Originally Posted by Lawdog
Having enjoyed overnight games in the past, I commend the midnight movie break to you. It helps sets the atmosphere, gets everyone together for a few laughs, and gives you a chance to eat etc.
It also helps to have crazy sponsors who will help make the event a success. :roll:
Hmm, the movie idea does sound like a good idea - it'd have to be a zombie movie though.
One thing I'm considering for game-day is a raffle for survivors. Surviving Civilians would get the best prize (because to the difficulty do to few weapons etc), Soldiers the next best etc etc. The purpose of the raffle is to encourage civilians to stay civilians, rather than join the Feds or Corporates.
However if I were to do that, i don't think I could rotate the zombies and still have a fair chance for everyone. (I could always put all the prizes into just the main raffle).
I've also got a bunch of ideas:
-One channel on the radios could be a news station, with "regular updates" on how other cities are faring, any chances of backup etc.
-Scripted Scenes, involving myself (or not) and a couple other players, to get the ball rolling on Zombie infestation.
-Fake news broadcasts on a little TV in the town area...
For planning the dates, I'm also looking at the lunar calendar. Other than lights we'll be setting up around the structures, I'd like it to be near-pitch black. Objectives will require people to move from one set of structures to another, and these would be the most dangerous times.