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Suggested Spetsnaz Kit


Russia and East Bloc

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Old June 25th, 2005, 09:31   #1
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Suggested Spetsnaz Kit

Hello all,

This is somewhat of a broad question, which I thought I should pose to the folks that enjoy playing Russian format airsoft. I know what my research has told me, but I'm looking for something a little more realistic to airsoft.

The 24hr MilSim I'm producing for mid-September has a Spetsnaz component which will be in charge of the Egyptian/Iraqi terrorist group.

My question is, what would the community suggest for the Spetsnaz BDU requirements, keeping in mind that the BDU needs to be something that airsofters would potentially have in their closet, and not some extremely hard to get or obscure configuration. The goal is to have an authentic Spetsnaz squad for the game, role-playing appropriately to make the game more interesting.


Whisper Kill
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Old June 25th, 2005, 14:17   #2
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The the most common BDU is Flora, but thats ussually used by the interior troops, regular army, but im sure the spetsnaz use Flora, they also mix and match there stuff, its not uncommon to see them with a different pattern vest, pants, or jacket etc. If I had to say, the Flora is the easiest to get, Flora BDU's goes for around $60 a set, the Russian stuff isnt easy to get, so it might be hard outfitting alot of guys with this stuff, anyways, heres what flora looks like, and some others...


VSR(my favourite)

Bekas Kamysh(this is what I have)
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Old June 25th, 2005, 16:35   #3
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That's what airborne wore back in the day. I think russian army still uses KZS up to this day. It's made for snipers but used by everybody.
I used to have a set back home. Thing is pretty good. I'll get one for the game.

Btw, I don't think it's too hard to get one. They are not that expensive on ebay as far as I know.

Found a picsof actual suit.

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Old June 29th, 2005, 18:00   #4
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KMLK pattern looks hardcore, but you'd need a pair of the soviet-era knee-high boots to make the look fly.

i prefer the Gorod-1 or Shadow pattern Bekas with the v-95 vest in forest kamysh, it looks pure spetsnaz, because they usually have non-issue gear or mismatched gear. This goes for their weapons as well, mostly you'll see AKM's with the baquelite orange magazines instead of the newer AK74's or AKS-74M's, the stopping power is much stronger than the wimpy 5.45mm cartridge.
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Old July 1st, 2005, 00:48   #5
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When you wants to get a Spetsnaz impression, you really have a lot of options to choose from (IMO, more than any other nation's military).

Since I am getting a sense that your main impression outside of this event is non-Russian, I would recommend getting some cheap.

For the wear, Bekas BDU (in Tiger, Shadow and Les) and Flora BDU are accurate for the look. Bekas, espeically in Shadow, are leaning towards the police-type Spetsnaz (OMON & OMSN, etc.) while Flora is pretty much exclusively for the army-type (MVD VV) in terms of Spetsnaz. Keep in mind that other Spetsnaz would still use Bekas and Flora is a basic BDU in the Russian military. Another note is that the Shadow is more for urban warefare and night time, but sometimes Spetsnaz will wear that in the forest and during day time.

Getting rainsuits are another options. Rainsuits made by Splav can basically act as a subtitute for a BDU. The price of one suit is cheaper than a BDU. It has the pocketing like a BDU. The pants have pockets that can hold magazines. You can skip a assault vest with that. The top part have couple of pockets(two chests, two on the side of the stomach, IIRC). I would recommend wearing something underneath it, such as a T-shirt or something else, depending on the weather. The same goes for the pants. Rainsuits in Les or NATO (cannot remember which, could be both) are for sure weared by the top-grade type Spetsnaz (GRU, OSN). A US Woodland rainsuit would do it as it has a similar looking to the pattern. The Smog pattern is like that too except you cannot get it. Shadow, Gorod and Tiger are popluar amongst, but not limited to, the OMON and OMSN.

As for the shoes, any army boots should do it. Sneakers and running shoes can do it two. But they should be Addidas. The all black with white strips ones are popular.

