Thread: ACU
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Old March 24th, 2008, 16:21   #214
Join Date: Mar 2008
Well, you can put any patch you'd like on your right sleeve (you're seeing two of the "same patch" on soldiers because they previously served with that same unit). You can be in the 4th ID and wear a 4th ID combat patch, for example. I usually stick with my 10th Mountain combat patch. Choose from the big infantry divisions for the most common combat patches.

1st Infantry Division (Kansas)
2nd Infantry Division (Colorado)
3rd Infantry Division (Georgia)
4th Infantry Division (Colorado and Texas, currently)
10th Mountain Division (New York)
25th Infantry Division (Hawaii)
82nd Airborne Division (North Carolina)
101st Airborne Division (Kentucky)

Stick with a combination of those and you're golden.
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