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JoeFriday is the brain behind the Props Canada fiasco


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Old September 18th, 2009, 11:10   #61
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Originally Posted by cerealmaniac View Post
well after 30 days the RCMP will be contacted. I highly doubt they will do anything though. I've had 2 unhappy transactions before but they weren't large enough to get their attention. Truth be told, it's extremely easy to get away with this stuff in Canada. Hopefully this can give the public a glimpse of what airsoft is like here in the great north.
Class action lawsuit gents. You have a criminal case, but, what you really need to do is pursue him in civil court. Going to jail is one thing, making him pay through the nose is entirely another.

Illusion, thanks for not letting this go, you and ASC have been like a dog with a bone on this one and you deserve kudos for it. It would have been just as easy to sweep all this away in the annals of Canadian Airsoft history.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 11:28   #62
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Is this order on as big a scale as the original PropsCan one?
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Old September 18th, 2009, 12:29   #63
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i literally read through 95% of the Props Scam info. all i have to say is... holy shit.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 12:32   #64
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small claims court ftw, you get a garnishment order on someone and see how fast they come up with the money, did that to some bad tenants who thought they were smarter than my family
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Old September 18th, 2009, 12:43   #65
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i have a few questions that i forgot to post before. i did end up reading all of the posts regarding the issue. i may have skimmed some obviously, but i understand (or at least i think i do) the extent of this scam.

1) As per my understanding, there are a number of people who STILL have not received their money or item from him. Correct?

2) He used to post here with "updates" and it seemed (from my reading) that along with DEA's help, things were moving, albeit slowly. What happened? Did he just drop off the face of the earth along with DEA? What about all the apparent SR-16s that were en route via tracking numbers?

3) A lot of the controversy that i seemed to read stemmed around the fact that Tokyo Hobby was to blame for the botched orders. Whatever happened to the legal action (ref. to Canadian/Japanese Consulate) taken against the TH owner Miki?

4) How many of Joe Friday's orders (aka: Greg/Serpentors) have gone through and how many have been fucked to date?

Again, if he is back, is he operating with anonymity and just chooses to pretend like the other shit didn't happen knowing full well that he owes X many people either money or guns!?!?! If so, why hasn't he died yet?
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Old September 18th, 2009, 13:01   #66
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i was thinkin the same thing.why hasn't someone gone knockin on his door yet????
if he owed me i'd be knockin on his door,without question...
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Old September 18th, 2009, 13:07   #67
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wow back when i joined i readed the props canada thread... sad... god i would be angry!

member of fire team NOM. my other regular forum: / gen3,gen4 camry
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Old September 18th, 2009, 13:20   #68
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I've had nothing but oustanding service from JoeFriday, bought 2 brand new guns one of wich was really hard to find, and they both were received very fast and with the most up to date communication I've ever had from an ASC seller.

When I do business with a new ASC seller, I always check up on him and I had seen that he was the person mentioned in the infamous PropsCanada scandal tho I was never involved in that. I thought I would keep the info to myself unless there's was a problem with my orders. After all, maybe the guy had turned a new leaf and I didn't know if there was still some unfinished business with the PropsCanada thing...

One thing is for sure, his business seems to be working fine now and maybe those involved should just put up a list of what Greg still owes you and maybe nowadays he won't have any trouble bringing in your guns. For all we know maybe he started his business again to get the money to setlle his debt. Pouncing on him might not be the best way to finally get your stuff... that's just my opinion.

Of course I'm relitavely new here even tho all my airsoft friends are well known veterans and I've been lurking the ASC site a couple of years... I have no idea how nasty it might have gotten between Greg and all those involved in the PropsCanada order...

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Old September 18th, 2009, 13:30   #69
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Originally Posted by tattoodan View Post
I've had nothing but oustanding service from JoeFriday, bought 2 brand new guns one of wich was really hard to find, and they both were received very fast and with the most up to date communication I've ever had from an ASC seller.

