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best or favourite knife kill...



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Old March 2nd, 2010, 23:38   #16
Deaf_shooter's Avatar
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serious... you know when game lost reality when someone just threw knife far far away and it kill someone
my english is bad. however, It don't make up different on your ignorance.
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Old March 3rd, 2010, 09:19   #17
empty_mags's Avatar
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Best knife kill I have ever seen was Pavel from BCAC years ago. If some of the oldschool BCAC guys see this they will probably remember. Anyways Jer was driving his open top sidekick around the field, him driving and three others in side. Pavel jumps out and runs up to the sidekick and runs around the vehicle knifing everyone inside of it before running off.
People who know Pavel know he is straight up ninja.
ASC is like a car crash. You dont want to look at it, but you just do.
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Old March 3rd, 2010, 09:43   #18
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Not done by me (I think it was Donster). We were at wasaga (blackhawk town), and buddy was in the big bunker. A guy on the other team is sneaking up to the door.. all of a sudden this knife comes spin-flying out and hits the guy in the chest. It was awesome.
ya that was me

another one was when i went into the bunker complex at wasaga, and since i didn't own a pistol at the time, and only carried my M14, i pulled out my knife. Came up on pusangani with his hi-cappa pointed in my direction. I was faster and threw my knife at him.

Another time at flagraiders, i snuck up on yorkie, and got another throwing knife kill.

good times
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Old March 3rd, 2010, 11:25   #19
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Two favorites here, both at night.

First, wasn't myself, but we were at the keystone field in Manitoba, it was night, and we had just finished trading shots with some randoms, when I see some guy walking at to us with his gun over his head. Tells us that he just got "knife" killed. Low and behold, over the next 5 minutes we see 3 more walk by. Turns out they were on patrol at night, when Gord (frogman?) gets up at the side of the road, grabs the last one, knifes him, then falls in line, and repeats the process on the other 3.

Another night game, I just respawned in, went to go find something I left in one of the buildings, then heard movement. So I went prone, and had my gun trained on the front door. Buddy comes walking round the corner, and right into my gun barrel. Scared the hell out of both of us, but we had a laugh.

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Old March 3rd, 2010, 14:51   #20
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Not as epic as some lol but here it goes:

Doing some CQB last week, last game of the night. Got fed up with people just camping and bunkering down,said screw it. Asked for some cover fire pulled the knife and pistol and literally threw myself down the ramp sliding on the knee pads.

Kept them pinned down with the pistol as I slid down, dropped the pistol and not stopping hit the wall and went into a group of 4 of them with nothing but my knife. Got all the buggers lol. Was by far my best knifing spree. Like I said not as epic as some but it looked awesome from what I was told
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Old March 3rd, 2010, 15:41   #21
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I hate to hijack the thread, but out of noobishness, I have a question. Exactly what kind of training knives are these? It's obvious you guys aren't actually shanking each other, I don't mean to imply that, I'm just curious as to what kind of knife stand-in you all prefer to use, or if there's a standard at all.
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Old March 3rd, 2010, 15:51   #22
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rubber training knives, cold steel makes them.
Originally Posted by matt491 View Post
...stalker's gonna kill you....and you wont even see it coming! Hell, he'll kill you and god himself will be going, "Where the hell did that come from!?" CDN_Stalker should just be the new god!
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Old March 3rd, 2010, 16:07   #23
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Thanks. I'll look into getting one of those, sounds like a fun thing to have around.
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Old March 3rd, 2010, 16:14   #24
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I have one, which even I will admit was a bit of a douche move, but still epically funny.

During Op Drugbust 2, our team was completely dominated by the attacking team and had been essentially under siege in out fortified spawn point for most of the match. During one unsuccessful counter-attack, most of my teammates were hit and I was laying low afraid to move for fear the other team would spot me. I had the bright idea of laying low and waiting for them to sweep the area so I could pick a few of them off when they were closer... that is, until a slightly more devious, if far less practical, idea came to mind...

