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GBB - Clip Blowing Out


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Old June 22nd, 2010, 10:33   #1
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Hamilton, ON
GBB - Clip Blowing Out

First off, I am a totaly new to AirSoft (see how many posts I've done ), so this may be a stupid question. I've searched Google and the forums, but couldn't find anyone who had this issue.

On Sunday I purchased a KJ GBB M9. I just got a chance to test it last night. When I fill the mag and shoot, the clip falls out (I now have a nice ding on the bottom of my clip after it hit the cement). After shooting a couple of times, the clip stays in normally.

I thought at first it may be beause I am left handed and that my fat finger would press upon the clip release button, but when I shoot with a gasless mag, it never falls out.

Am I filling it up too much (i.e. is the pressure too high to cause the clip to expel from the bottom?

Also I notice that after filling the mag, I hear a very quiet squeaky noise, as if there is a very slight leak. Is this normal (to expel excess pressure, etc), or is the mag likely pooched? I tried tightening the assembly, but it didn't help.

Any help for this n00b would be greatly appreciated.
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Old June 22nd, 2010, 10:46   #2
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Although you didn't specify, I'm assuming that you didn't buy this gun new, as this is the fate that awaits all KJW M9s due to their plastic mag catch. This is a very common issue, and occurs when the edge of the mag catch that locks into the notch in the mag wears and can't keep enough pressure to hold the mag in the gun.

But there are simple solutions!.

The first is the simple, quick temporary fix. The M9 has a nifty ambidextrous mag catch. You can remove the mag catch and insert it the other way. The up side is that it'll work for some time this way until that side wears out. The down side is that the release button will be on the right side of the gun instead. A bit annoying if you're a right handed shooter, but it's a quick simple fix and not hard to get used to. And since you're left handed, this is a better option for you anyway!

The second fix is more permanent, but requires a lot more work. The mag catch needs to be replaced with a new one. Guarder makes a steel mag catch they claim to be compatible with both the TM and KJW. In my experience, it's compatible with neither out of the package and needs modding to work properly. It requires some grinding with a Dremel to fit properly.

To reverse the mag catch, remove the grip plates. Be VERY careful with the right side grip plate, as it holds the trigger bar spring that can fall out very easy. Press the mag catch out, insert it the other way, and reinstall the grip plates. You should be able to do this in less than 5 minutes. Just note that this will be a temporary fix and you will eventually wear that out as well.
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Old June 22nd, 2010, 10:47   #3
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1) its a mag not a clip.
2) the blowback assembly is completely independant from your magazine catch. The only possible issue could be that the mag catch is worn and the blowback action is causing it to "pop" off the mag catch assembly.
3) remove the valve, dab a little bit of silicone oil on the orings, replace and your done.

Mags leaking on gas guns are as common as fat kids on cake.

Edit : Crunch beat me to it.

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Old June 22nd, 2010, 11:34   #4
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Thanks for pointing out my mistake. I did the research, and know know the difference between the two (makes sense).

I did by the gun new, or so I assume. I purchased it from a retailer, in the box. As far as I could tell it looked new, still in packaging. I didn't know that you could insert the mag catch the other way. This will definitely work out in my favour as a lefty!

I will look into purchasing the metal catch and will Dremel as necessary.

Thanks to both of you for the quick reply!
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Old June 22nd, 2010, 14:09   #5
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
To reverse the mag catch, remove the grip plates. Be VERY careful with the right side grip plate, as it holds the trigger bar spring that can fall out very easy.
Mine went airborne as soon as I removed the plate. Had to spend 20 minutes searching everywhere to find it back.

So yeah, use extreme caution when removing the right side plate
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Old June 22nd, 2010, 15:12   #6
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You can try contacting the retailer to see if its possible to exchange your item as it appears defective.

After 5 years of use the magazine catch on M9 KJ M9 finally wore out. I purchased the guarder one and as per Crunches response the fitment is horrible to the point that a fair bit of dremeling is required. The cheapest solution is to reverse the mag catch as stated above.

I would also like to suggest posting an ad in the parts wanted section as that is what I did when my mag catch wore out and a kind friendly user came to my rescue with brand new metal one.

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Old June 22nd, 2010, 15:48   #7
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It took about 2 years for mine to wear out, but it had a LOT of use in that time.
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Old June 22nd, 2010, 17:27   #8
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I just reversed mine, but unfortunately won't be able to test tonight due to prior engagements. I did notice however that the mag catch in mine is metal. The paint finish is still on the nub that fits in the slot on the mag, so I am starting to think there may be something else going on. Perhaps there is too much play in the hollow of the grip? I can feel a bit of jiggle from side to side, but can't pull the mag out by hand (I'm not ripping on it or anything - but I am applying a fair amount of pull).

I was very careful removing the right side plate as per the advice given to me, and the spring stayed in place. It looks like it would be a bitch trying to find that thing, had it decided to pop out!
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