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Old January 8th, 2009, 22:55   #14
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box mag pressure switch mod

i found it very cumbersome and slow to reach under the box mag to push the auto feed button. so i have come up with my own conversion to a remote pressure switch,along with a pictoral how to:

remove box mag battery before disassembly. batteries not included. some parts not for use with some sets, field sold seperately. (lol)

remove ammo cover and remove the two small screws holding the feed tube.

gently squeeze the two halves together and slide them upward. only needs to be high enough to clear the feed tube.

remove the two screws on the bottom of the box mag that holds the switch assembly.

slide the internals of the box mag out. it will look like this.

you will notice that the switch assembly is only held in place by this nut.

remove the nut and simply snip off the switch.

i used a tac-lite bladder switch i bought for about $13.00 dollars for this project. simply expose the wire on both the bladder switch and the wires from the box mag switch and attach them accordingly. i opted to hold the wires together by hand and press the switch to make sure i had the right combo. your finished product after soldering and shrink wrapping should look nice and clean.

here is what it looks like after re-assembly.

I have routed my wiring,including the battery wiring through the top ammo feed trap door. All nice and clean looking.
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