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Old March 13th, 2017, 23:39   #19
Katipunero's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Toronto
Finally discovered why the Ra-Tech bolt carrier has been eating bolt catches.

The stock bolt carrier on the left, RA-Tech on the right. Since the RA-Tech 'height' is shorter, less of the bolt carrier actually contacts with the bolt release, thus slowly chipping away the tip of the bolt release.

On the stock bolt carrier you can clearly see the much larger surface area of that the bolt release rests on and the indentation of the surface area that the bolt release rests on.

Does anybody have the angry gun bolt carrier? I would like to know if it's profile is the same as the stock WE bolt carrier. I would like to give it a try if the profile is the same as stock.

You're probably wondering why not just get a new stock WE bolt carrier? Definitely will, but overall the only reason I bought the RA-Tech bolt carrier was that it is steel and not pot metal. If they made it exactly the same specs as the stock carrier then there would be no issue, but clearly there is.
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