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Dream Army MOSFET review



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Old October 17th, 2010, 23:44   #1
THe_Silencer's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Hamilton,ON
Dream Army MOSFET review

After blowing a MOSFET that I bought off RSOV, I decided to get another one, one that can handle an 11.1v lipo without frying. So I ordered a couple of MOSFETs with active braking off TheAirsoftReviewer1 of Youtube YouTube - AB (Active Breaking) MOSFETS for Sale! and for shits and giggles I bought this basic MOSFET for only $6.99! I know what you're thinking, what could possibly go wrong from a $7 MOSFET? (Don't answer that) The basic MOSFET arrived in about 1.5 weeks, which is pretty good since it came from China. The AB MOSFETs from youtube still haven't come in yet so I decided to test out the cheap MOSFET on my own gun.

The MOSFET came in a sealed anti-static bag and what you see on the website is literally all you get, it comes with no extra wires, which is an issue if you don't have any lying around. The MOSFET comes with a 30 amp car fuse ( I think?) and what little wiring that's present seems to be of good quality, all silvery and all, meaning they are more heat resistant I would take it.

Upon installation on my E1 P90, my trigger response was tangibly quicker and arcing on the trigger contacts were no longer an issue. ROF was around 21ish RPS using a 9.6v battery on my G&P M160 hi torque motor and mostly stock gears. That's about a 2RPS increase over what it normally shoots at ROF jumps to about 30 RPS using an 11.1v lipo, which TBH is the same as it was pre MOSFET BUT there's no arcing this time! I'm fully confident that if I installed my Element hi-speed motor, I would be getting 35+ RPS but I'm too lazy to do so now.

I've fired close to 1000 rounds with the MOSFET, most of it dry firing (I know! I know!) and it has held up admirably. I highly recommend this to anyone who needs a MOSFET but don't need extra frills such as active braking, 3 rd burst, etc. This is THE BEST sub $10 upgrade I've ever bought! (The King arms air nozzle for my MP5K come a close second)

Custom 2 tone gearbox!

Works with a 11.1v lipo
Comes with built in 30 amp fuse
High quality wires
Eliminates contact arcing
No AB means no wearing out of your motor!

No extra wires
Doesn't really increase ROF by much (2 RPS tops for me)
No AB means you still need your anti-reversal latch!

Score: 9.5/10

Conclusion: BUY! Anyone with decent knowledge of how soldering works should get a MOSFET and prolong the life of their AEG. I figured out how to solder a few weeks ago and the install went w/o any drama. A MOSFET is a must if you are planning on using a lipo and especially if you fire on semi a lot, which I suspect many of you do. Your trigger contacts will thank you!

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it - Aristotle
-Founder of Steel City Hamilton Infantry and Tactics
-Certified level 43 Autosniper by Commander Amos
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Old January 25th, 2011, 15:42   #2
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Northern Ontario
Great review! Just wondering, how long did it last? Are you still using it now?
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Old January 25th, 2011, 16:12   #3
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Location: Hamilton,ON
Sadly, I blew the MOSFET while I was trying to clear an extremely stubborn gearbox seizure and was too lazy to open up the gearbox. Sadly, it seemed that the fused did NOTHING to stop the MOSFET from blowing, it is still in working condition. It was due to my incompetence that it blew, no fault of the MOSFET itself. If it weren't for that the MOSFET certainly would've lasted longer. I'm currently using the MOSFET I ordered from TheAirsoftReviewer1 and they work great, AB really helps your gearbox from overcycling and shooting more than one shot on semi.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it - Aristotle
-Founder of Steel City Hamilton Infantry and Tactics
-Certified level 43 Autosniper by Commander Amos
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Old January 25th, 2011, 16:20   #4
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Northern Ontario
Hmm. Well I think I will try a few of these out. I need to start working on my passive breaking mosfet... better than an AB .
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