The headwear should be a mask (Maska in Black or in Les or Tiger) or a bandana in OD Green would do it.

I think this is enough writing the night. I might continue with the assault vest in another time.

i prefer the Gorod-1 or Shadow pattern Bekas with the v-95 vest in forest kamysh, it looks pure spetsnaz, because they usually have non-issue gear or mismatched gear.
That is true for OMON and OMSN but for the GRU or the OSN. They don't mismatch that much. They don't usually do a winter-type (shadow, Gorod-1, etc.) with summer-type (Les, Tiger, Reed, etc.). They do it the summer-with-summer type.

Here is a few good link for researching:
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Old July 2nd, 2005, 00:59   #6
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Originally Posted by DeviLocK
When you wants to get a Spetsnaz impression, you really have a lot of options to choose from (IMO, more than any other nation's military).

Since I am getting a sense that your main impression outside of this event is non-Russian, I would recommend getting some cheap.

For the wear, Bekas BDU (in Tiger, Shadow and Les) and Flora BDU are accurate for the look. Bekas, espeically in Shadow, are leaning towards the police-type Spetsnaz (OMON & OMSN, etc.) while Flora is pretty much exclusively for the army-type (MVD VV) in terms of Spetsnaz. Keep in mind that other Spetsnaz would still use Bekas and Flora is a basic BDU in the Russian military. Another note is that the Shadow is more for urban warefare and night time, but sometimes Spetsnaz will wear that in the forest and during day time.

Getting rainsuits are another options. Rainsuits made by Splav can basically act as a subtitute for a BDU. The price of one suit is cheaper than a BDU. It has the pocketing like a BDU. The pants have pockets that can hold magazines. You can skip a assault vest with that. The top part have couple of pockets(two chests, two on the side of the stomach, IIRC). I would recommend wearing something underneath it, such as a T-shirt or something else, depending on the weather. The same goes for the pants. Rainsuits in Les or NATO (cannot remember which, could be both) are for sure weared by the top-grade type Spetsnaz (GRU, OSN). A US Woodland rainsuit would do it as it has a similar looking to the pattern. The Smog pattern is like that too except you cannot get it. Shadow, Gorod and Tiger are popluar amongst, but not limited to, the OMON and OMSN.

As for the shoes, any army boots should do it. Sneakers and running shoes can do it two. But they should be Addidas. The all black with white strips ones are popular.

The headwear should be a mask (Maska in Black or in Les or Tiger) or a bandana in OD Green would do it.

I think this is enough writing the night. I might continue with the assault vest in another time.

i prefer the Gorod-1 or Shadow pattern Bekas with the v-95 vest in forest kamysh, it looks pure spetsnaz, because they usually have non-issue gear or mismatched gear.
That is true for OMON and OMSN but for the GRU or the OSN. They don't mismatch that much. They don't usually do a winter-type (shadow, Gorod-1, etc.) with summer-type (Les, Tiger, Reed, etc.). They do it the summer-with-summer type.

Here is a few good link for researching:
nice post, thanks for sharing the links. :tup:

spent lots of time cheking out the pics and guns. lots of ideas for mods and kits.
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Old July 3rd, 2005, 11:40   #7
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I am glad that you like it, oOMuDOo.

I am going to continue with the assault vest part.

I've had a small conversation with a OMSN member about the Russian assualt vest. The information that I will present to you is based on that but mostly from what I have gathered from other sources. The main thing about my recommendations is that they are all cheap amongst their counterparts.

