Thread: Bye guys!
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Old April 25th, 2008, 01:47   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: CFB Shilo, MB
Bye guys!

So on Monday morning I finally got through to CFRC and got the word that I'd be leaving for BMQ...on the 3rd!
That's right guys, on the 1st I'm being sworn in to the Canadian Forces (RegF), on the 2nd, the movers come, and on the 3rd I go. Course starts on the 5th

Sweet Zombie Jesus I'm starting to get nervous now, mostly from the tedious waiting, but damn...
So yeah, hopefully with my iPod I'll still be able to browse the forums, but definately expect some gratuitous pictures while I'm gone!

Course completes on the 8th of August, and then...we'll see what happens from there
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