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Old August 23rd, 2014, 22:22   #1
Join Date: Aug 2014
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Is a semi only on an M4 platform with 450 FPS considered as a sniper rifle? Will this gun be allowed in most games? If it's semi it isn't really considered as an AEG. Thoughts? thanks !
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Old August 23rd, 2014, 22:35   #2
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I suggest you ask at your local fields.
Of course, I can only assume that you live in Belize since you have a username that is an acronym for one of the townships in Central-Belize, plus you haven't listed your location in your profile.

Oh yea.. fill out your damn profile.
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Old August 23rd, 2014, 22:47   #3
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I live in GTA
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Old August 23rd, 2014, 22:58   #4
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AEG is all electric guns. Period.
Consider that a real H&K SL8 is automatic in that it auto loads and readies the next round for trigger pull. Generally an H&K G36 is also classed automatic, though it can auto load and auto fire the round.
I'm not sure there is a distinction between semi-automatic and fully-automatic AEGs.
Consider again that my gas We M&P and my gas We Scar-L are both classed GBB.
My only point is that I suggest you focus on its FPS, and not that it requires individual trigger pulls (I hope I'm correct in this).
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Old August 24th, 2014, 01:56   #5
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It all depends on local rules.
As far as actual airsoft gun performance is concerned, my MK18 with it's 10" barrel shoots better than most SR25s, SVDs, SL9s, M700s and other "DMR"s out there.

DMR is just a gimmick title, it's extremely rare that the extra fps makes any difference. The barrel length sure as hell doesn't.
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Old August 24th, 2014, 09:59   #6
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No it won't, downgrade your gun if you want to use it, especially as a newcomer.
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Old August 24th, 2014, 10:15   #7
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Originally Posted by DMR13 View Post
Is a semi only on an M4 platform with 450 FPS considered as a sniper rifle? Will this gun be allowed in most games? If it's semi it isn't really considered as an AEG. Thoughts? thanks !

AEG means it's electric and has no bearing on it being semi or full auto (TM had a semi-only PSG-1 AEG, for example).

Most games don't have special rules for DMRs.

Those that do require the non-bolt action gun to be mechanically locked in semi (i.e., just putting in semi isn't enough). AEG mechboxes are, by default, full auto (the semi comes from a bit of trickery to get it to stop shooting after one shot, but you could break a part in the mechbox and it would be stuck in full auto; the opposite is not true). Aside from having a semi-only mechbox (like the PSG-1) you'd pretty much need to use a mosfet that had a semi-only option. That's assuming they have special rules for DMRs to begin with (as said, most do not).

DMR rules, when present, are usually somewhere between bolt action and AEG, not the full 450 fps.

Even if it was the full 450fps, the extra 50 fps has a negligible performance gain on most AEGs (and cheap bolt actions, too). Snipers do a lot of upgrading to their rifles to get them to perform, way more than just upping the muzzle velocity: they benefit from the extra FPS because the underlying platform can put it to good use. Conversely, just taking a stock AEG and upping the power to 450 fps won't do much except injure people more. And given that your limit on a DMR would likely be 430 fps, all else being equal on the gun your actual gains in terms of effective range would only be about 5-10 feet. Going from 380 fps to 449 fps doesn't magically turn you into 1337 5n1p0r. Sorry.

tl;dr: no, your gun will not be allowed at most (virtually all) games.

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
No it won't, downgrade your gun if you want to use it, especially as a newcomer.
Pretty much the best advice you got so far.
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Old August 24th, 2014, 10:50   #8
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A new player (if that is the case) with a hot gun is a recipe for a confrontation. Please take the good advice given and downgrade, or at least find out the field rules ahead of time.

Please don't think I'm attempting to pile on, but it seems like you are relatively inexperienced (forgive me if that's not the case) so I'll share again what little I've learned in my first year of airsofting. There is a big difference in perception vs reality - I bought guns and gear after watching airsoft videos online without stepping foot on a field. It was a lot different than what I expected, mainly that regardless of gun you can't shoot as far as you think and that airsoft guns really aren't precision weapons (especially outdoor with wind and cover).

The tuning necessary to make an AEG into a semi only DMR would be a waste honestly. Especially if you're just starting up. Go to a game with a plain old AEG, maybe a rental and go from there.
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Old August 24th, 2014, 14:57   #9
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I can say for certain, proven in the field multiple times, that a 380fps and 470fps gun have very comparable range when both using .30s
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Old August 25th, 2014, 18:22   #10
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Rule of thumb on ASC, is that if there's no location given, it's the GTA.

Anyway, most fields and hosts adhere to the 350 FPS for indoors and 400 FPS for outdoors, with the exception of bolt action rifles being allowed to use 450 FPS...At the host's discretion.

There's no "laws" in airsoft (to a point - I mean, you can't bring a regulated firearm to a toy gun fight), and it's up to the host/field to determine FPS limits. But the rule of thumb is that the only guns able to shoot over 400FPS are bolt action rifles.

It slows down your ability to put hot rounds down range, as well as forces you to pull your eyes out of your optic, and breaks the tunnel vision that you fall into. That way you'll notice if someone comes running up in front of you, and suddenly there's someone between your target at 100 ft, and your muzzle shooting 450 FPS.

It's actually something all shooters need to be able to do (break their tunnel vision), but something especially important in our sport with a hot gun, where you don't ACTUALLY want to hurt people.
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Old August 28th, 2014, 00:16   #11
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Well since everyone has touched on the rule side of things if your M4 is not at PTW max or a fully upgraded AEG and its shooting 450 there is a good chance you will blow your piston and possibly other gear box issues.
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