Originally Posted by huang
But the bottom line is the factory won't risk their own life to make the product if they don't really know how to handle tritium in a safe manner.
Yeah, I've seen the condition of some of those factories, and have read and heard of many undocumented "incidents" regarding all types of factories in China, regardless of the industry or product involved. I think it's safe to say that many plant managers and owners in China care too much for safety standards, and likewise, many Chinese workers feel the risk are worth what they get paid (some work is better than no work, even if it's dangerous pay, right?) or the workers are completely ignorant and oblivious to the risks.
Ever read about the popcorn factories or hard drive factories?
btw, did you read that article about the Chinese government forcing Doctors to smoke cigarettes? LOL.
I shake my head at my home country sometimes...
Anyways, I'm NOT saying that these are done unsafely. I'd just recommend running a Geiger counter across the product as they come in to the country. If the Geiger count really is that high, I'm sure it'd be stopped at the border anyways.
I have a couple of Tritium related products here (made in China) that show a zero increase on the Geiger index.