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A meeting today with Canadian Customs



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Old October 16th, 2007, 00:27   #106
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Originally Posted by Kohaku View Post
Personally i think there is no reason to, its over and done with no need to drag it out any further, no good will come of it, all it would do is get everyone mad at one another.

it was unfortunate what happened but its over and all was taken care of, so i say let it be.

thats my 2 cents anyways
Well, now, you've piqued my interest and likely any others that read this thread. Not that I'm getting on his case here, but Warchild met with the CBSA, made some statements, then had "apparent" issues that seem to the uniformed reader (like me) to be "significant".

I think it's only fair to play this whole thread out, good or bad. But that's my opinion. It's up to him if he wants to discuss it any further.
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Old October 16th, 2007, 00:30   #107
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Well, now, you've piqued my interest and likely any others that read this thread. Not that I'm getting on his case here, but Warchild met with the CBSA, made some statements, then had "apparent" issues that seem to the uniformed reader (like me) to be "significant".

I think it's only fair to play this whole thread out, good or bad. But that's my opinion. It's up to him if he wants to discuss it any further.
oh wait we seem to be talking about different things, i was making reference to what was talked about at border wars, guess i misread ya, my bad
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Old October 16th, 2007, 00:43   #108
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The mishap that happened, has nothing in common with this thread. The sky is not falling.

I would again like to thank WC7 for all his work. It was good to meet you and I would not have a problem to buy from you.
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Old October 16th, 2007, 07:12   #109
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I would like to hear what happened. This conversation that WC had with customs seemed to give everybody here a hard on, and if there's an update, either good or bad, these people walking around with a woody should hear it.

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Last edited by frankiet; October 16th, 2007 at 10:16..
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Old October 16th, 2007, 10:31   #110
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Originally Posted by bruce View Post
The mishap that happened, has nothing in common with this thread. The sky is not falling.

I would again like to thank WC7 for all his work. It was good to meet you and I would not have a problem to buy from you.
Thank you, Bruce. You are quite right that one thing has nothing to do with the other. However, in an attempt to end the speculation, I will make a brief statement. I will not answer any further questions about it after that.

My wife had a problem crossing the border. She brought commercial goods across the wrong bridge. She came across the Rainbow and commercial goods must make entry across the Q/L. There was a vast quantity of items that were seized while they inventoried them and verified whether or not any prohibited items were contained therein. One item was determined to be prohibited and was confiscated. A fine was assessed for that one item. Duty was paid on all the other items and the shipment was allowed in. End of story.

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Old October 16th, 2007, 11:03   #111
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No Comment.

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Old October 16th, 2007, 11:06   #112
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Originally Posted by HaZarD SFD View Post
I got my rifle. I got it cheap. Now where is that list of stuff here cuz I wanna buy more stuff!

Thx Warchild
+1 I need parts.
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Old October 17th, 2007, 20:58   #113
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Originally Posted by WarChild7 View Post
Thank you, Bruce. You are quite right that one thing has nothing to do with the other. However, in an attempt to end the speculation, I will make a brief statement. I will not answer any further questions about it after that.

My wife had a problem crossing the border. She brought commercial goods across the wrong bridge. She came across the Rainbow and commercial goods must make entry across the Q/L. There was a vast quantity of items that were seized while they inventoried them and verified whether or not any prohibited items were contained therein. One item was determined to be prohibited and was confiscated. A fine was assessed for that one item. Duty was paid on all the other items and the shipment was allowed in. End of story.
And because of that people left the field and didnt play? I was getting the impression that the RCMP showed up the night before and gave everyone a scare lol
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Old October 17th, 2007, 21:05   #114
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Originally Posted by Slick View Post
And because of that people left the field and didnt play? I was getting the impression that the RCMP showed up the night before and gave everyone a scare lol
That was not the story told at the campfire. I was standing right there listening to what was being told by WC himself. Obviously he got more info since then and relayed that info here. The info was quite a bit heavier and much more serious than what actually transpired. I am not going to go into specifics but we were told that the vehicle was picked out and the officers on the scene had WC's full name etc The RCMP never showed up at the field for the record.
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Old October 25th, 2007, 10:38   #115
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ok guys! I read all the 8 pages and I was still wondering. Can we still import airsoft with after all the conditions :-?
1) must shoot under 500 FPS.
2) must have a plastic body
3) must not have any trademarks that match a manufacturer of real firearms
4) must be able to demonstrate that the magazine could not be capable of being used to load real ammunition
5) must have a orange muzzle tip
6) must be declared at the border and a 15% duty paid
7) must be transported in the trunk of the vehicle

I just read someone say that its not written in any document by canada gov...
Do we have anymore infos on that?

I'm going on a business trip on tommorow and I need someone to clear up my mind please! BTW I'm going to NY and I know airsoft are prohibited there but outside of the city is allowed.
If I referred the name ''Customs Officer #13951'', would that work or not.=?
All the gun I check on the web seem to be JC g36... all platic, under 500, orange tip etc..

thank you, J-D
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Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post
Chuck Norris decides that all guns will fail, and he will crack the world in two with his third fist that is his jaw!
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Old October 25th, 2007, 11:03   #116
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Originally Posted by Ghost_boo View Post
ok guys! I read all the 8 pages and I was still wondering. Can we still import airsoft with after all the conditions :-?
1) must shoot under 500 FPS.
2) must have a plastic body
3) must not have any trademarks that match a manufacturer of real firearms
4) must be able to demonstrate that the magazine could not be capable of being used to load real ammunition
5) must have a orange muzzle tip
6) must be declared at the border and a 15% duty paid
7) must be transported in the trunk of the vehicle

I just read someone say that its not written in any document by canada gov...
Do we have anymore infos on that?

I'm going on a business trip on tommorow and I need someone to clear up my mind please! BTW I'm going to NY and I know airsoft are prohibited there but outside of the city is allowed.
If I referred the name ''Customs Officer #13951'', would that work or not.=?
All the gun I check on the web seem to be JC g36... all platic, under 500, orange tip etc..

thank you, J-D
There seems to be no concrete rules in importation laws. So maybe yes, maybe no. We don't really know.

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Old October 25th, 2007, 11:26   #117
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It's not looking like it. It seems it changes every time you talk to one of them at with what I've seen in this thread, and there are no set rules. I'm just not going to bother and stick to within our boarders, I don't have the time or patience to deal with those retards that can't make up their minds on what's good and what isn't. I might make a few inquireies myself at the boarder closest to where I live and see if anyone will give me a straight answer, I'm expecting a big NO though. Well it would have been nice since I'm going to the states in May. If anyone else makes any headway in this keep us posted.

Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
Its a good thing stupidity doesnt have mass or whole sections of this board would collapse in and destroy themselves in a stupidity singularity.
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Old October 25th, 2007, 13:30   #118
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If you want a concrete answer, the answer is NO.

Considering the fact that the officer that Warchild7 interviewed was unwilling to put down what he said in writing says a lot.
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Old October 25th, 2007, 13:53   #119
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When any civil servant puts something down "in writing", they are effectively giving you an official interpretation and judgement on a law that they have no authority to do. That is the job of Parliament and the courts.

Hence, you will never get anything "in writing", by anyone other than a judge or your MP, and even the latter is a bit iffy.
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Old October 25th, 2007, 13:56   #120
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Getting an airsoft gun from the states or outside of Canada is like trying to nail jello to the wall. Its essentially impossible, theres a one in a million chance it may happen, but only for a few seconds and it will never happen again.

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