It's hard to make a recommendation for this one, it's expensive.... *really* expensive. And doesn't have a lot of the quality of life features you might hope for at the price; battery cutoff, spring detenser, lipo level detection, hell it's missing the RAILS when you get it. The empty mag detection is pretty great but the paranoia about breaking your mags if you insert them without depressing the follower is a minor inconvenience sure, but a thing nonetheless.
I think the external build quality feels a bit less sturdy than the KWA, and I think the stock sights are worse too. The selector switch also has a habit of getting jostled just a little up by your thumb knuckle and without clicking into place, it'll shift to semi auto. I've already mentioned I dunno if this is common, or just mine but it happens, and it isn't a big deal for me, but it'd be nice if it wasn't true at all. Apparently the hopups have a tendency to rip after a couple thousand rounds through. Mine's fine but I'm keeping my eye on it.
I've mentioned all of this before, and I'm doing so again because I also wanna say holy hell do I love this thing.
It works perfectly for my local field, snappy trigger and accurate as hell, it fits my playstyle so well. I've tried a UMP, MP5K, and P90 and I liked things about each of them but this is the gun I'd take if I could only have one.
If you're looking to buy this one, just be aware what you're spending your money on cause it's a lot of damn money.
Also, I know most people have probably figured out their own solutions by now, but Condor MP5 Magazine pouches with the flaps cut off work for me. It's a tight fit but the part of the magazine which goes into the pistol grip will also fit into the pouch. You won't be quickly putting them back into their pouches, but they hold and come out just fine.
Last edited by JaccKrowe; October 3rd, 2019 at 22:13..