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goggles fit for play


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Old July 31st, 2011, 18:32   #1
Black Jack
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goggles fit for play

Hi All

Ive run into an issue with goggles at different field and Im looking for input:

I have a pair of ESS goggles with the vent fan.

I bought these since they seemed to be a superior product, and had good protection while not being as easy to fog. However when I went to Flag raiders, they said they were no-good for their field I and I needed to buy a set of their kind.

Is there some regulation or grading that local fields like FR or FS or whoever accept? I didnt really get a straight answer from the staff there at the field on why mine were no good, and I didnt want to buy a crappier set that Id never use otherwise.

I dont want to get turned away from games again, but I dont want to have to have several sets of eye protection with me, or use ones that will just suck or fog up. Ideally Id like to own a good set that will not be shot down by commercial fields. Any advise?
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Old July 31st, 2011, 18:51   #2
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I think what they want is a paintball approved mask, as their insurance probably requires such.

Most fields that are primarily intended for paintball will ask such masks.

However, other fields, most likely owned by airsoft players will usually accept any balistic goggles answering to ANSI Z87.1 certification, as your ESS are, will most likely be accepted.
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old July 31st, 2011, 18:57   #3
Black Jack
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So what exactly is "paintball approved"?

Besides their waiver states Im taking all legal responsibility upon myself for my own safety and assume all risks upon myself. So why cant I wear what I feel is safest for me? Id rather wear a pair of goggles that can stop a shotgun at 35 feet then some crappy paintball mask.

Last edited by Black Jack; July 31st, 2011 at 19:00..
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Old July 31st, 2011, 19:02   #4
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Originally Posted by Col.Angus View Post
So what exactly is "paintball approved"?

Besides their waiver states Im taking all legal responsibility upon myself for my own safety and assume all risks upon myself. So why cant I wear what I feel is safest for me? Id rather wear a pair of goggles that can stop a shotgun at 35 feet then some crappy paintball mask.
ansi rated paintball goggles are mandatory on paintball fields due to insurance issues. you dont wanna wear paintball goggles, paintball fields dont want you playing because you are a liability
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Old July 31st, 2011, 20:07   #5
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I went to the same game today and it's pretty clear the "paintball approved" label is actually nonsense. It's quite a bit more likely it's "brandnames we recognize" or something similar like that. It seems extremely unlikely that the staff at FR know what ANSI standards they're matching against or this wouldn't be an issue. Full-seal ANSI-rated goggles for airsoft probably supersede "paintball approved" goggles.

At any rate, I ponied up for the house-brand goggles they were offering, and I can tell you that they aren't even "paintball approved". How do I know? There is a sticker you need to peel off the lens to use them. It says the following:

"For Airsoft ONLY"
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Old July 31st, 2011, 20:12   #6
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Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
I went to the same game today and it's pretty clear the "paintball approved" label is actually nonsense. It's quite a bit more likely it's "brandnames we recognize" or something similar like that. It seems extremely unlikely that the staff at FR know what ANSI standards they're matching against or this wouldn't be an issue. Full-seal ANSI-rated goggles for airsoft probably supersede "paintball approved" goggles.

At any rate, I ponied up for the house-brand goggles they were offering, and I can tell you that they aren't even "paintball approved". How do I know? There is a sticker you need to peel off the lens to use them. It says the following:

"For Airsoft ONLY"
yet again it comes down to their insurance provider.
an insurance company will not give them coverage if the parties involved will not appeal by their standards, now that means paintball brand goggles. if you have such an issue with this go to airsoft only fields. otherwise bite the bullet and pony up the 20$+ I have 3 pairs of goggles ballistic, repro, and paintball
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Old July 31st, 2011, 21:07   #7
Black Jack
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Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z View Post
yet again it comes down to their insurance provider.
an insurance company will not give them coverage if the parties involved will not appeal by their standards, now that means paintball brand goggles. if you have such an issue with this go to airsoft only fields. otherwise bite the bullet and pony up the 20$+ I have 3 pairs of goggles ballistic, repro, and paintball
Thats kinda the point though isnt it? Is the insurance provider concerned about the brand name, or the safety quality of the goggles? Cause I can just spray-paint a logo on the band of any goggle set I have and be rated then so that it says "paintball okie dokie". Or I can wear safety rated whatever I have and actually be safe. I think they are adhering to the letter of the agreement and not the real purpose. Technically the waiver is invalid because Im not playing paintball as described in the terms.
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Old July 31st, 2011, 21:14   #8
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Originally Posted by Col.Angus View Post
Thats kinda the point though isnt it? Is the insurance provider concerned about the brand name, or the safety quality of the goggles? Cause I can just spray-paint a logo on the band of any goggle set I have and be rated then so that it says "paintball okie dokie". Or I can wear safety rated whatever I have and actually be safe. I think they are adhering to the letter of the agreement and not the real purpose. Technically the waiver is invalid because Im not playing paintball as described in the terms.
they have to follow every letter otherwise no insurance no field.
they need you to follow their rules no matter how stupid or arbitrary you may deem them.
as for the waiver, it is a liability waiver not I am playing paintball form. you sign it so if you do something stupid you cannot sue them.
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Old July 31st, 2011, 21:34   #9
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Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
I went to the same game today and it's pretty clear the "paintball approved" label is actually nonsense. It's quite a bit more likely it's "brandnames we recognize" or something similar like that. It seems extremely unlikely that the staff at FR know what ANSI standards they're matching against or this wouldn't be an issue. Full-seal ANSI-rated goggles for airsoft probably supersede "paintball approved" goggles.

