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Call to the community, help correct a wrong...



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Old September 21st, 2014, 21:18   #1
Red Dot
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Exclamation Call to the community, help correct a wrong...

Hello ASCers,

This weekend I was at Operation Operator 2 at PRZ, great game put on by Deltastone. However I started this thread to help out some fellow airsofters that had gear stolen at the event.

Two players from Tombstone Recon had their fully packed bags stolen sometime at night, containing gas mags, new camo, a cellphone and other belongings. Deltastone took charge and was screening vehicles that left the event after it was discovered they were missing but nothing turned up. The whole event took a downturn after that, being such a small and tight-knit community it really made all of us feel bad. I personally was passed out in my tent from heatstroke and had all my gear less then 30 feet from where their gear was stolen so I could have easily been a victim as well.

To help out these guys I am offering $50 bucks towards them to replace their gears and I would encourage all of you to give what you can, this is a rare event and instead of feeling bad for these great guys I want them to get back on their feet and know we have their back.

Hopefully they jump on this thread and comment, and also to leave an email so I know where to send my money. Also if anyone at the event knows anything you can PM me in confidence if you don't want to post up on the forum. Also, if anyone remembers a dude selling equipment out of his pickup earlier in the day please let us know who this individual is.
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Old September 21st, 2014, 22:03   #2
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Anyone have "any" pics or footage of this game? Gun-cams, helmet-cams, go-pros, etc, etc, anything. Make/model of the guys truck, description of him or anyone else that may have left early. Ship all info to Red Dot or Delta Stone (a.k.a. Detective Stone) ASAP. Do not tolerate thievery!
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old September 21st, 2014, 22:53   #3
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We had a stolen AEG this summer. It was recovered after the culprit felt the pressure and maybe some guilt.

But this is getting out of hands. It's a game based on trust and honor and we have this sort of shit happen? Things have changed for the worst.

Next thing we know, public game will have a IN and OUT checkpoint to search for stolen gear.

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Old September 21st, 2014, 23:10   #4
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Does anyone have info on the guy who showed up selling gear out of a white pick up truck? He wasn't part of the game and as far as I know, he showed up unannounced.
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Old September 21st, 2014, 23:20   #5
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we had an incident a long time ago where a player insisted his we dragon had been taken at a night game. after many posts of wailing and saber rattling a player in Quebec discovered it in his pack. IIRC Saint had inadvertently put his pistol in the wrong bag in the dark.
lets first make sure that there hasn't been an error of some kind by some parties. Could Deltastone contact all attendee's and have them search their gear and ensure that there has not been an error.
Conversely we caught a new player shop lifting a boonie hat from my shop on video tape Tuesday afternoon 2005, Scott_ by Wednesday night he was banned by every host, Team and Field of the day. Theft in Airsoft is a "Capital Offence" in this community because when you get caught there is no second chances.
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Old September 21st, 2014, 23:57   #6
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This situation actually really depresses me. It was a smallish game with the vast majority of people being either known, have come out to my games before, or people already know each other. There were only a handful of names I don't recognize, and new players who haven't been out to this event before. I had a chance to spend 5-10 minutes talking with most of the guys I haven't seen before and they all seemed to be people of good character. They all seemed like people I would really like to play with.

And then some shit gets stolen.

It ruins it for everyone. Everyone. It's a game built on trust and friendship - and Airsoft doesn't work when you don't have these two things. Having something stolen is so fundamentally destructive to the entire process that it can completely ruin everything. If you can't trust the guys you are playing with to not steal your backpack of magazines or your gun, why are you playing with them? Why are you driving 3-4 hours to hang out with these dudes? It really upsets me.

I did a headcount of who was still on the field to see if anyone had left early. Almost every single person was still on the field or in their cars sleeping. I got a chance to check most peoples cars on their way off the field or while they were packing up. While I didn't get a chance to look inside every car I got the vast majority of them. That bag is long fucking gone.

To the person who has it:

If you have the bags, I don't care of what was the reason. Accident or you actually stole it. Whatever. Message me and lets get these things back to the proper owners. Police won't be involved, I won't spread your names to other hosts, get you banned from events or the community. It'll just be an accident, grabbed the wrong bag by mistake. The most important thing is getting the phone that was in the bag back to its owner, since his entire life is on it.

Originally Posted by Wardlord View Post
Does anyone have info on the guy who showed up selling gear out of a white pick up truck? He wasn't part of the game and as far as I know, he showed up unannounced.
I spoke with Tim - It's a local guy who just got deals on a bunch of cheap shit and tries to peddle it at games. He doesn't have a business or anything, he just tries to make a buck. He shows up sometimes unannounced at games there - and it works. I know somebody bought Knee Pads from him, and I can imagine him making a killing if he gets inside a major event.

That said Tim says that, yeah, he is a little bit sleazy but he's not sure if he would pinch peoples stuff. I gave Tim a general description of the backpack so if this guy shows up next weekend at a Paintball event and suddenly has those types of bags in stock we know.
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Old September 22nd, 2014, 00:03   #7
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accidentally packing up something that doesn't belong to you happens.

It's pretty despicable behavior if it's someone from the community.

Were the cars parked in their usual spots at prz? Do you know if it was a player at all? I remember playing a game there where a local showed up in the middle of the field in a ghost costume. Luckily he didn't get lit the fuck up cause it was the middle of the night.

