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Starting Utah's first Canadian airsoft team (please dish out the advice)



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Old March 8th, 2007, 21:00   #16
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Quite a few on this guy's team wear the US flag on their shoulder, so why the heck not have an American team wearing our patch? Heck, I'd be honoured to know an airsoft team or two in the US wore OUR flag with pride!
hell ya and hoorahhh

playing with my kid!
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Old March 9th, 2007, 00:57   #17
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One other thing...don't worry about tying to hip drawstring, unless you're billowing the shirt, in which case it should be riding just below your belt.
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Old March 9th, 2007, 12:10   #18
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Totally Awesome.

You guys have been an exceedingly great help so far. I appreciate that and my team-in-the-making appreciates that.

I tried to check this thread this morning but the forums were down

apparently it grew huge overnight!

so where to begin?

- Dump the thermold mags: Check (I've got about a thousand normal STANAG mags anyways; thankfully i only bought 2 thermold mags)
- Don't mention airsoft on the Army's official forums: Check. (heh same protocol in the U.S. too; They don't react too well to airsofters)
- Per Gryphon’s recommendation, I’ve gone and ordered some OD furniture such as an OD Retractable stock, OD RIS rails, and an OD Pistol grip: Check
- PM sent to Army Issue about Scrim and Scrim net: Check (thanks Lerch)

I found the Alta CADPAT kneepads Duffman was talking about, so I’m putting those in my qeue of things to purchase.

I alerted everyone to the Guarder Dimeaco receiver Duffman pointed out. A couple of us are going to see if we can get a hold of one right away. Do they make C7/C8 foregrips? Just curious.

Where can I get a CADPAT admin pouch? I’ve gone to CPgear, but to no avail.

I know we have all seen this picture before, but what the deuce is that black rubber boot on the back of the retractable stock of the C7A2?

Someone made a comment about only JTF-2 wearing CIRAS (if they even wear one at all). Haha I only put my CIRAS on because I wanted to maximize my gear load out when my CADPAT came in the mail. I was never planning on wearing it officially. I’m shooting for that HSGI Weesatch CADPAT plate carrier. I’ll make sure to get some Bollé 800 or ESS goggles. Those U.S. standard issue SWD goggles I’ve been carrying for about 7 years now and are non-functional (prop for the helmet). It’s about time for a new, functioning pair. I plan on putting an NVG mount up top anyways.

So someone tell me about JTF-2

A member of one of our Utah boards mentioned JTF-2 before. I didn't ask any questions for risk of being flamed. I've read the official spiel on them, but I want to hear it from you guys. I'm not interested in replicating a special forces unit - that’s never been my style. Sometimes i feel that they are bit to cliché. I'm trying to do just a normal infantry kit. Lord knows how much I blew on my SAS and KSK days…

Thanks to all of you for the warm welcome. I feel a lot better now that many of you are ok with us wearing your flag on our shoulders (I feel even better that none of you are insulted that we are doing a Canadian unit. thx CDN_Stalker ). You have all been extremely helpful. If you can think of anything else, by all means inform me

- major

I was wondering what was up with that drawstring lerch! i've never seen anything like that. Thanks for the info on that.

Last edited by The Major; March 9th, 2007 at 12:11.. Reason: Went back and read something new...
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Old March 9th, 2007, 12:17   #19
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The pad on the rear of the retractible stock is a rubber buttpad you can just push on. Something like this. Little bit of aftermarket comfort

or this
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Old March 9th, 2007, 12:48   #20
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I should also mention that while you see Thermolds in the rifles pictured above, I believe Diemaco still uses Thermolds for all of their promotional shots. I don't know if it's a bit of nostalgia or Canadian pride, or just because they figure they look better, but don't let it confuse you into believing the Thermolds are still in front-line service.

I agree with you about JTF2 being a bit "cliché" as you say. It seems the fad these days is the elite operator rather than the infantryman, but it does get tired and played out. Personally I don't go for any specific look other than the one that I like. If it doesn't conform precisely to the armed forces whose camo I might be wearing, big deal. I'm not out there to pass drill inspection.

I think that so long as you're wearing CADPAT and carrying an M16-series rifle of some sort the rest of the kit shouldn't make much of a difference. Don't necessarily favor style over substance because you won't enjoy yourself in the field if you restrict yourself to equipment that doesn't perform in the manner you prefer, even if it is authentic. There's a reason the issue Tac Vest is universally reviled by all who wear it.
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Old March 9th, 2007, 14:38   #21
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Cadpat Sotech Vest is Great

I have worn this for airsoft and for field training
I use the Phantom Admin Pounch, it blends with the cadpat once you get it dirty. You could also velcro cadpat blank name tapes or velcro backed fabric to the front to conceal it, I have seen it done.