At any rate, I ponied up for the house-brand goggles they were offering, and I can tell you that they aren't even "paintball approved". How do I know? There is a sticker you need to peel off the lens to use them. It says the following:

"For Airsoft ONLY"
Properly rated lenses will have the certification molded or stamped in there. If not, the lenses might be to ANSI Z87.x spec, but hasn't been certified.

Personally, this will make or break a purchase. Seriously, just how many pairs of goggles are you going to be buying?

Plomp down 50-75-100$ and get something that will last you forever.
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Old August 2nd, 2011, 12:28   #10
Black Jack
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Well thats the other part of the reason I post, is that Id like to know whats the better types of masks I can get that ARE paintball approved. The reason I got the ESS ones is that they had interchangeable lenses and had a vent fan to prevent fogging and still look tactical to at least some degree. Fogging is the number one reason I didnt want to buy a cheap set for the day on the spot. Any suggestions?
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Old August 2nd, 2011, 12:37   #11
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Get a nice $160 DYE Paintball mask and call it a day! That is the simple answer to your long stretched out question. The field says "do this" and if you "do that" you don't get to "do anything" on their field. TADA!!! Why message for soo long on a very simple question to answer? DYE's are very nice masks, and they have good ventilation, and I think they may even have a fan in one of their masks!
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Old August 2nd, 2011, 12:39   #12
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Location: Ft McMurray This is a link to a really nice paintball mask that has camo in it! I even shopped for you! How lucky you are...
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Old August 2nd, 2011, 12:39   #13
Cobalt Caliber
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I was at FR on the 31st. goggles they sold where JP airsoft goggles. which look like JP paintball goggles with airsoft stamped on them.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old August 2nd, 2011, 12:51   #14
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They aren't worth near that lightly used, hell even new 160$ is high.

I own a pair of Dye i3 with the add-on Dye fan. I sweat like a motherfucker sometimes, never got bad fogging. Nothing that interfered with me at least.

I also own a pair of Wiley-X SG1. They might fog a bit more, but keeping a couple pair of extra lenses will allow you to swap them out and let them dry every hour or so. I bought something like 20 pairs of lenses for under a 60$, though that was more of a fluke.

There are a few more models in my gear bag but these are the ones I would recommend from personal use.

Check with your local field, if paintball goggles are required that will limit your choices a bit but you want to know these things before you actually make a purchase.

If I may make a suggestion, find the next game in your end and go. Introduce yourself, talk to people and you'll probably be able to try out gear and guns.

Since everyone's face is a bit different, you want to try out some before you buy, especially if you have narrower features. Many manufacturers have models built specifically for some asian and female face profiles.

Finally, a word of warning. Never buy mesh goggles. Ever. Also stick to protection that seals against your face/eyes, you never know when you'll get ambushed from a side.
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Old August 2nd, 2011, 14:09   #15
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Col.Angus View Post
So what exactly is "paintball approved"?

Besides their waiver states Im taking all legal responsibility upon myself for my own safety and assume all risks upon myself. So why cant I wear what I feel is safest for me? Id rather wear a pair of goggles that can stop a shotgun at 35 feet then some crappy paintball mask.
you wear paintball goggles because you will often find yourself playing airsoft with paintballers on the field at the same time. a lot of ballers won't know you're with a different group and shoot you or do it on purpose. there are also times when their shots aren't very accurate and stray from their field onto yours. ansi rated goggles are great but are not acceptable when it comes to paint.

you have the impact resistance in the ESS but anything that isn't deemed paintball approved has not been tested to see if paint can penetrate and get into your eyes.

Originally Posted by HeadlessChicken View Post
All the downtown fields I've gone to accepted ANSI approved goggles, thats why I overlooked it. Aw well, good excuse to go out and buy more stuff...again.
most of the downtown paintball places that host airsoft typically don't allow the 2 groups playing at the same time.
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