I waited until all my hit teammates had to stand up to go back to spawn, and a few seconds later I stood up like nothing was wrong, and allowed the other team to assume I was out (they never asked if I was hit and I never said it). I then casually strolled right up to one guy on the other team hiding in the bush, said "Hi, hows it going?" then jabbed him with my bayonet and yelled "Knife".

The best part? I was using this:

Yes, thats a shotgun with three bayonets taped to it. I think Stalker said it best when he called it a 12 Gauge pitchfork

I would talk about how you should always check if your opponent is hit or not, but I can't complain. I made the exact same mistake later in the game when I saw a opposing team member standing and chatting and thought he was out, walked right by him, and got a BB in the back for my stupidity.

Last edited by Greenwolf; March 3rd, 2010 at 16:16..
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Old March 3rd, 2010, 17:09   #25
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Greenwolf that's cheap and kind of kills the "roleplaying". I do admit though good idea but for me that's a bit close to "ghost walking" (ie. walking around like you've already been hit (no killrag) but when you get within engagement distance engaging).

@ Phylter:

Rubber/training knives from anywhere are fine. Also those plastic swords you can get from Toys R us or whatever are also good too. Just don't shank other people with real knives.

Real knives are banned on field in some places and at some others you're only allowed a small swiss or multi tool that you have to physically open to get to the blade (so you know that you didn't accidentally change the rubber knife for a real one and when you go for a knife kill actually shank someone).
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
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Old March 3rd, 2010, 17:53   #26
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Greenwolf that's cheap and kind of kills the "roleplaying".
I already admitted it was a bit of a douche move... though in my defense when it comes to role playing there were "civilians" and the like in the game. As I understood they were ordered to only fire when fired upon. Hell I got searched repeatedly that game for pretending to be a civilian. So from a role playing perspective they just ignored a local with a gun and payed the price.

Though in the end that is still a pretty weak justification... really all I wanted to do was impale someone with my 12 gauge pitchfork.

*edit* I should add the same guy I bayoneted got a mercy kill on me later when they broke the siege and stormed our spawn. Karma FTW.

Last edited by Greenwolf; March 3rd, 2010 at 17:58..
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Old March 4th, 2010, 19:03   #27
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
YouTube- MW2-AMAZING Knife Throw- Modern Warfare 2 (ORIGINAL)
greatest. knife kill. ever. in a videogame... lol

No wat bad company 1 you could swing your knife and kill someone that was 15 feet away not to mention break down fences with your knoife.. thats right i said Knoife
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Old March 4th, 2010, 20:49   #28
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
@ Phylter:

Rubber/training knives from anywhere are fine. Also those plastic swords you can get from Toys R us or whatever are also good too. Just don't shank other people with real knives.
So...would the polycarbonate training knives be ok? To be honest, I like the look of those much more. They actually manage to look like knives, instead of black rubber knobs.

EDIT: My bad, I was badly misinformed as to what the knives were made of, and how they reacted to pressure. The Sharkee-type ones look just fine. Cool.

Last edited by Phylter; March 4th, 2010 at 20:59..
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Old March 7th, 2010, 03:38   #29
S.Fisher's Avatar
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Best knife kill ever... Well not sure if this counts.

Soldier Gear when we were hosting games. We were playing a pistol match and because I really don't have money I only had 3 mags. I shot up everything I had so I was trying to be cool and sneak around. I ran up the stair way and this one guy was distracted by Scooby and was taking pot shots at him.

I darted across the hall, reached around the guy, locked his weapon arm to his chest, reached around with my other hand, applied pressure and took him straight to the ground where I performed the "Sam Fisher neck snap" .

Thus S.fisher I became

This was probably one of the most physical I got with anyone and it turned out to be one of the coolest kills I have ever got in Air Soft. The guy I did it to was not really happy but he took it, was the match ending kill..
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Old March 7th, 2010, 11:58   #30
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Heres one from back in the day at old FR.

YouTube- Slick_KnifeKills.AVI

Last edited by Slick; March 7th, 2010 at 12:01..
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