I am not officially replicating a canadian soldier since do do so would put me in uniform, without approval, and charges could be laid. Better safe than sorry!

Good luck on your setup.


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Old March 9th, 2007, 14:52   #22
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there is no cadpat admin pouch yet (I'm trying to convince matt over at CP to do something though). unless I'm able to dig up 10 people at minimum, then the guys over at ATS (aka lightfighter) would be willing to make their new admin pouch (the clap) in cadpat for us.
I fear that people won't want to be JTF soon and they'll turn to CSOR because 'they've got a cool looking beret' what my maroon beret wasn't cool looking enough anymore?!?
the stock pade makes it feel much more comfortable putting the rifle into the shoulder as opposed to the flat stock of a rectractable stock. make sure you zip tie it to your butt like I should have, or you'll loose it one day.
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Old March 9th, 2007, 15:22   #23
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Where are you playing in Provo ? I know the hills around there are quite nice and Cadpat should work great.
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Old March 9th, 2007, 15:34   #24
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Originally Posted by The Major View Post
I know we have all seen this picture before, but what the deuce is that black rubber boot on the back of the retractable stock of the C7A2?
It houses a cleaning kit in the butt stock.

EDIT: Nevermind thought you were talking about the A1.
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Old March 9th, 2007, 18:16   #25
The Major
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Thanks for the suggestion Maddog. I currently wear the Phantom CIRAS (OD Maritime), so i'll just get some name tapes etc to cover that huge swath of velcro on the front. The thought to do that never crossed my mind. I'll just have to pull my current Admin pouch off and drag it through the mud a bit

I'm trying to replicate general CF infantry - not a specific unit. We get all bent out of shape down here when acutal UNIT patches are worn. I figured there wouldn't be much harm if i wore the acutal gear and a maple leaf patch. I can totally respect that. Thats why i'm trying to appear as generic, but authentic as possible. Does that make sense?

I'd willing be part of that 10 people minimum Yeoman. Let me know.

HaZarD - you know the provo area?

We'll be playing up provo canyon mostly, with an occassional venture into Hobble Creek or Midway (just south of Heber). We play a lot in the western deserts too, like Tooele or Grantsville, just need some CADPAT Arid fot that
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Old March 9th, 2007, 20:10   #26
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Another point of that rubber buttstock pad (not that th e5.56mm has any real kick to it) is to increase the friction on when wearing something like nylon tacvest/armour to keep the stock from slipping up on your shoulder. Rubber pad makes it stay in place better.
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Old March 9th, 2007, 20:57   #27
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I think SKI on ASC has done a cadpat version of a CIRAS with pouches from CP Gear. It looks great and fits with the overall theme if you want to use your exisiting gear. PM him he may give you some more details.


Originally Posted by The Major View Post
Thanks for the suggestion Maddog. I currently wear the Phantom CIRAS (OD Maritime), so i'll just get some name tapes etc to cover that huge swath of velcro on the front. The thought to do that never crossed my mind. I'll just have to pull my current Admin pouch off and drag it through the mud a bit

I'm trying to replicate general CF infantry - not a specific unit. We get all bent out of shape down here when acutal UNIT patches are worn. I figured there wouldn't be much harm if i wore the acutal gear and a maple leaf patch. I can totally respect that. Thats why i'm trying to appear as generic, but authentic as possible. Does that make sense?

I'd willing be part of that 10 people minimum Yeoman. Let me know.

HaZarD - you know the provo area?

We'll be playing up provo canyon mostly, with an occassional venture into Hobble Creek or Midway (just south of Heber). We play a lot in the western deserts too, like Tooele or Grantsville, just need some CADPAT Arid fot that

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Old March 9th, 2007, 21:01   #28
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If you're still looking to get the Alta knee pads, I've got a pair that I'm getting rid of.
Hell, follow the link in my sig and there's an arse load of CADPAT that I'm selling.
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Old March 9th, 2007, 21:42   #29
Ace of Spades©
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Hum...I must resist looking at the pics on your for sale thread Lerch... I hate being broke, the CADPAT whore in me is calling for that 64 pattern rucksack... Yeoman, if the price is right, I may be interested in the admin pouch as well, unless we all start spamming Matt to start making them...
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Old March 10th, 2007, 01:40   #30
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Yeah thats a nice area. The arid is great also out near the hill areas around the flats too!
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