Depends on who's hosting, but typically it must be BA. If you want the extra FPS, your gun must only shoot one round per bolt pull. Some fields have a DMR class as well, but that's a waste.
Sniper's are not always using BA and they aren't just hiding, or they wouldn't be very effective. They may utilize some silence and concealment a little more, but I can roll up behind the enemy lines with my M4, proper camo and movement tactics.
Higher FPS isn't always a boost for distance, but it can assist in the running of heavier ammo, which can help accuracy, distance, consistency, but not always. Guns have to be tuned properly, and often expensively, to take advantage of this.
Here's the issue with HPA. Many fields still don't know how to chrono these guns properly. Most platforms drop velocity as heavier weight ammo is introduced, so the kinetic force doesn't rise. HPA units don't do this, causing joule creep. If the field limit is 400 FPS on 0.20g BBs, that equates to 1.5 joules. If I put a 0.28g round in that gun, it's FPS drops down to about 330 FPS, which is still under 1.5 joules respectively. So it doesn't matter which round weight I put in my gun, it stays under the limit. So I can borrow ammo or magazines, from friends, or just switch BBs if I need.
HPA units don't suffer this drop and are even known to increase velocity slightly with heavier weight causing, in some cases, huge joule boosts. If a an HPA unit is chrono'd properly it'll enter the field unable to go over the joule limit with any weight, same as every other gun, so there's no real benefit. It's a loophole that many players use to run with hot guns and get away with it. They likely get chrono'd on 0.20g, and then like everyone else, go to a heavier weight, except their guns now shoot over the limits. So no, although HPA can be very efficient, other than the fact you have to carry a hose and tank, "UGH", they aren't better when put up against the same rules and ammo as other platforms. That's why many fields just ban them, it's easier than learning how to control them properly.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
Last edited by Ricochet; May 24th, 2017 at 15:28..