For an OMSN, they each have two vests, one is for patrol and the other for assault. The patrol one belongs to a family of vests called the assault apron. A cheap vest belongs to this family is Rex Design's M21. It is basically a counterpart of ANA's V-95. The layout of the pouches and pockets are the same on the two aprons. The exception lays with its velcros to secure the pouches on top of snapping the buttoms and fasten them, which the V-95 have the latter two. To sum things up, the M21 is a moderized version of the V-95. As for the assault type, it is usually the chest rig type. I would recommend the Splav's M23 Pioneer. My grounds for this recommendation are based on (beside the price tag) that some Spetsnaz do use it. Keep in mind that there aren't that many Spetsnaz there using it, and this assault vest are used by others as well. This vest will not make the accurate impression of GRU or OSN, but will do for OMSN, VV and FSB plus others. Another option that will do for an assault and patroll vest, is to simply buy a webbing and add pouches to it. The RD-54 is also a good option too, but it is mostly for VDV(airborne).

I hope all readers can make it through my grammar and spelling mistakes, and able to understand my post.

Please feel free to ask questions, add on or correct my information.

PS: V-95 is more popular than the M21.
PS: Most people don't consider OMON and OMSN as true Spetsnaz but they are called that.
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Old July 5th, 2005, 19:30   #8
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im making a quick post to recommend the flora. its a good solid bdu, great camoflauge, and its a generic uniform used by servicemen across the russian army (officers, spetsnaz, general infantry, etc) so its versatile for the role your trying to reenact.

whisper_kill: we are interested in playing at your event in september, but i do not have confirmation yet, hence not posting on your thread. we are a squad of 7, experienced as a squad and emulating an MVD spetsnaz group. heres an old pic, we have mainly flora and a KLMK suit displayed in this one:

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Old July 5th, 2005, 22:19   #9
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the guy on the far right is GRU spetsnaz, hardcore.
You may not like my opinion... there is a very simple solution to that: Close your eyes.

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Old July 6th, 2005, 00:21   #10
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heheh yea we having a bit of fun with the photos

that photo gallery is so awesome, much thanks to the guy who made that, ive spent many hours looking at some of hte pictures, some of them quite gruesome.
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Old July 6th, 2005, 10:31   #11
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Originally Posted by fuzzhead
that photo gallery is so awesome, much thanks to the guy who made that, ive spent many hours looking at some of hte pictures, some of them quite gruesome.
You're very welcome, I am glad people find it a usefull reference source. Just ignore the retarded comments some idiots post.

Originally Posted by GiordanoWC

the guy on the far right is GRU spetsnaz, hardcore.
Which picture are you referring to? (you can hotlink any image from pbase by clicking on the picture thumbnail, then when the picture is displayed - copy the url from the browser address bar, paste it in your post here and add .jpg at the end).

For example: << add .jpg and the [img] [/img] tags before and after the url, so you get this:



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Old July 7th, 2005, 18:55   #12
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Originally Posted by Yuxi
Igor speaks long time no see you post, got any new gear buddy?
Long time indeed, old comrade My Russian treasure chest never runs out of goodies so if you ever decide to go back to the dark side from your present hispeed "!!!111" impression, I'll hook ya up :salute:


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Old September 27th, 2005, 13:19   #13
Primo Italiano
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Originally Posted by 666
That's what airborne wore back in the day. I think russian army still uses KZS up to this day. It's made for snipers but used by everybody.
I used to have a set back home. Thing is pretty good. I'll get one for the game.

Btw, I don't think it's too hard to get one. They are not that expensive on ebay as far as I know.

Found a picsof actual suit.

KZS-1 is oversuit, is mesh made and don't have pocket but ony on trouser open for uniform under this (there are more color dominant... very beautifull is ligth on dark gren)

i prefer KMLK pattern (i serck one piece reversible with nigth pattern in),your photo is standard 2 piece no reversible like mine

this 2 is take on ebay from Ukraine seller ( ) but have only M/R size

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Old January 1st, 2006, 15:52   #14
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I have a KLMK two-piece myself. Got it off of rusmilitary store. It's some sick shit. I also have a STSh-81, and a Sfera-P helmet as well.
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Old January 1st, 2006, 19:19   #15
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Giordano - Im almost positive the Spetsnaz dont even wear jackboots, as they are more tactical special forces.
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