same: - maybe the spur and the bevel (I sold my JG Gen 1 HK416 2 days ago and did a final maintenance the day before so I didn't do a side by side comparison), but the sector gear is definitely different, to work better with the new tappet plate design - or, at least, I think it is a new JG tappet plate..

I can't comment on the spring guide thing, but from memory they felt the same. They are both metal and will take M120 quite happily.

The screw tightening trick will not work well - I have read reviews from the net that people had broken RIS screws because of that. Using a small piece of coke can and wedge it between the RIS and the outer barrel is a more optimal way IMO.

Last edited by Amoki; March 28th, 2009 at 18:07..
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Old March 28th, 2009, 17:57   #268
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Apparently they also added a built-in sector clip to the sector gear, to aid in feeding properly on high ROF.

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Old March 28th, 2009, 17:58   #269
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Shit man. I NEED one of these newer 416s. Good thing they switched the spring guide material as the threading in mine came out like nothing which is defiantly not an Oh well problem, stock wouldn't stay on.
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Old March 28th, 2009, 18:05   #270
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Originally Posted by Sepulcrum View Post
Shit man. I NEED one of these newer 416s. Good thing they switched the spring guide material as the threading in mine came out like nothing which is defiantly not an Oh well problem, stock wouldn't stay on.
HAHAHA. When I had my plastic Gen 1 HK416 and saw the gen 2 metal body ones (which is the one that you see in the pic), I had a huge debate with myself that lasted for several months whether I should try hunting down the HK416 metal body replacement kit from China... and then I went "Aww... shucks, bugger this", bit the bullet, got the new one, and never looked back . THe internals sure came as a pleasant surprise, as I was expecting only a MOSFET + metal-bushing based on the Gen 1 mechbox.
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