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G&G CM16 Rifle inner barrel and other upgrades?


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Old August 20th, 2018, 22:45   #1
Join Date: Jul 2018
G&G CM16 Rifle inner barrel and other upgrades?

Does anyone know how long the inner barrel is on the CM16 rifle?

On that note - what have people done to their combat machines in terms of upgrades?
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Old August 26th, 2018, 12:23   #2
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Edmonton
If you have the short one (pictured above) is 233mm, if you have the long it's 357mm.

I wouldn't bother upgrading it honestly, there are much better platforms. But if you really want than I'd start with a new motor, aoe adjustment and shim. Other than that it depends on what your wanting it to do.
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Old August 26th, 2018, 12:28   #3
Join Date: Jul 2018
Originally Posted by strykr View Post
If you have the short one (pictured above) is 233mm, if you have the long it's 357mm.

I wouldn't bother upgrading it honestly, there are much better platforms. But if you really want than I'd start with a new motor, aoe adjustment and shim. Other than that it depends on what your wanting it to do.
What other platforms would you recommend? I would like to get more range out of it.

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Old August 26th, 2018, 12:57   #4
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Well unless you go sniper, expect not much more than 150' (even snipers aren't that long of a range due to the nature of what is being shot out).

What you want is something you like the look of and that has a decent barrel size (around 350). I'd also recommend not having a polymer body as they can break easily (although I've had mine for 6yrs but I take VERY good care of it, it's starting to crack).

I'd recommend watching a bunch of YouTube videos to see what catches your eyes and does what you want.

For now I'd keep what you have and enjoy the sport, when out at a game ask people if you could try their weapons and from there you can see how they perform to give you a better idea of what to buy in the future.
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Old August 26th, 2018, 17:31   #5
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Strykr has the gist of it. Only thing I'll say though is inner barrel length does not determine the range of the gun. That's primarily determined through hop-up unit, bucking, and nub. My vfc 416D (Inner Barrel of 275, r-hopped, m-nub, stock vfc rotary hop) can easily out range someone who is running a stock G&G SR-25 which has a monstrous inner barrel.

As for what platform to use, it's all personal preference, it depends on what you like. Like Strykr said, play with your gun more, try other people's guns and see what you like and what fits your play-style as well. You may find that you hate long guns like I did after thinking I'd love them. I've tried AK's and found them front heavy and I personally didn't like that. All depends on your preference and what you think looks nice.
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Old August 27th, 2018, 18:21   #6
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Put an Rhopped prometheus 6.03 200mm barrel in that gun, upgrade the spring to shoot 1.5j, and use .32g BBs, you'll be hitting 260ft accurately no problem.
Even with a drop in modify flat hop rubber and using .28s, you should be able to hit 200ft without changing your spring.

And just for mention, if a bolt action rifle isn't shooting at least 300ft with accuracy, it needs to go back to the guntech.

Last edited by ThunderCactus; August 27th, 2018 at 18:24..
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