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Blood Pact: Warthammer 40k. (Advice needed)


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Old December 23rd, 2012, 14:14   #1
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Blood Pact: Warthammer 40k. (Advice needed)


I've been playing with the idea of doing a Blood Pact kit based off the Khorn Worshipping "Traitor Guard"/Warrior Cult forces fought in the "Gaunt's Ghosts" series of books during the "Sabbat Worlds Crusade" in Warhammer 40k.

Right now before moveing any further with the project, I need to figure out how to make a mask and helmet that will be sturdy enough to be able to be used in airsoft. Any one who knows how to do this, I would appreciate it.

Here is their Lexicanum page.
and a description of how they look:
Blood Pact warriors usually resemble a particularly ragged or barbaric regiment of the Imperial Guard. They wear fabric battledress uniforms either looted from the corpses of Guardsmen, or manufactured to resemble a basic Imperial design. Over this are worn packs, webbing and the usual assortment of infantry kit, including a steel bowl-helmet. Because their kit, equipment and battle dress is essentially a mix of plunder and homemade, no two Blood Pact troopers are ever identical. Their appearance is rough and ill-kempt: their clothing torn, patched and dirty, and helmets chipped and dented.

A Blood Pact member is most characterized by their ritual iron visor, known as a grotesque, and which is worn by all human members. These generally portray a grimacing, or leering face, often coupled with an exaggerated hooked nose or chin. These masks are usually a black color, although it has been known for senior officers to wear one of gold or silver.

Their armor and clothing is all a drab red, the color of dried blood. In fact, one of the Pact's rituals prior to battle is to dye their clothing with the blood of their enemy. As a result, the Blood Pact warriors exude a revolting, charnel stink, made even less palatable by the unguents and oils with which they anoint their bodies and their own lax standards of hygiene. Their support vehicles all tend to be painted this universal crimson as well.

A Blood Pact warrior's hands always remain bare to display the ritual scars across the palms and knuckles, made at the time of induction to the Pact. Often this ritual scarring covers other parts of the body and face. The deeper and more severe the wounds, and the amount, are part of a unofficial honour system and devotion to Khorne.
Here is some fan art/interpretations of how they would look along with other ideas for how Khornate Cultists and Tratior Gaurd units would look. These are going to be reference for this project moving foreword.

Fight for freedom. Death to the corpse emperor.
This Imperal Gaurds men has turned away from the light of the empror.
The blood pact on the assault.
A Blood pact trooper after washing himself in the blood of the slain. The blood must flow.
A Mortal human faceing the wraith of a Adeptus Astartes.

A Blood pact costume someone already put together.
full costume

Examples of "Lasguns".

Example of Autoguns from the Warhammer 40k setting.

(Any suggestions of how to convert a airsoft gun to look like above would be awsome. I'm thinking it needs to be based of a G36 with the hand rail removed and repainted.)

Their are companies that make "Chainsaw Swords" for use in LARP'ing, so I beee be planing on getting on of these for the iconic "Chainswords" of the 40k setting.

Last edited by Lockark; December 23rd, 2012 at 14:30..
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Old December 23rd, 2012, 18:29   #2
Cpt- Lovegrove
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i would recomend getting a cheap set of football pads, spray paint them red get a set of grey or black pants / top or coveralls pait a standard helmet red get a skull mask off e-bay swap out the mesh crap and install some safty glass

thanks for the links to the laz guns and stuff, i am planing on doing an Imperial guard loadout
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Old December 23rd, 2012, 19:35   #3
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Originally Posted by Cpt- Lovegrove View Post
i would recomend getting a cheap set of football pads, spray paint them red get a set of grey or black pants / top or coveralls pait a standard helmet red get a skull mask off e-bay swap out the mesh crap and install some safty glass

thanks for the links to the laz guns and stuff, i am planing on doing an Imperial guard loadout

The skull mask won't do for me. The Blood Pact masks are leering faces with pointed chins and noises.

Thanks for the advice anyway.
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Old December 23rd, 2012, 19:36   #4
Cpt- Lovegrove
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i ment as a base to sculpt onto
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Old December 24th, 2012, 11:20   #5
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Originally Posted by Cpt- Lovegrove View Post
i ment as a base to sculpt onto

OOOHHHHHHHH! I gotcha! Thow I'm not sure what matrial I need to sculpt the features out of, that will be soild enough for use in airsoft.
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Old December 24th, 2012, 21:37   #6
Cpt- Lovegrove
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2 part epoxy putty, then fiberglass resin then primer and paint..... i kinda want to make one now lol
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Old January 5th, 2013, 08:10   #7
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Great idea Lockark! I must admit me and my mates danced around the idea of a Traitor Guard impression based on the Blood Pact but never got off our asses.

Good luck!
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Old January 18th, 2013, 21:54   #8
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Just a quick update. This is going to be a alow project, due to not having the funds ATM so really push this project forword. In a few months I'm planing to try and attempt something with the mask.

I also found my Chainsword.

I'm going to do a good review on it when I get it. Dark moon makes a few other items that I think would be usefull in airsoft. Like the police batons, LARP combat knifes, fireaxe, ect. Seems promising.
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