I wouldn't settle for anything less that 50mm field of view and even thats a little tight. Any magnification over 3x and you're going to narrow your field of view. I think the Elcan knock off is the best option (for me personally) as it lets you put a scope on thats being used in the real world, but that won't interfere with your airsoft experience.
Now if you're just trying to recreate the look and you take the scope off, then by all means get a chinese knockoff (you're in for look, not functionality), BUT if you expect to be able to effectively use a scope with real magnification characteristics as RS in airsoft and actually engage targets at the distances we engage at, you're in for a surprise - I know I was. I went back to the safe area, took it off and went with iron sights for the rest of the day.
The only other option is the EOTech Holosight. That puppy is the cats ass in both airsoft and real steel and I use mine on three different platforms, a real shotgun (gotten 5 geese so far with it), my real AR15 (30m engagements put rounds in a circle no bigger than a toonie) and my airsoft C8.
I don't want to dissuade you from going for the look you want, but, you should know what the net result is going to be.
Has anyone here had good experiences with airsoft and magnified optics beyond 6x and 40mm or under? If so, what do you do to cope with the narrow field of view?