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all research said and done I want an opinion



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Old June 8th, 2007, 21:36   #31
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Ottawa ! where dirt bag like me live
darkness is my friend.

I was able to sneak on enemy with the cover of darkness. I determine the enemy's location by sound.

I would suggest no light at all.
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Old June 8th, 2007, 22:11   #32
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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Originally Posted by Shrike View Post
MadMax said "horsecock" in this thread.

I didn't really understand the question but regarding lights at night:

The big ass spotter beam works well and lights up your targets from aeg range or greater. Personally I hate using a flashlight ever, even camping. Your eyes adjust. (some nights are dark enough ya might have to though)

I don't use one but I've seen gun tac lights used effectively as well.

MadMax said "horsecock"....I did read that right?
It's a technical term for a very heavy gauge of cable for transmitting a lot of power. Devices running on 240V or more or even HV multiphase need some pretty impressive cables.

Wait until you work in a machine shop and have to wire up a big CNC machine. Horsecock wire, orifaces, reamers, grease nipples. Heavy industry people can be a bunch of dirty old men.

Back on topic, even low grade NV can provide a definitive edge in a night game if most players have no NV. Truth is it can ruin a game. Half the fun of night play is not being able to see very well. You have to rely on your hearing and pick your way patiently and quietly. Sure it's fun varmint shooting being the only NV equipped player, but it's like playing in the day time against Ray Charles. Flashlights at least come with the cost of being very obvious.
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Last edited by MadMax; June 8th, 2007 at 22:14..
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Old June 8th, 2007, 23:43   #33
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Originally Posted by MadMax View Post
Truth is it can ruin a game. Half the fun of night play is not being able to see very well. You have to rely on your hearing and pick your way patiently and quietly. Sure it's fun varmint shooting being the only NV equipped player, but it's like playing in the day time against Ray Charles.
+1. The game I played at Beauharnois at night with my scope seemed pretty unfair. Near the end the Warmongers and DOW guys were coming out a doorway into a room and I picked them off like targets at a carnival game. I felt pretty sorry for them.
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Old June 9th, 2007, 00:02   #34
Captain Tenneal
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One thing I remember glowsticks being used was at Keystone Strike 2. We used them to set up a defensive perimeter around the deuce in an open field. My guess was that they were going to be used to sihlouette any targets approaching the deuce so we could hit them (they were spread out just at about the edge of AEG range), but inevitably because of the limited brightness and the way they were spread out, all they really did was point out people sitting next to them (which happened at least once), and denote the area where the deuce was (which was handy, as I have piss poor natural night vision and no night vision equipment to speak of excluding a flashlight).

There were a few people with gen2+ NVG out there, they managed to find us quite effectively, and when the chemicals in the glowsticks waned (IIRC these were milspec stuff) they were pretty much totally useless and defenders just waltzed in and peppered the area with grenades and sniped at us.

Not very effective, however the 3000~ (IIRC) lumens 'god light' we had worked wonders
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Old June 9th, 2007, 02:49   #35
Join Date: May 2007
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When this resurch topic was started out it had some major tactics in mind.

For an assult the vip's extraction they would be used to "dull" the vips distress signle.

In a defencive situation the perverble bug zapper.(witch will still work now better then ever after refinements)

Defusing the "nightvision" advantage(defusing but not destroying so far this ones failed)

Non pyro flares(some of the glowsticks reached super bright lightings. To the point they were like a camara flash when you snaped them, and dulled in a short time. Throwing low light very far[high enought to tell ground from bush and bush from human.)

thanks for the opinions feel free to coment or make sugestions other wise
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Old June 9th, 2007, 03:48   #36
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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I've got a few good light tricks up my sleeve, mostly for CQB. A favourite on is to leave a taclight on a surface aiming down a corridor while I stand guard from a different postion. The light provides illumination and an obvious target. Opponents usually end up firing at the unmanned light and I get to fire on them b/c the light is blinding them and providing good illumination for me (it's directional so I'm not very well lit).

Another trick I like is to fight with a free light. I like to be a jerk and cover a corner with the free light and aim the pistol at the same corner. After awhile I pan the light over and sometimes someone decides it's safe to look out and try to pot the guard. Little do they realize that my pistol is still aimed at the corner and it's still illuminated by the light halo.

My pistol RDS is environment adaptable. When the area I'm aiming at is bright, the dot is bright. When it's dark, the dot dims. That way I've always got a good dot picture whether I'm blinding someone or not. Always being able to see my dot and being able to make someone else's dot disappear is a small advantage.
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Old June 9th, 2007, 13:28   #37
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Richmond Hill
So thats whos tac light got shot out at ttac3. O and max fair warning light dosen't blind me that well unless its right at my face other then that it helps iluminate for me.(I dont know why) I was able to use that tac light to see if any one was comming from it.
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