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Hobby King


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Old June 9th, 2012, 10:56   #1
Fenton's Avatar
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Hobby King

I recently ordered a IMAX B6-AC Charger from Hobby King in Hong Kong and when placing the order I thought I might add a few packages of XT60 connectors. Well the male connectors were back ordered and were not expected to be in stock for at least a month so the entire order was put on hold. When I contacted Hobby King through the online customer support feature of their website the person helping me kept refused to identify the back ordered item. I repeatedly asked and the response was the same "your item is back ordered and we have no eta for it". They then terminated the chat. I logged back in and got another rep. This time they told me that the male connectors were back ordered. So I told them that I needed the charger and to cancel the male connectors in order to have them ship the remaining order immediately. The answer came back, " your order was changed as per your request".... then chat was cut off abruptly again. They did not ask if there anything else I can help you with or have a nice day or thankyou for your call.
So if you order from this company be aware that if one little thing is on back order then your entire order sits until it is available even if its a simple .45 cent plug. The impression I got from Hobby King was that they were reluctant to communicate with me in order to prevent me cancelling any items. And when I finally got the info regarding which item was back ordered then the chat I was in was terminated suddenly. This left me with the impression that they would prefer to inconvenience me in order to make a 2 dollar and 50 cent sale (package of 5 male connectors). So the order at this point is showing 1 charger and 1 package of XT60 female connectors still being in "Reserved" status. In other words, Not Shipped.
I will be buying from a different store from now on I think.
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Old June 9th, 2012, 14:12   #2
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I went to a drive thru and ordered a Whopper. The guy on the speaker was all crackly and asked if I wanted a Combo 1. I was like yeah the Whopper combo. he's Combo 1? Yeah sure dude, and a Coke. Him - Pepsi? Yeah sure. Then I drove to get my food and the Guy at the Window says "Thank you for visiting Wendy's."

Is Hobby King an ASC retailer, Icouldn't find him, no?
Go buy from an ASC retailer or GTFO of the resolution center.
Thank you for Visiting ASC.
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Old June 9th, 2012, 22:44   #3
Fenton's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Armyissue View Post
I went to a drive thru and ordered a Whopper. The guy on the speaker was all crackly and asked if I wanted a Combo 1. I was like yeah the Whopper combo. he's Combo 1? Yeah sure dude, and a Coke. Him - Pepsi? Yeah sure. Then I drove to get my food and the Guy at the Window says "Thank you for visiting Wendy's."

Is Hobby King an ASC retailer, Icouldn't find him, no?
Go buy from an ASC retailer or GTFO of the resolution center.
Thank you for Visiting ASC.
Well if I have placed a post in the wrong section then I do apologize.
Feel free to delete said posting or move it if you like.
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Old June 10th, 2012, 20:12   #4
Mr. Silencer
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It's a good FYI for potential buyers.

But it's pretty much my policy to only buy items labelled as "in stock" from retailers in Asia. And even then it does not hurt to email them to double check that they do in fact have them in stock.
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Old June 10th, 2012, 20:31   #5
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Originally Posted by Stealth View Post
It's a good FYI for potential buyers.

But it's pretty much my policy to only buy items labelled as "in stock" from retailers in Asia. And even then it does not hurt to email them to double check that they do in fact have them in stock.
Yes I am learning this. I am fairly new to airsoft and still getting to know my way around. I did find my initial gear at retailers in Canada though and never had any problems. Then you see a great price in an ad and you think how different could it be to order online from someone across the globe it will just take a little longer to get here. I would not of thought that someone would hold up an entire order for something as simple as a connector without letting the buyer know and find out if they want to wait an extra month before shipping everything out. The way of doing business is different I am finding, maybe it custom, who knows. I will have to be more diligent in researching products and availability in Canada from now on. Thanks for your input.
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