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Old February 29th, 2008, 00:35   #17
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Regina, Saskatchewan
Okay I will tell him that, and actually we had a conversation about the responsibilities of it and how the sport seems to be in the grey area... One of the things we talked about was some of the people who... Should not have airsoft guns... It was said in other words. If he began 'selling', it would be inner circle/trusted people only. He is a bit of an authority figure in the 'inner cirlce' I believe if it would be okay if it was only sold with extreme prejudice. Hahha. Thats probably not the right word, but it sounds cool.

I will tell inform him of everything said here. I may return with more information.

About the RCMP importing. Doesn't the military/RCMP have some things to do with airsoft? Or 'training' equipment? I thought they had something to do with dummy equipment and even airsoft usage for... Training? Maybe not RCMP... I do not know... I am not sure of replica firearms part. I will be talking to him tomorrow.
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