Originally Posted by RSM RecceGod
13. An individual may transport a replica firearm only if
(a) when the vehicle in which it is being transported is equipped with a trunk or similar compartment that can be securely locked, the replica firearm is in that trunk or compartment and the trunk or compartment is securely locked; and
(b) when the vehicle in which it is being transported is not equipped with a trunk or similar compartment that can be securely locked, the replica firearm is not visible from outside the vehicle and the vehicle, or the part of the vehicle that contains the replica firearm, is securely locked.
Feel free to clean this after this is answered.
Just want clearification.
So this (in bold, 13. (b) )Means that say your vehicle does not have a trunk or compartment that can be securley locked you can legally lay it on a seat and cover it with a blanket so it is completely not visible to anyone from the outside and on the inside of the vehicle, and have your doors locked... ? In laymens terms is that correct, and legal?
Also most cars DO have a trunk, say it will not fit (say its in a gun case), which then would not allow the trunk to be securely locked, does that mean you can then follow part (b) for proper transportation? (because in some cars the gun case will not fit in the trunk, but would in the back seat.)
Just a question I thought I may ask, I'd like to see someones answer on this.
(feel free to clean it when it is answered.)