Originally Posted by Cushak
For planning the dates, I'm also looking at the lunar calendar. Other than lights we'll be setting up around the structures, I'd like it to be near-pitch black. Objectives will require people to move from one set of structures to another, and these would be the most dangerous times.
Zombie based movie of course!
don't over script things I have some minor scripting and even then I have conflicting opinions from one my minions on why such and such has to do this instead of doing what they want at the start of the game.
The radio might not be all that great and you'll probably want left open for normal/emergency comms.
now the TV idea is a good one.. you can get video broadcasters from radioshack (or whatever the hell it's called these days).
Raffle the prizes to everyone. The zombie role is probably the toughest btw.
finally all the games have been based for the lunar calender. 2/3->3/4 moon. gives us light but not too much. but keep in mind you get a cloudy/overcast/rainy night well no moon
so check your almenac or whatever for weather conditions in the area on that date for the last few years..will give you an idea of what to expect.