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Old May 5th, 2012, 22:44   #1
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IJA Loadouts

Lately, I've had really strong interest in doing a WW2 IJA Loadout...

So far, places I've been looking at to buy from are places I have purchased from before with good experiences, but if you know other ones that you've tried, feel free to let me know!


Airsoft Guns/Weapons
It seems, other than the rare Tanaka's not many other choices... For now the only possible options seem like:
- Tanaka Type 38 or Type 99 if available
- VSR10 Modified into a Type 38/99 stock etc...
- AGM Sten Gun modified into a MP18
- ICS M1 Garand (Type 5, experimental gun)
- Rock ZB 26 LMG (Closest thing to their Type99 LMG I guess)

Officers have more freedom regarding pistols, since many own/used European pistols too.
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Old May 5th, 2012, 23:43   #2
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You can check the KTW-made springer type 38,which is a superb piece of hardware ever!
I have been waiting for someone to get me one as well
just make a correction: JP troops were never equipped with the Czech-made ZB26/30 LMG,instead they had a pretty freaky design called type 96,which is also nicknamed as bastard of the ZB and the Bren. JP airsoft companies have made some AEG version but the cost might be a little bit visually intimidating.
Btw I have a Marushin-made Nambu 14 GBB and I 'd say it is the worst gun I have owned so far, notorious as the RS!
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Old May 5th, 2012, 23:53   #3
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Yup, the ZB26 just is the most similar available AEG that I could find that should potentially be easier to get than the KTW Type 99 LMG :P

KTW Type 38 seems pretty rare... (

Might end up doing what Ken wants to do... Modify a VSR to a Type38/99 haha.... Otherwise I could just buy a Chiang Kai Shek Gas gun coming out at the end of this year... Looks like a cross between a Kar98 and a Type99...

So far gear alone seems like it will easily set me back around $400-450, aiming to do this for next year if enough people are interested in a group order by then Collecting more KMT/German/JSDF/TW Gear for this year T.T

Last edited by kaiu; May 6th, 2012 at 00:06..
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Old May 6th, 2012, 00:12   #4
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Originally Posted by kaiu View Post
Yup, the ZB26 just is the most similar available AEG that I could find that should potentially be easier to get than the KTW Type 99 LMG :P

KTW Type 38 seems pretty rare... (

Might end up doing what Ken wants to do... Modify a VSR to a Type38/99 haha.... Otherwise I could just buy a Chiang Kai Shek Gas gun coming out at the end of this year... Looks like a cross between a Kar98 and a Type99...

So far gear alone seems like it will easily set me back around $400-450
The best way is get a stock Dboys' Kar 98 and re-pad it with the original Arisaka stock and bolt, which could be obtained at some local Gun show as well as at a fairly affordable price.
I guess that might involve some filing and elementary machining work.

KTW also makes the type 96 AEG:

Aside from the airsoft world, check out this:
This crazy granny shoots and collects JP stuff on a worldwide basis. Might be a good to contact her if you are interested in some real stuff and she lives in AB!
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Old May 6th, 2012, 00:18   #5
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Originally Posted by sortie39 View Post
The best way is get a stock Dboys' Kar 98 and re-pad it with the original Arisaka stock and bolt, which could be obtained at some local Gun show as well as at a fairly affordable price.
I guess that might involve some filing and elementary machining work.

KTW also makes the type 96 AEG:

Aside from the airsoft world, check out this:
This crazy granny shoots and collects JP stuff on a worldwide basis. Might be a good to contact her if you are interested in some real stuff and she lives in AB!
Yeah, saw that... @ $4k... + additional mags if sourcing it is even possible T.T
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Old May 6th, 2012, 02:59   #6
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Originally Posted by sortie39 View Post
Btw I have a Marushin-made Nambu 14 GBB
I 'd say it is the worst gun I have owned so far, notorious as the RS!
Seems that Japanese airsoft weapons are just as bad as the real things.

The Tanaka Type 99 and Type 38 shoot hot enough to import.

the KTW Type 96 runs off a MP7 Mechbox, not very intimating if you ask me.

There is no Type 100 SMG, there is a MP-18 from Shoot n Scoot but both guns prices will dictate avalibility.

Hearing about the Nambu, means the choice of sidearms of the Japanese officer is going to kinda suck.

Might be able to pass off a TT-33 as a Colt 1903, or maybe the Bell M10 Revolver (Equally shitty pistol with low fps and no hopup). Officers may not use a rifle or crew served weapons so their fight will end rather quickly.
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Old May 6th, 2012, 03:36   #7
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Originally Posted by Kingsix View Post
Seems that Japanese airsoft weapons are just as bad as the real things.

The Tanaka Type 99 and Type 38 shoot hot enough to import.

the KTW Type 96 runs off a MP7 Mechbox, not very intimating if you ask me.

There is no Type 100 SMG, there is a MP-18 from Shoot n Scoot but both guns prices will dictate avalibility.

Hearing about the Nambu, means the choice of sidearms of the Japanese officer is going to kinda suck.

