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KJW Glock 27 without canada-soft lower receiver and trademarks?


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Old April 12th, 2011, 00:54   #31
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Yes, there's a way to get all of that.

No, nobody will tell you until you get AV'd.

question answered.
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Old April 12th, 2011, 00:55   #32
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What I dont understand is, through what you say.

Lots, and lots, and 'lots' of people here spend the money on a TM, hell, most peoples sidearm of choice end up being a TM HiCapa pistol, M92, Glock 17/18, etc.

So, if KJW being 'better' overall, why wouldn't they just buy a KJW? Why wouldn't KJW or some other chinese brand be more popular amongst players?

Simple, TM offers consistancy and quality that KJW can't simply hold up to. The numbers speak for themselves.
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Old April 12th, 2011, 01:02   #33
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Originally Posted by S7EVIN View Post
Im going off the advice of a professional airsofter and owner of an airsoft store.
And is said store owner the one selling you the KJW Glock?

Yeah, see here's the thing...stores will say anything to sell shit to you. I'm a retailer too and I'm not immune to this, but at least I try not to be biased.

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Last edited by Styrak; April 12th, 2011 at 01:54..
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Old April 12th, 2011, 13:29   #34
a.k.a. Phoneguy
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I own 3 TM G26A's and having said that I haven't had a problem with them so far. Running propane with a few drops of silicone oil to keep the gun and the o-rings in the mags well lubed goes a long way. I've taken the fill valves out, soaked them in silly oil for 24 hours, popped them back in and they've held gas ever since. No problems with stock TM mags.

Here's a quote from a retailer that I got :
My suggestion, is to go for the Marui mags - not only for compatibility reasons, but simply because they are more durable and should perform better. In the long run, it's a wiser financial decision. Anyways, let me know when you figure that out.
Having said all of this I just recently acquired a KJW G27 and it's nice with the metal slide and outer barrel but the mag leaks even after I've soaked the o-ring in oil. Also the heavier slide and outer barrel tends to use allot more gas than the plastic one.

It's also already been proven by Mike that the KJW might shoot a bit harder but the TM will out range and out last it all the time. Forget everything you think you know about FPS and continue reading. Heck, even I've made mistakes and have had to go back to reading the forums.

You see, what everyone is telling you on this forum is true. And I have, as well as others have, first hand knowledge. Listen to what's been said to you, and stop being that person that asks for advice only to be upset when people don't validate what you've already pre-determined to do.

Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
When you are limited, your mind takes over. When you are in abundance, your mind goes blank.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Long story short:
If your gun is in Canada, leave it in Canada.
If your gun is not in Canada, leave it outside of Canada.
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Old April 13th, 2011, 01:39   #35
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The primary strong point of TM guns in general is their hopup and firing system. Thats where clones can't really keep up. Higher FPS does not equal longer range, better accuracy or more precision. That is the hopup and general firing mechanism's job. Almost all TM AEG guns shoot at 280fps, but they usually outperform clones shooting 330fps or whatnot because they are more consistent in their shots, terms of trajectory of the BB. Same with the pistols. Its why the TM is suggested by the members here.

Just googling such a comparison would tell you what i just said. I recently looked into a KSC Glock 18 vs TM Glock 18 comparison and thats what it told me. I myself have a WE M9 and even though its full metal and shoots faster and is almost 100 bucks cheaper, a TM M9 is still what I'd go for next time, based on the one I got a look at recently.
H&K G36c (KWA) / Glock 18c (TM) / Kimber LAPD SWAT Custom (TM) / Mossberg M500 (ACM)

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Old April 14th, 2011, 23:19   #36
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Yep, I understand, but still no one has answered my question..
And I'm not changing my mind about the KJW, tokyo marui is too expensive for me at the moment.
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Old April 14th, 2011, 23:23   #37
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Your question was answered in the first reply.

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Old April 15th, 2011, 00:06   #38
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Hi, I live in Canada, of course, and I would like to know if there is anyway to get the KJW Glock 27 with the metal slide but get it with the regular black lower receiver instead of the tinted one that all Canadian retailers sell.
Get age-verified on these forums and browse the classifieds. You can also try the age-verified retailers section to see if they have it in stock. If neither of those work out, post a request in the Wanted section for it.

If not is there anyway I could get a black lower receiver by itself (Tokyo marui G26 is compatible with KJW glock 27) and ship it to Canada.
Since you have obviously not perused the FAQ, I will give you this little snippet from the topic in there titled "Importing Airsoft and You":

Yes. The good news is that most parts and accessories, including most magazines, can be successfully imported by individuals without requiring a BFL. Examples of things you CANNOT import:

* AEG magazines with fake cartridges (i.e. P90, G36, SG 552 mags)
* Frames, receivers, and metal bodies
* Suppressors and silencers
* Prohibited-length outer handgun barrels (i.e. USP Compact, Glock 26)
* Hand and 40mm grenades that look real
And there you are. If for any reason you still want a full coloured receiver, refer back to the first part of this post.

And is there anyway I can get the trademarked version of the gun with the Glock symbols and writing on the slide? All the Canadian retailers have the blank slide.
I believe that reasonably trademarked versions of KJW Glock pistols are available. But again, if you want them, you're going to have to get age-verified and check out the forums' age-verified sections.


