Originally Posted by [Lithium]
you love a dear, so you blow its brains halfway acros sthe field?? ok.
they were pioneers, two children already died from the hardships of living on the frontier. The boy brought home a baby deer after the father shot the mother for food (not knowing the baby was hiding in the bushes) The parents were against the boy bringing in a deer as a pet because they literally didn't have enough food to feed themselves. The boy begged and pleaded, and the parents felt so sorry that the boy had lost his little brother and sister and was so lonely. But the 'yearling' grew so quickly and began breaking into the families food supply and grain for their future crops. After nearly starving over the winter, they put all of their hopes in a handful of seeds for a future crop that they would depend on for money and food. The dad sacrificed his favorite dog to save money for the grain i believe but i can't quite remember. Anyway the father was injured by the gun blowing up in his face and the mother was forced to take care of everybody and plant the future crops. They erected an 8 ft fence to keep the yearling out but it hopped over the fence and ate ALL of the young plants that had just begun to sprout. this left the family in a dire situation with the father sick and injured and no money or food.
so they allowed the boy to put the yearling out of it's misery because the mother had shot it earlier out of frustration. Then the boy became completly distrought and despondent and floated down the river only to be found near death by some riverboat captain...
It's an old school 'coming of age' film..worth a look if you want to know of the hardships of the early american pioneers. the screen cap is from a colorized version of the original black and white film...