Might be able to pass off a TT-33 as a Colt 1903, or maybe the Bell M10 Revolver (Equally shitty pistol with low fps and no hopup). Officers may not use a rifle or crew served weapons so their fight will end rather quickly.
There are plenty of any type of CAP Japanese WW2 infantry weapons.If you are not expecting some actual battle scenarios effect, those are pretty good for a private collection.

The JP troops had an issue pistol pretty similar to the colt 1903.
As long as you can find a BB colt 1903, it is enough to fake the JP officers during the manchurian period.
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Old May 6th, 2012, 04:03   #8
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Originally Posted by sortie39 View Post
The JP troops had an issue pistol pretty similar to the colt 1903.
As long as you can find a BB colt 1903, it is enough to fake the JP officers during the manchurian period.
umm tokarov copied M1903
Ruger mk series copied Nambu which is the most common officer pistol

Japanese army didnt have a standard issue pistol (officer had to purchase their own) richer ones buy European poorer ones buy Nambu made in Japan.
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Old May 6th, 2012, 04:55   #9
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
umm tokarov copied M1903
Ruger mk series copied Nambu which is the most common officer pistol

Japanese army didnt have a standard issue pistol (officer had to purchase their own) richer ones buy European poorer ones buy Nambu made in Japan.
The tokarev actually copied browning 1906, it looks more like the colt1903 nevertheless.
Even the Nambu pistols had some strict issuing rules, some baby nambu's were exclusively issued to officers ranked as major general above.
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Old August 13th, 2012, 06:18   #10
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Interesting guy is scratch building an Ariasaka Type 38 (WIP)
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Old August 13th, 2012, 06:21   #11
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Originally Posted by sortie39 View Post
There are plenty of any type of CAP Japanese WW2 infantry weapons.If you are not expecting some actual battle scenarios effect, those are pretty good for a private collection.

The JP troops had an issue pistol pretty similar to the colt 1903.
As long as you can find a BB colt 1903, it is enough to fake the JP officers during the manchurian period.

Zing Colt 1903 too bad Springer
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Old August 13th, 2012, 12:35   #12
a.k.a. LastSpartan
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IIRC, it wasn't issued. Officers bought Nambu pistols as their sidearm, but unless you were an high-ranking officer, I doubt you were issued a sidearm.

And I believe you'd see a lot more Nambus than 1903s.

Also, as for the OP, the "Japanese-Garand" wasn't used in the war. Same with the Type 100/40, really little were produced (10,000 iirc) and most were kept for the officers in-land.


Last edited by Boyso; August 13th, 2012 at 12:38..
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Old August 13th, 2012, 13:09   #13
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Originally Posted by Boyso View Post
IIRC, it wasn't issued. Officers bought Nambu pistols as their sidearm, but unless you were an high-ranking officer, I doubt you were issued a sidearm.
Pretty much officers had to buy their own pistols but I believe most officers bought other type of pistols instead of the Nambu.
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Old August 18th, 2012, 22:50   #14
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There are so many IJA airsofts replica out there (at least in japan).

Starting from rifle,

Type 38 Cavalry Rifle (Kiju) - Cost in Japan ¥81,900
Type 44 Cavalry Rifle (Kiju) - Cost in Japan ¥99,750
Type 38 Infantry Weapon (Hohei-ju) - Cost in Japan ¥89,250
Type 99 Short Rifle - (Tan-shoju) - Cost in Japan ¥86,100
Type 97 Sniper Rifle (Sogeki-ju) - Cost in Japan ¥131,250
Type 99 Sniper Rifle (Sogeki-ju) - Cost in Japan ¥117,600
Type 2 Paratrooper Rifle (Tera-ju) - Cost in Japan ¥117,600

Sub-machine Gun

Type 100 Sub-machine Gun (Kikan-tanju) - Cost in Japan ¥102,900
Type 100 Sub-machine Gun Late Model (Kikan-tanju) - Cost in Japan ¥134,400


Type 96 LMG (Kei-kikanju) - Cost in Japan ¥344,400


Nambu Type 14 MAXI 8mm Early Model (Kenju) - Cost in Japan ¥13,125
Nambu Type 14 MAXI 8mm Late Model (Kenju) - Cost in Japan ¥13,400

I am sure there are more companies that make IJA based airsoft guns, but this is what I know for now. Remember, the Japanese yen costs more than Canadian Dollar so those airsofts can be quite pricy (roughly, 1CAD = 80JPY).

Lastly, I can vouch for S&Graf as well. I bought from them both online and at the actual stores in Japan.

As for the other place that sells IJA gears, if you can read Japanese, you could try those Rankuten auction site and such.

Good luck finding these!
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Old August 19th, 2012, 13:35   #15
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Tanaka rifles shoot at a high enough FPS to import legally

CAW Type 100 Submachinegun is cap firing

Type 96 LMG (Kei-kikanju) Has a MP7 mechbox

Been Thinking about the ZB26, though not a Japanese Weapon the IJA had plenty of Captured ZB-26 and deployed them throughout the war.

Nambu Type 14 MAXI 8mm Early Model (Kenju) - Cost in Japan ¥13,125
Nambu Type 14 MAXI 8mm Late Model (Kenju) - Cost in Japan ¥13,400

We order our Team uniforms and random gear from S&Graf

Last edited by Kingsix; August 19th, 2012 at 13:38..
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