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The most powerful Airsoft gun?


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old July 10th, 2009, 04:37   #1
2Equis's Avatar
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The most powerful Airsoft gun?

Basically the title says it all. I am looking to find the most powerful Airsoft gun available in Canada that does not require a PAL. After some Google research, I have been receiving mixed reports debating the fps rating of various guns, the type of ammunition used (lead vs plastic), the caliber of the gun (0.177 vs 0.22), etc. Most of my research has led me to a basic understanding that a 0.22 caliber Airsoft gun with a velocity of 490 fps using lead pellets is theoretically the most powerful gun available without obtaining a PAL. The reason I am obtaining this information is because I am interested in purchasing an Airsoft gun powerful enough to deal with a rat problem I have in a humane way (I want to be able to make clean kills without making the rodent suffer). At the same time, I am also an Airsoft enthusiast so I figure I could hit two birds with one stone (no pun intended). So if anyone could direct me as to if my research is sound or not and if not, please direct me to a source of information I could use. If someone has already asked a similar question, could you please link the thread as I could not find one. Thank you for all the help!
Swiss Army Soft Air SIG-Sauer P230
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Old July 10th, 2009, 04:44   #2
dirtdiver's Avatar
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Airsoft guns shoot 6mm plastic bbs. Your looking for pellet or bb guns .177cal/4.5mm or.22. Airsoft guns are generally far weaker and less accurate and won't kill anything that's not what they are designed to do. Also they are more expensive than pellet guns.

If your intent on pursuing your current plan go to Canadian tire or lebarons, bass pro shop and buy an airgun. Or go to for more answers regarding airguns.

Ever consider rat traps? Or getting a cat?

Last edited by dirtdiver; July 10th, 2009 at 04:48..
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Old July 10th, 2009, 04:51   #3
Drake's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Montreal, QC
You're looking for pellet guns, not airsoft.
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