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Old March 4th, 2011, 23:25   #16
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Well, this is a good example of how the AV system keeps the stupid out.

I should've really kept that tally of kidiots warded off.
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Old March 5th, 2011, 00:57   #17
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Troll is a Troll, stop feeding them.
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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Old March 5th, 2011, 01:43   #18
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But they provide so much entertainment!!

Like this particular guy. He even brought paintball into the argument!
H&K G36c (KWA) / Glock 18c (TM) / Kimber LAPD SWAT Custom (TM) / Mossberg M500 (ACM)

Last edited by ap27; March 5th, 2011 at 01:45..
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Old March 5th, 2011, 02:16   #19
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i dont know why you guys are like this.. maybe hes new to the site and doesn't know how things work. and if you really don't like the question he asked why waste your time and reply back just to be rude. i mean i kinda understand where your comin from but com on grow up. you don't have to flame someone just because they asked a stupid question in the wrong spot. i mean he has to learn some time just answer his question and then tell him how the site works.

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Old March 5th, 2011, 02:27   #20
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Being new is alright, and if you hadn't noticed, we've done our best to answer his questions. Instead, they fly right past his head. He continued to question and even go as far as insult the system we have in place here.

Then the 'Flaming' began.

You're American, you don't have to deal with the kind of shit we do up here in Canada regarding airsoft, so pardon us if we get a bit touchy on the subject.

Another point is, we get idiots like this often. They expect to be spoonfed when tons of information is readily available to them. There is no excuse for being a lazy fuck, even on the internet.

Move along.
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Old March 5th, 2011, 03:43   #21
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Originally Posted by Goose0 View Post
i dont know why you guys are like this.. maybe hes new to the site and doesn't know how things work. and if you really don't like the question he asked why waste your time and reply back just to be rude. i mean i kinda understand where your comin from but com on grow up. you don't have to flame someone just because they asked a stupid question in the wrong spot. i mean he has to learn some time just answer his question and then tell him how the site works.
I agree with Strelok you don't have to deal with the kind of crap we do in Canada.

For example, if you wanted (and were 18 or something) you can go to Walmart and buy a rifle (after you phone it in to the police dept for a background check or something and get clearance). My American roommate tried to explain this to me. But then again I'm like 80% sure he's a shitpump and a walt.

Anyways, it's a totally different culture, "soccer moms" are a strong political force here, and won't listen to the voice of reason. So I personally think it's best for us to not rock the boat and try to make little steps over time rather than trying to push a whole package through parliament before opposition builds up (since again even if the MP's like the bill/package if they vote for it the "soccer mom lobby" will make sure they don't get reelected).
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
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Old March 5th, 2011, 04:24   #22
a.k.a. Phoneguy
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Originally Posted by Goose0 View Post
i dont know why you guys are like this.. maybe hes new to the site and doesn't know how things work. and if you really don't like the question he asked why waste your time and reply back just to be rude. i mean i kinda understand where your comin from but com on grow up. you don't have to flame someone just because they asked a stupid question in the wrong spot. i mean he has to learn some time just answer his question and then tell him how the site works.

Also, he has started other threads asking pretty much the same question. He was told politely in those threads how to attain that information, and I even went as far as posting the links he needs to read. He ignored the "warnings" and as Strelok has said ...... let the flaming begin.
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
When you are limited, your mind takes over. When you are in abundance, your mind goes blank.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Long story short:
If your gun is in Canada, leave it in Canada.
If your gun is not in Canada, leave it outside of Canada.
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Old March 5th, 2011, 08:46   #23
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Dead horse? Dead horse? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

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Old March 5th, 2011, 08:58   #24
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The worse part is that 007 Airsoft is one of the most renowned retailers around... Even a very simple and basic search would have yielded these results to the OP. With that info in mind he could have probably made an educated guess that the products are literally not available for civilian purchase, but only for military/law enforcement/film production.

Even then, common sense should have brought the mind to the conclusion that some kind of (very) official documentation would be required by said organizations to get Ken to bring in any of the "not for civilian" line.

Honestly, how are kids these days getting their brains so warped out of reality? I'm only 20, but even when I was 16 I had enough sense to actually do a lot of search and meet up with Ken from 007 Airsoft to talk about airsoft. Being local really helped, and so did the fact that Ken was more than happy to talk about airsoft, the legalities behind it, and how things were done in the Canadian community. Not only did he state all the facts I was looking for, but he EXPLAINED the reasoning for everything as well.

Great guy, and a great store to be sure. You wont find him bending, let alone breaking the Canadian laws on this stuff.
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Old March 5th, 2011, 09:08   #25
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