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SRC G36's series impact on prices on other G36's?


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Old November 27th, 2009, 11:32   #61
aka SNK or Shaniqua
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Originally Posted by MillerBRo View Post
From the experience our local airsoft retail outlet has had :

He contacts a company that has CANsoft items, like G&G, and he finds that he can carry and sell them for much much cheaper- and that includes all of his costs to ship, duty etc etc. He has the numbers and cash and he can do a large order of several thousand dollars. So he gets an account, in this example for G&G and we confirm the numbers with them and find that we could carry these CANsoft guns and sell them at a price near par to the USA... and then we place the order and thats when G&G realizes he is in Canada and they tell him that he must go through CAS for the guns though we can order the accessories direct from G&G.

so yes, because CAS and G&G has an agreement they are the distributor for Canada. Sure they ponied up the dough and invested first blah blah blah- fine. But dont fool yourself into thinking that their msrp is justified in any way- to be clear the local stores could very well meet the supply and the demand at a fair price and still make a fair profit, but CAS has cornered the market and padded the costs. If CAS cant afford to run their business at a fair price then I personally hope they go under so some one more reasonable can step in.

I have heard of American retailers that have considered carrying "Cansoft" in the future at American prices. No more kowtowing to this ridicuous CAS monopoly and their artificially inflated prices.

Last edited by SHÖCK; November 27th, 2009 at 11:34..
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Old November 27th, 2009, 11:48   #62
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Hi all, I've been following this thread loosely, and have come to realize that of course as consumers, you want the best prices possible.

Please allow me to show you this :

A TSD HK416 Gen III is selling for $ 410 USD MSRP in the states, while 007 and my dealers price is $ 460 CAD.

Please understand that my cost on this model is higher than TSD's cost. Simply because :
1) we don't buy in as large a volume as distributors in the States
2) We pay to have the Canadian receiver with C8 printing developed and produced
3) We have the M120 spring installed instead of on the side
4) We have the following parts blacked out with color treatment : gear box, selector plate, cylinder, copper contacts, external wires etc

In other words, for a Canadian retailer selling a SRC HK416 Gen III, we actually make a lesser mark up than a US retailer selling a TSDHK416 GEN III.

The SRC line of products are brought in to offer more diversity to the Canadian Airsofters. My goal is to bring in the top of the line products that are "worry free" and "outdoor ready". Of course, I also strive to bring Canadian Airsoft pricing one step closer to the "US pricing" we all long for.

I think when you mentioned the 100%+ jacked up prices, you were referring to the "other" Cansoft guns? Please understand that not all Airsoft distributors work on the same principle, or have the business ethics. Sure I do this to make money, support my family etc. However the biggest reason why I stuck out with supporting the Airsoft Community for the past 10+ years is because of my passion for this sport.

Please do believe me when I say there were (multiple) times when doing business in Airsoft made me less of an income than minimum wage. During those times I picked up other part time jobs to help me through. If it wasn't for my love of this sport, I would have simply given up on this business along time ago like the numerous smaller retailers we saw come and gone over the past years.

I'm in it for the sport, unlike other distributors who are just in it for the money. Instead of decreasing quality and increasing margin to make more sales, I increase product quality and decrease margin to make more sale. I truthfully thank you for all those who have understood and continue to support my work.


Last edited by KenC; November 27th, 2009 at 13:21..
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Old November 27th, 2009, 12:10   #63
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Cilantro View Post
The cansoft is cheaper and can actually be sold in stores, so that's the first thing a minor sees and even the stores that have an 18+ policy get circumvented by parents who buy it for their kids.
My first airsoft gun was a springer at the age of around 7. Ultimately, a lot of Canadian airsofters will have to wrap their head around the idea that almost everywhere else in the world where airsoft is accessible at all, minors own airsoft guns and play airsoft. There are two major reasons for this.

The first is the limitations of legislation and law enforcement. Even in countries with an explicit age limit for owning airsoft guns, enforcement is inconsistent. The police and courts have better things to do than investigate and prosecute parents for buying their children airsoft guns, provided there isn't an epidemic of children blinding each other with them or running and gunning through school. This is a good thing as far as airsoft communities are concerned, as there is a big difference between high standards for airsoft and draconian enforcement of actual legislation. The enforcement on airsoft is equal to its perceived problem-ness by the authorities. The stricter the enforcement on things like age of airsoft players or owners by the government, the more likely airsoft will pop up on some bill intended to ban it.

Second is simple market. Widen your market demographic by a few years downwards, and you're swimming in largely money from parents, grandparents and part-time jobs. Not really right, not really wrong, it just is.

I don't advocate selling to minors, but some of the foaming-at-the-mouth anti-minor-airsoft-anything sentiment is not really practical or fair. I for one have no problem with minors playing airsoft, so long as the parents retain control and ownership of the guns and provide proper guidance and supervision.
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Old November 27th, 2009, 12:10   #64
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Originally Posted by MillerBRo View Post
so yes, because CAS and G&G has an agreement they are the distributor for Canada. Sure they pioneered up the dough and invested first blah blah blah- fine. But dont fool yourself into thinking that their msrp is justified in any
The first Cansoft guns from G&G to land Canada were imported by 007 Airsoft, Cansoft guns from KJ works were also pioneered and developed by 007 Airsoft.

I just didn't have enough money at the right time to throw at both companies, so my exclusive distributor rights were taken away. And now, I have no control over the retail prices of products from these two manufacturers


Last edited by KenC; November 27th, 2009 at 12:24..
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Old November 27th, 2009, 18:51   #65
Join Date: Mar 2008
oh I know Ken- dont for a second think I was trying to slight 007 as you were, and always have been, one of the solid retailers doing his best for the sport in Canada.

I'm just tired of hearing other people claim that the inflated prices that CAS charges for CANsoft guns is in anyway justified by shipping, taxes, duty, magic fairies etc... because anyone who actually looks into it can see that it just isnt so. In a free market economy supply and demand is tempered by competition- CAS has a monopoly on G&G and their prices reflect that.
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