But if someone can wander onto the game property, someone can sneak into the parking lot or camp area and make off with stuff.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old September 22nd, 2014, 01:06   #8
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I happened to put my shemagh down this year at Risky Sun out at calgary, and someone picked it up and notified me that they had it once I posted looking for it, however the second time I wasn't so luck and now it's gone.

Theft is the worst, I for one would personally track down and beat the person that steals my gun to within an inch of their life.
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Old September 22nd, 2014, 10:35   #9
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Honestly, how the fuck do you grab something that isn't yours by mistake ?

All my shit is in one specific place, and i'm not retarded enough to grab someone elses gear or bag without knowing what the fuck i'm picking up before leaving the field. Oh hey a bag beside my other bag, is it mine ? Doesn't look like mine ? I'll fucking take it JUST IN CASE IT'S MINE ?

If these cases really happen, I hope they don't have kids because they might grab the wrong one at the day care, or even take off with someone elses car.

You have the retarded level, and the fucking retarded in airsoft level as I can see.

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Last edited by Aper; September 22nd, 2014 at 10:39..
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Old September 22nd, 2014, 10:53   #10
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-Hey guys I just read everyone's comment before I said a few words in the game Forum (didn't know which forum to write in)..... I just want to thank each and every one of you... you have no idea how much it means to me that everyone cares and tries to help each other out if shit like this happens to them... Support like this makes me appreciate this sport more and more knowing that everyone stands behind each other and helps each other out... Also I honestly can't describe how grateful I am Red Dot that you'd suggest pitching donations to help us out...thank you so much...As for the person who pinched our bags or even took them by mistake.. if they were to fess up doing it and gave everything back I honestly wouldn't be mad because at the end of the day myself and Tim have all of my stuff back... Tim and I dealt with his phone though the next day in terms of locking out the stolen one and getting him a replacement because for his work he needs one... Delta... I just want to say again x1000 thank you so much my friend for doing all you could have done in the early morning helping us out...You make me want to go to all of your games man haha.... That being said regardless of this situation our team had an amazing time playing and we will continue going to PRZ games and big events however we may have to start locking up our gear in the cars kind of thing..

-Also to note I agree with everything you said there Delta.. And Red Dot.. once again my friend, I can't thank you enough for helping us out and supporting us and offering to donate...

-My personal belongings in my bag included (BAG, 8 WE Open bolt gas mags (brand new).. CAD PAT jacket, personal jeans and clothes, 3 propane tanks + 2 adapters, 3 green gas containers, 2 goggles, two 5,000 bb bags not opened, gloves, shimogs, CAD PAT boonie Hat). CAD PAT bag itself has 1 broken buckle on the main support strap... That's my bag's description.

-Tim's Bag included, batteries, chargers, cell phone, bag, brand new ever used Kryptic Camo.. those are the main items he told me were in there, I'm assuming there's more...

So hopefully those two bags will turn up because there were a lot of stuff in them.

Last edited by Parody; September 22nd, 2014 at 11:37..
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Old September 22nd, 2014, 12:38   #11
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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It sounds like a lot of stuff to grab by accident. Unless you're loading a whole teams stuff, and thought it was your teammates. Hopefully it all turns up.
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Old September 22nd, 2014, 12:53   #12
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I took some GoPro footage through-out the game. Most of it was inside the actual buildings but I think there was an instance where I was recording near the IDGAF spawn at the registration building, I'll see if I caught anything that might be useful.
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Old September 22nd, 2014, 13:29   #13
Red Dot
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@Parody, if you don't feel comfortable posting your email address on here then please PM me so I can send the money. I know Ricochet also offered to help out.

I don't think this was an accident, these guys were parked at the edge right beside us and no one else. More probable is because the bags were quite large and they were beside the drive into PRZ some fucker(s) rolled up and grabbed them quickly. I hope to be proven wrong.

@Deltastone do you think you'll be able to get that sellers number? I'm sure they would like to talk to him to find out when he left and what he saw and when he plans on being out there again. Also I'd like to know if he sells online and would be willing to share where online he posts his wares.
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Old September 22nd, 2014, 14:29   #14
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Originally Posted by Red Dot View Post
@Parody, if you don't feel comfortable posting your email address on here then please PM me so I can send the money. I know Ricochet also offered to help out.

I don't think this was an accident, these guys were parked at the edge right beside us and no one else. More probable is because the bags were quite large and they were beside the drive into PRZ some fucker(s) rolled up and grabbed them quickly. I hope to be proven wrong.

@Deltastone do you think you'll be able to get that sellers number? I'm sure they would like to talk to him to find out when he left and what he saw and when he plans on being out there again. Also I'd like to know if he sells online and would be willing to share where online he posts his wares.
The man selling gear left shortly after tan and green teams were sent into the field.
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Old September 22nd, 2014, 14:43   #15
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It is very unfortunate that this took place, hopefully both of you guys get your stuff back really soon. I am willing to help out also in regards to the donation so put me down for $50 for each of you.

Also, don't mean to crash this thread but if someone picked up my Thunder B that was thrown into the room with the huge fire place located on the main floor where the 2 tier meets the gym section. The room was being guarded by Tan players at the time during an objective to secure the wooden case. Can you please PM me, I would like to get it back. It should have my call sign written on it in blue and the silver canister that hold the CO2 cartridge had 3 red electrical tape stripes on it.
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