Originally Posted by Full-Auto-Seer
I'm excited for their other MkII with the "Canadian" stock and the locking charging handle. How's the hop on this? How much range can you squeeze out of it?
The “Canadian” stock you are referring to, I assume is the skeleton stock. Just a note to all, the real steel sten stocks fit perfectly on this gun with a very very slight dremmel to the base plate on the stocks. Perhaps 1mm needs to be filed off for them to fit perfectly. Not a big problem at all to modify.
Speaking to the distance, I was only shooting at a range of 30-40 feet and getting a great grouping everytime. The hopup is very good and very easy to set. The sten was not made for longer ranges as the barrel is quite short. For close quarters, this is the perfect weapon.
Here are some pics of the gun and you can see the hopup dial in one of them..