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Where the $*#! is lt_poncho?



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Old October 12th, 2005, 21:12   #1
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Where the $*#! is lt_poncho?

I bought another round and the guy is no where to be found. I went into the bathrooms (both) and didn't find him. I can't hang out at this strip/internet bar by myself so please if you see him out in the parking lot tell him that blonde really needed to speak to him and his beer tab is really high...
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Old October 12th, 2005, 21:14   #2
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Try getting his home address, and his phone number. I hate to see fellow airsofters getting screwed over on beer/net-time/hooker tabs, and would totally be willing to go over and visit his house on your behalf.

If necessary, I'll talk to his parents as well.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 21:14   #3
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Give your head a shake, man. You don't jump out of a shaky car so you can ride in one that's on fire.
Originally Posted by Duff_Man_in_CADPATs
I also noticed for the first time that Bod sounds a lot like Jango Fett.
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
I like the part where he got banned.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 21:15   #4
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I was chatting with him this morning, will let him know you are looking for him. Not 100%, but he was hoping to be able to make it to Ottawa this weekend for the big game at the LZ. Maybe if you are up for the drive you can find him there.

Originally Posted by Treadstone71
Try getting his home address, and his phone number. I hate to see fellow airsofters getting screwed over on beer/net-time/hooker tabs, and would totally be willing to go over and visit his house on your behalf.

If necessary, I'll talk to his parents as well.
IF of course, you pay him $20. 8O
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Old October 12th, 2005, 21:54   #5
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I use to play OFP with that guy.

Then one day we used a HMMWV addon with a messed up TOW... APER was missing an addon and kept getting disconnected... it was hellish.

The squad was never the same after that night, and that's the last time i saw Poncho.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 22:02   #6
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Funny guys. But seriously, what would you say is the solution when someone takes you money and doesn't respond for 2 weeks? I'm actually in this situation right now, and guess what the next action is on my list.

Unfortunately, it seems that posting the individual's name/username on the general discussion boards, is the only way for some to actually send off the goods that people have paid for long ago. And most of the time, it's not a problem with shipping, it's that the people are not responding back after they have accepted the money.

What should I do? It's 1 day short of 2 weeks, since I have sent an ASC member money for a package deal on some CADPAT pouches worth over $100. Before I sent the money, communication was fast, and easy. Since I sent him the EMT, I have not heard back. But he has taken my EMT alright, and disappeared. I really shouldn't say disappeared, he's still logging onto ASC quite regularly, just chooses not to read my PM's, or Emails. Now, am I just supposed to sit quietly here with my thumb up my ass and hope that he's going to suddenly change his mind?

I think we can all agree that would never happen. So what should one do, if posting in the general discussion for help is only gonna get you flamed and mocked? The problem is not the people getting screwed, it's the fact that members are regularly not following through with deals anymore.

(Sorry for the small rant, but it annoys me to see people mocking someone who is being taken advantage of within the community.)
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Old October 12th, 2005, 22:21   #7
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Dude man - I know your frustration - but did you get the guy's PHONE number?

You should know by now how unreliable the internet is these days - any number of reasons that real life brings on can cut someone off from the digital stream. If I was sending $$ for item, I get their telephone number. Lower the risk.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 22:25   #8
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For what it's worth, I hope you find the dead-beat. Personally, I think we should call his parents and get them involved, the little bastard.

Oh yea, I seem to recall hearing from someone in Vancouver that his name is Gregory LaFontaine.

Good luck!
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Old October 12th, 2005, 22:28   #9
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Don't worry, guys. I'm already on it. He screwed me over on another deal involving the contracting of the Contras for a private video. I was afraid to post because I got into a deal and didn't get great contact info. He only provided me with the email
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Old October 12th, 2005, 22:39   #10
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he touched my dog's bum.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 23:50   #11
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Originally Posted by Drake
I use to play OFP with that guy.

Then one day we used a HMMWV addon with a messed up TOW... APER was missing an addon and kept getting disconnected... it was hellish.

The squad was never the same after that night, and that's the last time i saw Poncho.
And this one time, Poncho and his squad were trapped taking fire from encircling Ruskies, and I was piloting the chopper to go extract them... and the chopper never made it. Poncho was down to his last mag, and then the game abruptly ended, something about host disconnected. Poncho was never the same after that.
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Old October 13th, 2005, 08:59   #12
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Originally Posted by dman
Funny guys. But seriously, what would you say is the solution when someone takes you money and doesn't respond for 2 weeks? I'm actually in this situation right now, and guess what the next action is on my list.

Unfortunately, it seems that posting the individual's name/username on the general discussion boards, is the only way for some to actually send off the goods that people have paid for long ago. And most of the time, it's not a problem with shipping, it's that the people are not responding back after they have accepted the money.

What should I do? It's 1 day short of 2 weeks, since I have sent an ASC member money for a package deal on some CADPAT pouches worth over $100. Before I sent the money, communication was fast, and easy. Since I sent him the EMT, I have not heard back. But he has taken my EMT alright, and disappeared. I really shouldn't say disappeared, he's still logging onto ASC quite regularly, just chooses not to read my PM's, or Emails. Now, am I just supposed to sit quietly here with my thumb up my ass and hope that he's going to suddenly change his mind?

I think we can all agree that would never happen. So what should one do, if posting in the general discussion for help is only gonna get you flamed and mocked? The problem is not the people getting screwed, it's the fact that members are regularly not following through with deals anymore.

(Sorry for the small rant, but it annoys me to see people mocking someone who is being taken advantage of within the community.)
Sorry to hear about your predicament, I'm patiently waiting for something I paid for three weeks ago yesterday and supposedly it got sent out last week, and still nothing, and the seller is difficult to get ahold of at times.

Anyways, you DO happen to realize that the poster of this thread, lt_poncho, is looking for, well, lt_poncho? He's trying to find himself, this is a joke thread, nothing more, and I doubt he got screwed over by himself. When people need to get ahold of someone regarding a sale, they post on here asking if anyone knows why no communication is happening, and in those cases 90% of posters offer info, not flames. Maybe the occasional joke, but still.........
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Old October 13th, 2005, 10:48   #13
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At least this isnt another bread product related thread.....yet.

The government doesnt want you to know this, but lt_poncho is a croissant.
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Old October 13th, 2005, 10:55   #14
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Noooooooooooooooo! You have crushed me. :cry:

I thought he was a Kaiser.
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Old October 13th, 2005, 14:24   #15
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker
Anyways, you DO happen to realize that the poster of this thread, lt_poncho, is looking for, well, lt_poncho? He's trying to find himself, this is a joke thread, nothing more, and I doubt he got screwed over by himself.
You don't know how far lt_poncho is willing to go to screw some over... even if it's just himself. But personally I find it odd that lt_poncho is expecting an answer when he talks to himself
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