That was the long answer.

Short answer? Get age-verified.

Last edited by Alceister; April 15th, 2011 at 01:53..
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Old April 15th, 2011, 00:40   #39
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Originally Posted by S7EVIN View Post
Yep, I understand, but still no one has answered my question..
And I'm not changing my mind about the KJW, tokyo marui is too expensive for me at the moment.
Holy shit you're ignorant.

You've been answered before, go back and read what's been suggested to you.

If you can look past your ego a little, you'd find that you're on a site that fully supports the use of a private classifieds section. That, and this site has launched off airsoft in canada and have gone through hoops and loops just to make it so we can enjoy the sport a little better. If you want a gun, just follow the rules and you'll be fine. We're not going to tell you otherwise on how to get your "KJW glock without clear lower and metal slide" beyond what we have already told you.

Take your thumb out of your ass, get verified. And you'll have access to your 'godly' KJW glock along with hundreds of other options for your picking.

Acting like this is only digging yourself a hole at this point, people here have been trying to be helpful to you but you seem pretty keen on spitting on their faces. We've tried, but I guess we're not doing enough for you.

Last edited by Strelok; April 15th, 2011 at 00:44..
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Old April 16th, 2011, 02:20   #40
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Im not spitting in anyone's faces! You guys starting attacking me for saying that I don't want a TM! Im sorry that im new here and don't know how to operate the website to the extent of you "Masters" out there. You guys completely sidetracked my question with complaints about KJW and how TM is so much better, but I don't care! I'm talking about KJW. And it has nothing to do with my first question. Thank you above, for your rude comments. I have already got everything I need, so now can we just end this? Oh and I'm not getting 'age verified' because its a waste of my time, especially with such an unfriendly group of people such as yourselves. Seriously, I'm neither ignorant nor have a huge ego, or whatever else you people have been saying, I just thought I could some answers from the ONE canadian airsoft forum alive at the moment. And for those saying "check the forums", or FAQ's or whatever the hell it was, I have! But I haven't found one that answered my question, and I have looked. I don't understand what the big deal with being AV'd is anyways. There's no point in me asking these questions if I wasn't over 18 because how would I get an airsoft gun in the first place..Or use it for that matter!
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Old April 16th, 2011, 02:46   #41
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If you read the FAQ's, you would know about getting AV'd. You come on here, and ask where to buy a KJW Glock 27, and we tell you: Age verification > Classifieds.

Doesn't get simpler than that.
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Old April 16th, 2011, 03:13   #42
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Originally Posted by S7EVIN View Post
Im not spitting in anyone's faces! You guys starting attacking me for saying that I don't want a TM! Im sorry that im new here and don't know how to operate the website to the extent of you "Masters" out there. You guys completely sidetracked my question with complaints about KJW and how TM is so much better, but I don't care! I'm talking about KJW. And it has nothing to do with my first question. Thank you above, for your rude comments. I have already got everything I need, so now can we just end this? Oh and I'm not getting 'age verified' because its a waste of my time, especially with such an unfriendly group of people such as yourselves. Seriously, I'm neither ignorant nor have a huge ego, or whatever else you people have been saying, I just thought I could some answers from the ONE canadian airsoft forum alive at the moment. And for those saying "check the forums", or FAQ's or whatever the hell it was, I have! But I haven't found one that answered my question, and I have looked. I don't understand what the big deal with being AV'd is anyways. There's no point in me asking these questions if I wasn't over 18 because how would I get an airsoft gun in the first place..Or use it for that matter!
Trust me i've been down that path before and purchased a KJW hi capa because a TM was too expensive. It worked alright for a bit then broke in less than a month. First the hammer started catching on the bottom of the BBU then the disconnector broke and a shole bunch of other stuff. Because of the low quality of the gun some of the components inside were not made to TM dimensions. The TM parts didn't even fit and was a huge headache. I ended up just buying new TM hi capa instead of trying to fix it. Be patient, get av'd, save up and get a TM.
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Old April 16th, 2011, 03:39   #43
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Originally Posted by S7EVIN View Post
Oh, well, I live in vancouver.
Originally Posted by S7EVIN View Post
Im going off the advice of a professional airsofter and owner of an airsoft store.
A little off topic but I'm curious, since when has there been a local airsoft store around Vancouver? Closest "store" I know of is Poco Military (more of a surplus store?) but haven't had a chance to go out there since its around the outskirts of Metro Vancouver.
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Old April 16th, 2011, 03:49   #44
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Oh, no, I was talking about a person who owns an online store based in Alberta, I have been in contact with him. is the name, check em out, they got low prices...well low enough.
And to the comment second from last, thanks, this is the kind of comment I appreciate, not people right off the back judging me and calling me stuff.
And I have just gotten the KJW Glock 27, expecting extra lower receiver soon.
It works great! Nice, crisp blowback and it cycles really fast. Mag isn't leaky at all and its a little tight on gas but not a lot. Its also not gonna be my main sidearm, just for smaller skirmishes and stuff..
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Old April 16th, 2011, 03:50   #45
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OH and there is a place that sells airsoft in Van, they are on East broadway and are called Gorilla surplus, they are a surplus but sell some airsoft.
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