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Old April 5th, 2018, 11:49   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Trenton, ON
Question VFC HK416A5 barrel nut removal

I'm currently in the Ottawa area, hoping for any local gun docs with an HK armorer's wrench/tool to help me remove the barrel nut.

essentially the chamber piece of the upper receiver that fits the nozzle is not properly seated, protruding about 0.5mm. when the bolt is inserted, there is not enough clearance at the back for the upper and lower to mate without opening the front receiver pin.

this is an issue because as it stands, the only way to open the receivers is to remove both pins rather than the rear due to the protrusion of the bolt from the improperly seated chamber piece. I can remove the outer barrel from the receiver and readjust the seating but first I need to remove the barrel nut.

are there any other ways to remove the barrel nut?
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