When I do business with a new ASC seller, I always check up on him and I had seen that he was the person mentioned in the infamous PropsCanada scandal tho I was never involved in that. I thought I would keep the info to myself unless there's was a problem with my orders. After all, maybe the guy had turned a new leaf and I didn't know if there was still some unfinished business with the PropsCanada thing...

One thing is for sure, his business seems to be working fine now and maybe those involved should just put up a list of what Greg still owes you and maybe nowadays he won't have any trouble bringing in your guns. For all we know maybe he started his business again to get the money to setlle his debt. Pouncing on him might not be the best way to finally get your stuff... that's just my opinion.

Of course I'm relitavely new here even tho all my airsoft friends are well known veterans and I've been lurking the ASC site a couple of years... I have no idea how nasty it might have gotten between Greg and all those involved in the PropsCanada order...
wait. you knew about this for a fact before this thread was posted? and decided it better left hidden?

If I was involved in the rip off of several ASC members, and had to disappear, SURE AS SHIT I would be on my best behavior if I ever managed to get back into the retailing biz under a new persona.

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Old September 18th, 2009, 13:46   #70
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
wait. you knew about this for a fact before this thread was posted? and decided it better left hidden?

If I was involved in the rip off of several ASC members, and had to disappear, SURE AS SHIT I would be on my best behavior if I ever managed to get back into the retailing biz under a new persona.

Like I said, I didn't know where all that business was at, I only knew that Greg Tully and Greg Auch were the same person, and my orders where already made when I found out... what would you have done ? + the info is pretty reliable but you can never know for sure. Anyway I'm only mentioning this because whenever this sorta thing happens on ASC, people pounce like crazy on the people at fault and it ends up with nobody getting anything with a bit of revenge with the person having trouble with the law. That's all good but if your priority is to finally get the gun or money, maybe dealing with him might be the better idea. But like I said earlier, I don't know anything about the PropsCanada business other than it was a big fuck up and some guy named Greg Auch was involved.

You're right tho about being on his best behaviour... altho if it's really him, what a very dumb thing to do ! Especially if you found out the same way I did ! But just maybe, like I said earlier, the man had a plan for paying his debt... people generally aren't that stupid...

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Old September 18th, 2009, 13:46   #71
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Wow. Good job Illusion, et al.

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Old September 18th, 2009, 13:51   #72
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JoeFriday (Greg) claims that he has cleared all orders from the Props Canada Days... from what I've heard, this is NOT the case, so if you are still owed something from the Props Canada orders, I'd highly recommend you get in touch with JoeFriday as soon as possible so that you can start getting things cleared up.

Regardless of his behavior NOW, the reason why we're so hard on him is due to how he handled the Props Canada situation. When the sh!t hit the fan, he ran like a coward and hid under a blanket, hoping it would all go away. Life doesn't work that way, and in doing so, he only infuriated his debtors for years.

It's time to face the music.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 13:55   #73
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
JoeFriday (Greg) claims that he has cleared all orders from the Props Canada Days... from what I've heard, this is NOT the case, so if you are still owed something from the Props Canada orders, I'd highly recommend you get in touch with JoeFriday as soon as possible so that you can start getting things cleared up.

Regardless of his behavior NOW, the reason why we're so hard on him is due to how he handled the Props Canada situation. When the sh!t hit the fan, he ran like a coward and hid under a blanket, hoping it would all go away. Life doesn't work that way, and in doing so, he only infuriated his debtors for years.

It's time to face the music.
For sure !

I'm just curious tho... If he did or does settle everything, is ASC gonna let him still retail here or ban him forever ?

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Old September 18th, 2009, 13:58   #74
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Having multiple accounts is a bannable offense, and that's just tip of the shit iceberg as mr. lahey would say.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 14:13   #75
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Having multiple accounts is a bannable offense, and that's just tip of the shit iceberg as mr. lahey would say.
Just make sure all his "JoeFriday" orders are complete before you do, else there are again alot of people that are gonna get screwed over...

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