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Old May 16th, 2010, 00:16   #1
Micleo's Avatar
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Exclamation G&G R4 Issues

I was recently at a buddy's house for some airsoft with a few friends. We were playing for about an hour and a half or so, when my gun started to do nothing but make a high-pitched whining, grinding sound. I didn't drop it to my knowledge, nothing. It just stopped. I got back home and took a look at it. I noticed these things:
- The fuse was burnt out
- The piston was pulled all the way back and locked there
- The motor would no longer spin, even when a new fuse was put in. It was jammed.

I took the motor out, tested it away from the gun, and it worked perfectly. Next, I used some needlenose pliers to slowly crank the gears until the piston released. (I don't know if that was the right thing to do, but that's what made sense in my state of mind) And yet, the gun still does not work. Every new fuse I put in is burnt out within one trigger pull, and I get no sound, no movement from the gun at all. If you've got any suggestions, please let me know! I appreciate it!

- M. Leonardo

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Old May 16th, 2010, 00:54   #2
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Charge your battery, or use a different fully charged one.

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Old May 17th, 2010, 21:26   #3
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Sorry, I should have mentioned this:

I tested the battery in the gun at the time, and it was nearly fully charged. I tried my OTHER identical charged battery, and it didn't work either. Next, I hooked a power supply directly to my gun and set it at 9.6v. That didn't work. The battery is not the problem.

- M. Leonardo

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Old May 17th, 2010, 21:45   #4
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Grinding and whinning noises are a bad combination,amplified by the shooter pulling the trigger wondering whats wrong. Stop trying to get it to fire as it sounds like you need a gun tech because I'm suspecting a stripped piston and possibly a torn up gear. No big deal in the grand scheme of things ,,,welcome to airsoft is all I can say......
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Old May 19th, 2010, 00:16   #5
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Ok, thanks. Well, I did only try the trigger once after each battery/fuse replacement, and once after checking the motor. All in all, about 4 or 5 times. However, I do get what you're saying. I'll check in with a gunsmith. On that note, does anyone know of an up-to-date list of gunsmiths, or maybe even one in Edmonton? I've seen an apparent "Up to date list" before, and none of the Alberta gunsmiths were still in business. Thanks!
- M. Leonardo

"Mercy Is Dead"
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