Agreed with St. Ides, at best, those BBs will just fuck up your hopup and leave nasty crap in the gun. Get rid of them, go buy some new ones, and, as mentioned, STOP FILING AWAY AT YOUR GUN. Clean out your gun before you use it again, making sure you got all the bits of metal you filed off out of the gun.
Before doing that, go do a thorough readthrough of the FAQs, and I mean everything. From proper transport to ammunition, I'm getting the feeling you REALLY need to go read that, it would have avoided the BB issue in the first place.
I'd also recommend slapping your idiot brother, as there is zero way, anyone with common sense would figure the corrective action would be to start file-fucking a brand new gun, if you're lucky, you haven't done too much damage.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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